I understand no harm done, thought u were purposely just gang banging, lol.Lol and whichever one of you was playing wolf was good to fight against.Now to go see who is online! (no one is online!!! I NEED MORE FRIENDS!!! )New era outlaw, whats your friend code? Its not up on the official list.
we shud make a specific night or time that most ppl free and jsut have a big sweat
I had an electricity surge yesterday and got 3/4 RROD for my xbox
Quote from: JewishMonk on March 30, 2008, 10:06:54 PMI had an electricity surge yesterday and got 3/4 RROD for my xboxuhhh..... yay? wrong thread! I get alot of lag playing you too rten, but still your the best opponent I have so i dont mind playing ya