Anyhooooo, aye Arcman when next you playing, Holla. I need a practice buddy
I feel allyuh treating me like 'Practice Mode'.Time is the problem during the week...but weekends...sure. (Once I'm home of course)
For the 360 owners, Justin Wong has this thing going where he will play you first to 5 wins for 20USD. He will then give an assessment of your performance ie strengths weaknesses and tips.Yeah he aint getting my 20US.
well championship mode is a waste of time. and you can't invite your friends. It is the same as ranked matches except you get different points. No wonder it was free.
sagat needed no more help, steups.the championship mode is a buzzkill. capcom seriously under delivered. Came up short.It's just what the original online play should have been in the first bloody place.I was really hoping for something that would automate tournament games online (in addition to improving the mechanics of online play)Having regional tourneys, ensuring only low ping players (4 bars and up) etc....steups!@ blu_vice, that home game launching sounds like a good idea if everyone is already on home regular.If not, a new entrant joining the fray will have a lot of downloading to do before he can meet us in that virtual world.