But Crixx, they saying "Human" brain size, not WHITE MAN brain size....ROFL
Besides, everybody knows Asians have far superior Intellect...AHAHAHAHAHA J/K
lol thanks for the laff i eh doubt yuh doh lol
but back to serious ting, no they arent just saying Human brain size, they saying mans brain grew thanks to cooling of the ice age. They are trying to be slick, not outrightly saying that well since the north is where the vast majority of the cooling was, and the cavemen of the north were "white"
and the grass skirt chikkun eating darkies from africa were in teh sweltering heat... teh caverzorors would have teh bigger brains. The next step as they stated would be to take measurements of brain sizes of teh cavemen vs teh darkies, to prove their theory that the cold made brains bigger.
THENNN the eugenic nuts/ neo nazis/whatever non white christian haters left will start saying see!!!
we told yalll dat dem darrr naayygurrs was stoopid!! hyukhyuk *back hands wife*