Author Topic: Rant - I'll make you cry  (Read 5305 times)

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Rant - I'll make you cry
« on: February 27, 2008, 07:17:50 AM »
Ever since i was a wee lad growing up my mother always you used to sing this song to me before unleashing her rain of blows. The words go like this..

"If I don't make you cry, you will make me cry, cause somebody IS going to cry"

Honeslty i never understood it until many years later and at that time felt I did something wrong but I shouldn't have gotten the licks for it. Then there was that time in primary school when i got 9 out of 10 in the spelling test for the life of me i failed to see the big deal yet i was given one stroke for the word i got wrong while my fellow classmates got stroke equal to the words they got wrong.

Where am I going with this?,73975.html

Another one is dead...and before this Monday I read how the government is 'surprised' by the sudden increase in violence, porn, drug use, porn in our schools.

Are you? Not me...ever since they removed corporal punishment a bad situation worsened. I remember back in my days one of my class mates having a bag of....'skunk' in form 4. Then one of my other friends constantly relating to us stories about couples in his school banging on the back steps. So basically i know about this stuff long before we had cell phones and 20 feet high fences.

They blame it on Nokia, Motorola and Sony Ericsson and if this isn't enough Sharp, Samsung...who else makes TVs?....Still further they blame Dell, HP and Toshiba

I tired of the attitude "It isn't my fault".......they want to brace the security for not coming to Shaq's rescue (youth man that got killed)....The security CANNOT be in the right place at the right time that is ridiculous.

His mom said the same ole same ole good oh WHY did homeboy have $4,000 in cash on his person....he cashed a football cheque...ok...when? School starts at 8 the bank opens around that time. Why did he have to do it during school hours?

Sad to say I feel had this happened in a Prestige school (sorry I know we always come down on these...if it's any consolation i went to one for 7 years so i know first hand) the uproar might have had Patos making comments ONE TIME.

Now I wont say Martin joseph is to blame or Patos. This time I'm going home ITS the parents fault. You must have some measure of control over that cuddly ickle baby you brought into the world but you failed. You failed him, you failed me, you failed NEO and W1ntry and NGW, You failed trinidad, you failed as a parent and someone should punish you.

Trouble in this place tonight........BAN....KAI


Rant - I'll make you cry
« on: February 27, 2008, 07:17:50 AM »

Offline Crixx_Creww

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Re: Rant - I'll make you cry
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2008, 08:36:09 AM »
yu mean the parents of the murderer failed us all

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Re: Rant - I'll make you cry
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2008, 09:17:15 AM »
I agree and good read.

I'm all for punishment. Start small, with talking, work your way up to deprivation (taking away priviledges, time outs, grounding) then unleash the pain (lihixxxxxxxx idmc).

Consistency is key, you got to stick to your guns (or leather belt) for a lasting effect.

In a PTA meeting the other day, the principle complained about indiscipline and asked for suggestion on curbing it. We then asked which children were exhibiting excellent disciple and once identified, asked their parents who were in attendance what was the "secret" to keeping these children so well behaved.

The answer, in each and every case, was lixxx. True story.

Whoever stopped corporal punishment in schools should have their head examined with a blunt instrument imo.

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Re: Rant - I'll make you cry
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2008, 10:10:17 AM »
I agree 100000000000000000% Its the same situation here in the US, where kids are kings of the school, you touch them with a feather on their hands and you get arrested. The amount of disrespectful kids that I see on a daily basis are ridiculous. Parents of these kids obviously have no control and no care for what their kids are out there doing to others.

Just the other day I was on the subway on my way home, a bunch of unruly teenage girls obviously from the ghetto were on there dancing on the train like if they were in a schoolyard, laughing and making a bunch of noise not being considerate of all the other riders on the train. At their stop as they are getting off, they grab an OLD woman's hat off her head and throw it onto the floor and run off laughing like a bunch of retards. Obviously they have no respect for others much less their elders. Its this sort of nonsense that pisses me off.

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Re: Rant - I'll make you cry
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2008, 10:18:25 AM »
Then there was that time in primary school when i got 9 out of 10 in the spelling test for the life of me i failed to see the big deal yet i was given one stroke for the word i got wrong while my fellow classmates got stroke equal to the words they got wrong.

sigh...i remember them days, i remember smiling and taking it...i scuked at seplling...

indeed hoss, licks was a part of growing up in Trinidad long time.

But parents today want to use to much Dr. Phil BS.
I not sayin it doh have a place for that, but yuh cannot reason with a child like you reason with an adult. A child will understand the rod faster than anything, simply immc!

doh hit the children yada yada yada man blaze they tail, who doh hear does feel as they say.

They blame it on Nokia, Motorola and Sony Ericsson and if this isn't enough Sharp, Samsung...who else makes TVs?....Still further they blame Dell, HP and Toshiba

In my dad days it was Ozzy/Black Sabbath/Judas Priest
In my day it was TV/Internet
now in the new gen day, is the games/technology/Tila Tequila

parents/media/people always need sum to blame no matter how irrational it is. Ah mean don't we all like a quick fix?

Whoever stopped corporal punishment in schools should have their head examined with a blunt instrument imo.

I vote one ah them chiney ruler or a faber castle pencil with one ah them crappy rubbers shape like a house


Re: Rant - I'll make you cry
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2008, 10:18:25 AM »

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Re: Rant - I'll make you cry
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2008, 01:09:08 PM »
I heard on the radio the mother of the deceased said she has no hard feeling against her son's murderer cause she knows if the situation was reverse her son would have killed him instead.... WTMC!!!!!!!!!!!!! someone on Red 96.7 was saying she has a heart of gold, I wanted to call and say on the radio either a heart of gold or a heart of STONE....

I think that LIHIXX is a necessary evil in the upbringing of a child. I know of VERY few ppl that didn't get lix and turned out fine, my cousins being the ONLY ones I know personally. However meh uncle discipline is a MENTAL TRIP... so I can understand how they managed to stay SO straight and narrow... lix better dan he 'talks'... that aside. I got lix, meh neighbours got lix, meh padnas at school got lix (in primary and secondary at least until form 4) and we all turned out well. Compared to others these days that wayward and well in the worse case... we have this unfortunate event.

But it's not  just corporal punishment they taking out of schools and home, it's RELIGION. Now I know ppl have their own opinions on religion *coughs redlum coughs* HOWEVER I think ANYONE that has gone to a 'prestige' aka 'religious FOUNDED' institution where values and discipline was transcended from the OLD days, can attest to the overall discipline and morale of the school being HIGHER than in a school that separates religion from it's curriculum. The minute they took not just religion but GOD out of the equation... well they left room for the 'next' religious/spiritual figure to step in... can you guess 'his' name? i'll give you a hint, he has many names but the most popular begins with D or L.... anywhos... Just look at the spate of HEINOUS crimes... look at luke? look at this, look at the porn in schools... I agree crap was going down since time immemorial, however you mean to tell me that the ministry and everyone suddenly SHOCKED at this crap?

Give me a &*($ing break! these damn WAFT (Waste A F&*king Time) parents who themselves prolly wotless are MOSTLY to blame. Second would be school systems and lastly the child. T&T wants to reach 1st world... yeah right 1st world my @$$, all these things to me are clear indications that they doh know they @$$ from their elbows (those helming the country that is) at least this rounds Hazel baby not in the direct line of fire as the min. or education.

WAKE TO F&*$ up ppl, if you have a SPIRALING crime rate, yuh expect it not to trickle down to ALL ages and demo graphs of society? I surprised this is the first time this happen or at least reported... let me stop before I blow a fuse... *W1nTry whips out the BGB (BIG F&*(ing BELT) and starts wailing miscreant children like there's no tomorrow* mind you too much of anything is good for nothing, so lixx yes, ABUSE NO!

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Re: Rant - I'll make you cry
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2008, 02:25:13 PM »
Before i forget.

1st world status, Prime example - The USA

Im sure when patos meant 1st world he mean the United States of Trinidad.
Which is ok cause you have to aim for something or you will hit nothing.

Ok so we want to be like the Americans, right? WRONG...Some poor sap who was bullied as a child and denied oreos as a snack figures the world is a cruel place will get a couple guns and walk up in a school and fire at anything that moves.

God forbid we get to this point before we impeach Patos. I heard someone say they thinking about putting in security gate thingies at the governement secondary schools.....whats going to stop harry from throwing a bad of goodies over the back fence and then walking through the sensor only having to remove his belt?

I agree with the whole religious stand point. And i believe we've ranted about it before. Remove moral fibre and you get exactly that......NO MORALS

Im all for corporal punishment and i WILL manners my younglings when i have them.

I remember once a child about 3 yrs old cursed and before momz could raise her hand the child begins to cry saying " I said a bad word" lol cute.....STILL GET BLOWS!!

I remember i broke school once to stay home and play with my new super nintendo....needless to say my mother found out...I never broke school again until form 5 when it was ok to do so

The way i see it, if we want first world status so bad we better be ready to deal with 1st world problems like terrorist, well in our case the million and one gangs we have.

Trouble in this place tonight........BAN....KAI

Offline Crixx_Creww

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Re: Rant - I'll make you cry
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2008, 04:35:38 PM »
oh and the boy wasnt killed for $4000 man

it was 40 dollars
he had 40 dollars on him wow


Re: Rant - I'll make you cry
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2008, 04:35:38 PM »


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