Well excuse my ignorance...fellas on the corner here I come...but first, 4000 injured in 2 weeks 900 dead of which 300 were children in a country with a birthrate of 1000 those figures bouncing pretty close to genocide....sigh seems U need to come out on the corner and blather nonsense with me an the rest of ignorant guys cuz the jews where not the only one to suffer at the hands of a holocaust they lost 2.3 million hmm wonder who where the nex 3.7 million mayb with your infinite knowledge u can tell me I am gonna use some BIG WORDS an try an sound as educated as U "LOL what an idiot" do u even no the real meaning of the word Holocaust no retard dont wiki it, u sud no U are educated. jus so funny....it came from the greek word "holo-kauston" which means "all burnt" so to be grammatically correct when the americans bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki oh yeah it wasn't jus one area bet U didn't no, that is a holocaust cuz what the blast dont kill the heat will it "BURNS ALL IN ITS' AREA" ever hear about a shadow silhouette hmmm I can guess...no. This is what happens when nuclear energy burns outlines of object onto the ground this was found in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.....an in the modern adaptation of the word the events which took place 1994 in Rwanda was a holocaust......Hey sorry gtg the rest of my ignorant friends reach with the nip of puncheon so we are gonna do what us ignorant ppl do out on the corner to blather nonsense...ROFL
so wat u are sayin is it ppl have to many children dey sud b killed...hmm so if someone gives birth to more than 3 children put them to death cuz it will b better for society sounds great........sigh an some scholar beg to differ.....
Got this in an email from a friend have a look........can anyone explain how this happened...
Just for the record, white phosphorous isn't banned. You're supposed to exercise care when using it around civilians but it isn't banned. The U.S. used it extensively in Iraq and Afghanistan.