Would go with the flow IFF (If and ONLY iff) it was FREAKING AVAILABLE... however as their deployment is about as fast as a fungus growing in the sahara, unfortunately ppl like Eroo and myself have NO RECOURSE.... thing is, we WILL GET THE REBATE and eventually the service will be corrected, however that does NOT MAKE UP FOR MY LOSS OF XBOX LIVE TIME WHICH IS PAID FOR, it DOES NOT MAKE UP FOR the many EMAILS I would/could have sent to ppl for Ole/New years, it DOES NOT MAKE UP FOR the time TALKING TO FAMILY ABROAD VIA SKYPE, it DOES NOT MAKE UP FOR the WOW account that goes unplayed, it DOES NOT MAKE UP FOR the RIDICULOUS AND TERRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE and dealing with ppl with the IQ of a retarded SHRIMP in a LAVA BATH, it DOES NOT MAKE UP FOR the CRAP excuses they give... if NOT for the TRAFFIC going into POS I would be in TATT RIGHT NOW, in fact... I think today later on when the traffic eases I WILL FINALLY make that trip cause this IS crap to SUCH A HIGH DEGREE that it's deserving of some award so terrible it's not been imagined yet...