If you don't want to spend the money on protein powders Trini, you'd do well to drink chocolate milk after each of your workouts.The ideal post workout drink for protein synthesis is water with whey, dextrose, maltodextrin, BCAAs but some chocolate milk will do more for you post workout than water will.Additionally you should eat a proper meal with carbs and protein an hour or two afterwards to keep protein synthesis happening optimally.I was probably more or less in your shoes Trini at the start of the year. If you want I could tell you my routine that I used. My waist went from 33" to 27" in that time and I've got some pretty decent abs including those diagonal cut lines and all that. I don't think you should be trying to get smaller than that though. I was frankly quite disgusted at how much more of a beanpole I was when I finished my cut and look forward to getting my lean mass up past where I was before.Strangely enough I get more looks now (from women, man does still merit a cuff), probably the better chest:waist ratio.