Logitech announced details about their newest gamepad earlier today, but that isn't the only reason that gadget geeks are all giddy. Press photos of the new G13 Gamepad show the product attached to an as-of-yet unnamed new Logitech keyboard, which some believe to be the rumored G19 model.
Formal details of the G19 are non-existent, but a number of features can be gleaned off the photo. The unit carries traditional Logitech keyboard badassory features like backlit keys and extensive control options, but that's not all. There are a trio of grouped fast function keys positioned on the left side of the unit, some of which appeared to be numbered G11-G15. The feature that has our interest most peaked though, is the large (for a keyboard anyway) display screen positioned in the center. We have no idea what it's for, but it seems a little too big to just be used as a way of displaying basic game data. From the image, it would the screen is a full-color LCD. Perhaps it can be used for viewing media content?
With all marketing focused on the G13 Gamepad at the moment, who knows when Logitech will cough up any new information on their next edition keyboard (our guess is CES in January), but you gotta admit, side by side they do make a cute (albeit orange) couple. Stay tuned to IGN.com for the latest on the mysterious G19.