Mobile phones found not to give you brain cancerQuit worryingBy INQUIRER Newsdesk: Wednesday, 06 February 2008, 2:25 PMINTO THE DO-THEY don't they mobile phone brain-frying debate comes a Japanese study which concludes that using the pesky devices does not raise the risk of getting a brain tumour.Researchers at Tokyo Women's Medical University compared 322 brain cancer patients with 683 healthy mobile phone users and found no increased risk of the three main types of brain cancer in regular mobile phone users.They assessed levels of radiation in terms of the number of years since a mobile was first used, the average number of hours spent on the phone each day and which parts of the brain were most likely to be affected.Professor Naohito Yamaguchi, of the Tokyo Women's Medical University, said: "Using our newly developed and more accurate techniques, we found no association between mobile phone use and cancer, providing more evidence to suggest they don't cause brain cancer."Dr Lesley Walker, Cancer Research UK's director of cancer information, isn't convinced "So far, studies have shown no evidence that mobile use is harmful, but we can't be completely sure about their long-term effects," she said. " Research is still ongoing and Cancer Research UK will continue to look for new evidence."The study appears in the British Journal of Cancer