There is a comic surfacing on the internet about Jade.......
its not really funny, the concept is though. Basically she does "Stuff" to guys to get her to play her game.
The thing that is not funny is that the artist made her act like a bimbo. Like she doesnt know how to say "creative". First off as a producer...she basically PWNS your in all you IT, animators, programmers, level designers, sound engineers, storyboarders do what SHE says. Her job is to make sure YOU DO what you are supposed to do...and you do it ON TIME and ON SCHEDULE.....and she is payed to do it HER way.
my point. She has to know more than ALL of "you" IT, animators.......etc to get this done...because all you all you know, and she is supposed to know everything.
Yes she is hot, yes she is a nice person.....*and yes i met her already (at E3)*.
The point is Assassins is a developers game, not so much a gamers game. An odd statement. However with over 2 millions units sold, the game deffinitely delivered despite what ANYONE thinks and a sequel WILL be made. However the point was to show off UBI's OWN game engine, level design and COMBAT system. All new and innovative. That is from the developers perspective..and that Ms. a hella achievement.