^yea boy.... but it have a cheap combo u cud beat him with...u know darth vader pick up and throw down move...Apprentice rel vulnerable to that.. u could do that over and over and get a perfect..LOLSo thats how u unlock him XD
Figured I'll post it here, get some members SFTK or not.Some of you PS3 gamers would have noticed my ventures to start a PS3 gaming clan. (SFTK)Shoot For The KillMainly a COD4 clan for now but looking to expand to Resistance 2, COD:WaW and other shooter titles on PS3.So if you're interested register up at the forum:www.Shootforthekill.info(Website is still a work in progress, but good enough for now )And I believe Blu_Vice trying hard to start his Warhawk clan.