Dr. Strange is Marvel , I think you meant Dr. Fate. They could have made their departure so much better by simply not giving her superpowers and just letting Clark and Lana realise that they not in love anymore and its time to move on.Oh and Lex aint dead. Yes smallville pretty much butchered the comics so far but they cant kill off Lex without him ever seeing Superman.Rage I will agree with you that this show has really gone down since Pa Kent died. There are a few good episodes thrown in between but sometimes they are rare. I watch it because I've watched it since episode 1 and I will watch it to the end.
Long live CLANA!!
Quote from: Crixx_Creww on February 09, 2009, 10:46:20 AM Long live CLANA!!Your fascination obsession with KK reaching unhealthy levels.