Author Topic: cheap broadband for everyone and removal of tax on computer parts  (Read 13343 times)

Offline Netizen1

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Re: cheap broadband for everyone and removal of tax on computer parts
« Reply #20 on: July 02, 2007, 05:12:27 PM »
As it is, when I was on the fastest DSL connection commercially available on the island, I was able to have open simultaneously Azureus, RSS feeds, MSN, Yahoo, surfing on Firefox, voice chat on Yahoo, had a VPN connection to the office on another computer, plus my b!tch, I mean neighbour was sharing the connection wirelessly and surfing happily...

Now I'm back on regular residential DSL, if the VPN goes online, forget surfing or doing anything else worthwhile. If torrents start to DL, forget EVERYTHING else internet related. It's a real chore just having the three computers surfing as it is now...

So yes, more bandwidth please!


Re: cheap broadband for everyone and removal of tax on computer parts
« Reply #20 on: July 02, 2007, 05:12:27 PM »

Offline Gambitt

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Re: cheap broadband for everyone and removal of tax on computer parts
« Reply #21 on: July 02, 2007, 09:45:51 PM »
boy.. the long and short is we need more bandwidth, and we need it now! lol

i guess we payin the price for keepin the monopoly intact for so long

NEED and WANT are two very different words. What do we NEED it for? I can only think of a few legitimate applications that we would NEED it for. No, before you guys even ask, downloading HD pron faster is not a legitimate NEED.

It's like these blasted newfangled cars. They go so blasted fast compared to the old donkey carts, and people STILL rushing to get where they going. I tell you one thing, less people would be involved in fatal road accidents if we was still using donkey carts. Hell, the only accident you get from a donkey cart is when the donkey accidentally leave something behind in the road.

Really and truly, ask yourself what you NEED faster broadband for. Many of us will come up empty.
What we should be seeing is REASONABLE prices for the "broadband" options we already have.

This argument is idiotic on soooooo many levels...

Humans, by nature are inquisitive beings that keep changing, keep evolving in an extremely dynamic environment. What you're saying essentially is that we shouldn't want better and go higher. Thank GOD the fate of the world is not in your hands cuz everyone would still be running around in grass skirts mumbling "oooogaaaa oooooggaaa" in their caves while they freeze to death because there's do gaaadamn fire!!! I mean COME ON man. Do you even LISTEN to yourself when you speak???

Perhaps when you grow up some more you will learn what the difference between the word need and the word want is. Until then please have fun calling my viewpoint idiotic. I mean it's not like you are in a position of responsibility in this forum and that your behaviour sets the tone for how others will act. Also I hope that you will personally rush to my defence and explain to your fellow mods/admins that it is perfectly acceptable when I call others insulting names and make up totally ridiculous straw man arguments about them without ever addressing what their posts contain.

Thanking you in advance,

Quote from: arcman
Agreed.  I can think of one major reason (at least for myself):  online gaming.
Jah alone knows how many times I've lost an online battle in my favourite game due to having the
highest ping on the whole server. 

When you consider that the best pings you can get are on the order of 100-200 ms,
and these 'low-ping bastards' in the US are getting pings like 40 ms and below,
the playing field is just not level.  While I agree that distance also has a part to play, I contend
that higher bandwidth in this case will have more of an effect on overall throughput.

Also, I need it because I'm PAYING (not begging) for it.
Oh yeah, I really do NEED (legitimately, lol) to download more HD pr0n faster too.  After all, a man has 'needs'.     

Ahh you mean you WANT lower ping times? Unless you are gaming professionally and depend on it for your income I wouldnt call it a NEED. I dont know that a higher bandwidth will reduce ping times, and unless someone with a higher bandwidth connection is willing to test their ping times to the same server through the same route I dont see how we'll be able to figure out if you are right.

Regarding your NEED for HD pron, come on brother. Of course I seem to recall an admin requesting pictures of women's behinds for a "client's boyfriend". I suspect that if you do like that admin and download still photos instead of movies that you'll find you only need a fraction of the bandwidth.

Quote from: Netizen1
As it is, when I was on the fastest DSL connection commercially available on the island, I was able to have open simultaneously Azureus, RSS feeds, MSN, Yahoo, surfing on Firefox, voice chat on Yahoo, had a VPN connection to the office on another computer, plus my b!tch, I mean neighbour was sharing the connection wirelessly and surfing happily...

Now I'm back on regular residential DSL, if the VPN goes online, forget surfing or doing anything else worthwhile. If torrents start to DL, forget EVERYTHING else internet related. It's a real chore just having the three computers surfing as it is now...

So yes, more bandwidth please!

Ahh so like w1ntry you are saying that you try to split your assigned bandwidth to cover .. uh 3 computers? So here's a question dor both of you, if you only had ONE "computer" surfing the net wouldnt that improve the situation? I mean, you are taking a "broad"band and turning it into a "narrow"band. But I have to admit that THIS is one of the situations where I saw a person "NEEDING" more bandwidth, where a person were trying to run a webcafe. Of course the solution is obvious, stop trying to split it or get another line with broadband.

Way back in the day, there was a trick old people like me heard about, it was called "dual-modem" where you took TWO modems, in ONE computer and ran 2 phone lines and had 2 internet accounts. Result if you did it right? Something close to two times the speed. (Not quite but close.)  Now for some of yous'll figure out why I gave that example, the rest probably need to have their diapers changed and their binky popped back into thier mouthes.

Tell me you NEED the bigger broadband because your company needs to have 24/7 remote streaming video. Tell me that you NEED it because your firm has data to back up off site every Friday. Tell me you NEED it because it's the only way to get that team of foreign doctors to perform remote control heart surgery any day of the week and that it will mean that ALL of the kids could get fixed instead of 16 chosen at random from twentysome.

But dont tell me you NEED it because you hope it will reduce your ping time and keep your level 20 paladin from getting killed by the level 5 bunny rabbit. Dont tell me you NEED it because you couldnt tell the ex that you are not going to keep supplying her with internet service unless she puts out. Dont tell me you NEED it because the person who really paying for the broadband tell you to suck salt while they surf the net.

And last but not least "Also, I need it because I'm PAYING (not begging) for it." Well said brother, very well said. We both agree on that, but if you look good you'll see this one: "Really and truly, ask yourself what you NEED faster broadband for. Many of us will come up empty. What we should be seeing is REASONABLE prices for the "broadband" options we already have."

Oh and The_unknown, make sure you read the sig, ok?
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Re: cheap broadband for everyone and removal of tax on computer parts
« Reply #22 on: July 02, 2007, 10:05:05 PM »
Perhaps when you grow up some more you will learn what the difference between the word need and the word want is. Until then please have fun calling my viewpoint idiotic. I mean it's not like you are in a position of responsibility in this forum and that your behaviour sets the tone for how others will act. Also I hope that you will personally rush to my defence and explain to your fellow mods/admins that it is perfectly acceptable when I call others insulting names and make up totally ridiculous straw man arguments about them without ever addressing what their posts contain.

Thanking you in advance,

Oh and The_unknown, make sure you read the sig, ok?

lol. Ok. i'm definately not in the mood to play this lil schoolboy fighting thing. It's just old and childish and i'm not getting into it. If I hurt your feelings by calling your POV idiotic, well then i'm sorry, but grow some cohones sometime soon ok and learn not to throw a hissy fit when someone disagrees with you cuz obviously you cant see that I was not attacking you personally.

That view on your post still has not changed. If you're not familiar with Mazlow's Hierarchy of needs, I suggest you take a read of it here. I would like to direct your attention to the self actualization heading....the need to be CREATIVE and reach one's fullest potential. THIS is what drives us to want more, to go futher. Yes there are a few things that people really NEED and faster internet with lower pings is CERTAINLY NOT one of them...But why stop there??? You don't NEED a bed to sleep on...why do you have a bed? You dont NEED why do you have it? You don't NEED a computer, why do you have one?? Why stop there? Just take away everything yuh dont need and lets see how you like that!!!...and THIS is why I say your post is idiotic. I would certainly hate to be your dependant cuz most likely i'll have only the things I NEED.

Lawwwd. Thank GOD everyone is not like you.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2007, 10:31:24 PM by The_Unknown »

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Re: cheap broadband for everyone and removal of tax on computer parts
« Reply #23 on: July 02, 2007, 10:27:48 PM »
Lawwwd. Thank GOD everyone is not like you.

i agree!!
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Re: cheap broadband for everyone and removal of tax on computer parts
« Reply #24 on: July 02, 2007, 10:50:32 PM »
wow @ all the supposedly intellectual bullshit about needs and wants. I suppose we NEED that don't we ? Funny though no one seems to WANT to hear it.

I feel the NEED right now to get the eff out of this thread because apparently we all are senseless folks right ? how could we possibly understand these things.

I suppose if I had a latin sig I'd be cool like that..

I don't NEED more bandwidth I'd like it but...what the hell I NEED it yes. I NEED better latency so my Street Fighter matches on GGPO can be less laggy.

What I WANT is a piece of Monica Bellucci....

< _ <  > _ >


Re: cheap broadband for everyone and removal of tax on computer parts
« Reply #24 on: July 02, 2007, 10:50:32 PM »

Offline Arcmanov

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Re: cheap broadband for everyone and removal of tax on computer parts
« Reply #25 on: July 03, 2007, 12:08:26 AM »
Gambitt..... :shakehead:

You're working too hard.  I stand by my post.  The reason I got DSL in the
1st place was for online gaming.  Period.  The pr0n thing is just an added bonus.  I like it.  I download it.
If I can download it faster, then great.  Is it a need?  I think so.  So sue me.  I respect your opinion but I don't agree.
I don't think it is fair to say that what YOU don't consider to be a valid 'need' should be cast aside as 'empty'...

Different people need the bandwidth for different things.  Its as simple as that.

I engage in online gaming because its a pastime that brings great personal satisfaction to me, so yes, greater (or cheaper) bandwith
will only serve to increase that personal satisfaction, and keep me 'sane'.   :lol:

Do I NEED more bandwidth?  Oh HELL yeah.  For exactly the same reasons that some others have noted as well.

This argument is pointless.
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Re: cheap broadband for everyone and removal of tax on computer parts
« Reply #26 on: July 03, 2007, 01:23:34 AM »
boy.. the long and short is we need more bandwidth, and we need it now! lol

i guess we payin the price for keepin the monopoly intact for so long

NEED and WANT are two very different words. What do we NEED it for? I can only think of a few legitimate applications that we would NEED it for. No, before you guys even ask, downloading HD pron faster is not a legitimate NEED.

It's like these blasted newfangled cars. They go so blasted fast compared to the old donkey carts, and people STILL rushing to get where they going. I tell you one thing, less people would be involved in fatal road accidents if we was still using donkey carts. Hell, the only accident you get from a donkey cart is when the donkey accidentally leave something behind in the road.

Really and truly, ask yourself what you NEED faster broadband for. Many of us will come up empty.
What we should be seeing is REASONABLE prices for the "broadband" options we already have.

This argument is idiotic on soooooo many levels...

Humans, by nature are inquisitive beings that keep changing, keep evolving in an extremely dynamic environment. What you're saying essentially is that we shouldn't want better and go higher. Thank GOD the fate of the world is not in your hands cuz everyone would still be running around in grass skirts mumbling "oooogaaaa oooooggaaa" in their caves while they freeze to death because there's do gaaadamn fire!!! I mean COME ON man. Do you even LISTEN to yourself when you speak???

Perhaps when you grow up some more you will learn what the difference between the word need and the word want is. Until then please have fun calling my viewpoint idiotic. I mean it's not like you are in a position of responsibility in this forum and that your behaviour sets the tone for how others will act. Also I hope that you will personally rush to my defence and explain to your fellow mods/admins that it is perfectly acceptable when I call others insulting names and make up totally ridiculous straw man arguments about them without ever addressing what their posts contain.

Thanking you in advance,

Quote from: arcman
Agreed.  I can think of one major reason (at least for myself):  online gaming.
Jah alone knows how many times I've lost an online battle in my favourite game due to having the
highest ping on the whole server. 

When you consider that the best pings you can get are on the order of 100-200 ms,
and these 'low-ping bastards' in the US are getting pings like 40 ms and below,
the playing field is just not level.  While I agree that distance also has a part to play, I contend
that higher bandwidth in this case will have more of an effect on overall throughput.

Also, I need it because I'm PAYING (not begging) for it.
Oh yeah, I really do NEED (legitimately, lol) to download more HD pr0n faster too.  After all, a man has 'needs'.     

Ahh you mean you WANT lower ping times? Unless you are gaming professionally and depend on it for your income I wouldnt call it a NEED. I dont know that a higher bandwidth will reduce ping times, and unless someone with a higher bandwidth connection is willing to test their ping times to the same server through the same route I dont see how we'll be able to figure out if you are right.

Regarding your NEED for HD pron, come on brother. Of course I seem to recall an admin requesting pictures of women's behinds for a "client's boyfriend". I suspect that if you do like that admin and download still photos instead of movies that you'll find you only need a fraction of the bandwidth.

Quote from: Netizen1
As it is, when I was on the fastest DSL connection commercially available on the island, I was able to have open simultaneously Azureus, RSS feeds, MSN, Yahoo, surfing on Firefox, voice chat on Yahoo, had a VPN connection to the office on another computer, plus my b!tch, I mean neighbour was sharing the connection wirelessly and surfing happily...

Now I'm back on regular residential DSL, if the VPN goes online, forget surfing or doing anything else worthwhile. If torrents start to DL, forget EVERYTHING else internet related. It's a real chore just having the three computers surfing as it is now...

So yes, more bandwidth please!

Ahh so like w1ntry you are saying that you try to split your assigned bandwidth to cover .. uh 3 computers? So here's a question dor both of you, if you only had ONE "computer" surfing the net wouldnt that improve the situation? I mean, you are taking a "broad"band and turning it into a "narrow"band. But I have to admit that THIS is one of the situations where I saw a person "NEEDING" more bandwidth, where a person were trying to run a webcafe. Of course the solution is obvious, stop trying to split it or get another line with broadband.

Way back in the day, there was a trick old people like me heard about, it was called "dual-modem" where you took TWO modems, in ONE computer and ran 2 phone lines and had 2 internet accounts. Result if you did it right? Something close to two times the speed. (Not quite but close.)  Now for some of yous'll figure out why I gave that example, the rest probably need to have their diapers changed and their binky popped back into thier mouthes.

Tell me you NEED the bigger broadband because your company needs to have 24/7 remote streaming video. Tell me that you NEED it because your firm has data to back up off site every Friday. Tell me you NEED it because it's the only way to get that team of foreign doctors to perform remote control heart surgery any day of the week and that it will mean that ALL of the kids could get fixed instead of 16 chosen at random from twentysome.

But dont tell me you NEED it because you hope it will reduce your ping time and keep your level 20 paladin from getting killed by the level 5 bunny rabbit. Dont tell me you NEED it because you couldnt tell the ex that you are not going to keep supplying her with internet service unless she puts out. Dont tell me you NEED it because the person who really paying for the broadband tell you to suck salt while they surf the net.

And last but not least "Also, I need it because I'm PAYING (not begging) for it." Well said brother, very well said. We both agree on that, but if you look good you'll see this one: "Really and truly, ask yourself what you NEED faster broadband for. Many of us will come up empty. What we should be seeing is REASONABLE prices for the "broadband" options we already have."

Oh and The_unknown, make sure you read the sig, ok?


I NEED to host this webpage on this webserver..
but sorry i dont have the bandwidth to do so.

So ill be closing it down now sorry...

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Re: cheap broadband for everyone and removal of tax on computer parts
« Reply #27 on: July 03, 2007, 01:37:07 AM »
Perhaps when you grow up some more you will learn what the difference between the word need and the word want is. Until then please have fun calling my viewpoint idiotic. I mean it's not like you are in a position of responsibility in this forum and that your behaviour sets the tone for how others will act. Also I hope that you will personally rush to my defence and explain to your fellow mods/admins that it is perfectly acceptable when I call others insulting names and make up totally ridiculous straw man arguments about them without ever addressing what their posts contain.

Thanking you in advance,

Oh and The_unknown, make sure you read the sig, ok?

lol. Ok. i'm definately not in the mood to play this lil schoolboy fighting thing. It's just old and childish and i'm not getting into it. If I hurt your feelings by calling your POV idiotic, well then i'm sorry, but grow some cohones sometime soon ok and learn not to throw a hissy fit when someone disagrees with you cuz obviously you cant see that I was not attacking you personally.

And I didnt say that you had, I pointed out your role as a moderator and the contrast between that and your behaviour, I'm sorry that you considered it a personal attack in response to your post. And when people pull your socks up, it's not always a hissy fit.

That view on your post still has not changed. If you're not familiar with Mazlow's Hierarchy of needs, I suggest you take a read of it here. I would like to direct your attention to the self actualization heading....the need to be CREATIVE and reach one's fullest potential. THIS is what drives us to want more, to go futher. Yes there are a few things that people really NEED and faster internet with lower pings is CERTAINLY NOT one of them...But why stop there??? You don't NEED a bed to sleep on...why do you have a bed? You dont NEED why do you have it? You don't NEED a computer, why do you have one?? Why stop there? Just take away everything yuh dont need and lets see how you like that!!!...and THIS is why I say your post is idiotic. I would certainly hate to be your dependant cuz most likely i'll have only the things I NEED.

Lawwwd. Thank GOD everyone is not like you.

Hey look at that, you just presented an argument addressing and raising points, good job. So lets get down to the response:

Yes there are a few things that people really NEED and faster internet with lower pings is CERTAINLY NOT one of them. Interesting that you should say that, it was the whole point of my first post. That would be the one that you consider idiotic and whatnot.

Your reductio ad absurdum is fascinating, but not much good. You see, people may in fact NEED a computer to do their jobs, earn an income, etc. We dont NEED a computer to play games on. We enjoy doing it. That's why we are members of this forum. But you and I both know that the point of the whole discussion is a reduction in the cost of broadband internet, and therefore the title of the thread.

We can both admit that society as a whole, which is what any "true" government is about, will benefit far more from readily available broadband at a reasonable cost. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's what this thread is about, isnt it?

You, me, lots of us on here are enjoying broadband and playing games, checking out the chick with the nice hoo-hoos and whatever else we do. All of us would benefit from a decrease in prices. Hell, check the wtmc thread and see how men getting on and passing comments about a man because he still on dialup. So, yes there are others on here who would finally be enjoying the fact that it doesnt take a half hour to download a single pron filled e-mail.  But you know who it would matter the most to?  Some kid we dont know exists who gets to copy and paste his homework and pass for a better school and make something of himself. Some unknown person who looks up information on their medical condition and realises that the docs might just be doing the wrong thing.

Us playing games and enjoying "naughty night-shift nurses nineteen" isnt the be all and end all. That's what I'm saying. Yes we may benefit, but that's not the big picture and a lot of us dont seem to get that.

The bit about my dependent, once again, a straw man. But here's the thing, I'm looking at how a society as a whole may benefit from a cheaper cost, and trying to show people that that's what it's all about, getting our little "someone kill a fly in the atlas or that's really a country" to advance as opposed to some relatively well off guys who like playing games on computers getting a t3 cable installed in their living rooms and a separate one in their bedrooms, because they can. I'm not saying that they shouldnt be able to, just that there's a big difference between the two. Get it now?

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I suppose if I had a latin sig I'd be cool like that..
It’s possible, but I somehow doubt it.  See it's not only latin, it's the bible too, that makes it so cool it's COLD.  See: Samuel L Jackson in "Pulp Fiction". :ph34r:

Quote from: Arcman
Gambitt..... :shakehead:

You're working too hard.  I stand by my post.  The reason I got DSL in the
1st place was for online gaming.  Period.  The pr0n thing is just an added bonus.  I like it.  I download it.
If I can download it faster, then great.  Is it a need?  I think so.  So sue me.  I respect your opinion but I don't agree.
I don't think it is fair to say that what YOU don't consider to be a valid 'need' should be cast aside as 'empty'...

Different people need the bandwidth for different things.  Its as simple as that.

I engage in online gaming because its a pastime that brings great personal satisfaction to me, so yes, greater (or cheaper) bandwith
will only serve to increase that personal satisfaction, and keep me 'sane'.   :lol:

Do I NEED more bandwidth?  Oh HELL yeah.  For exactly the same reasons that some others have noted as well.

This argument is pointless.

I don’t doubt you about the reason you got it, or why you want it. I didn’t say that we should cast aside the reasons people want broadband as invalid. I rephrased how I was going to say it because I knew that there would be reasons to have it that I hadn't thought about.

I’m guessing that many of us engage in online gaming for the same reason as you, and I’m sure that it’s a huge help to reducing the number of people we go postal on, thereby reducing crime as a whole. (News has said that there’s been a reduction in serious crime compared to the same time last year and I’m sure TSTT would be happy to point out that there’s been an increase in the number of people using broadband… coincidence?)

But let me ask you, do you consider your gaming to be worth more, less or equal to the education of hundreds if not thousands of kids? Do you consider it more or less valuable than the health of those people who may be cured by remote surgery? Would you say it is on par with the use of streaming video in every business place to reduce crime, or perhaps a neighbourhood watch, or perhaps as a way of keeping an eye on your hypothetical kids in daycare?

I’m not saying it's bad to have broadband, or to game, or to combine the two or to want a bigger pipe or smaller ping. Heck I'm even a card carrying pro-pron activist. But I'm saying that that's not the reason for lowering the costs. I'm just saying that there'll be a lot more benefit than us having a whole lot of noobs to gib and that we NEED to keep that in mind if we are to advance.

Of course it's pointless, when has the government ever listened to us plebes about anything? They just go ahead and do whatever they feel like doing. I just hope that they get this one done soon.
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Re: cheap broadband for everyone and removal of tax on computer parts
« Reply #28 on: July 03, 2007, 06:29:03 AM »
...this is far too long for an argument based solely on semantics.

« Last Edit: July 03, 2007, 06:33:17 AM by Synchronomyst »
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Re: cheap broadband for everyone and removal of tax on computer parts
« Reply #29 on: July 03, 2007, 06:31:42 AM »
Again...your argument is faulty...we don't NEED computers to do anything!! What happened pre 1950's when there were no computers? I guess nobody got any work done huh? Again you talk about neeed and want. There are just a few things we NEED....

Oh lord I just wasting my breath yes. If you STILL feel the need to challenge me then PM. Any other off topic posts in this thread will be deleted

[/end hijack]

lets carry on people with the original topic.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2007, 06:33:47 AM by The_Unknown »

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Re: cheap broadband for everyone and removal of tax on computer parts
« Reply #30 on: July 03, 2007, 01:09:57 PM »
nah countinue this a real soap opera in the making
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Re: cheap broadband for everyone and removal of tax on computer parts
« Reply #31 on: July 03, 2007, 02:13:07 PM »
nah countinue this a real soap opera in the making

LOL  ...GA(B&B)TT :cowboy:
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Re: cheap broadband for everyone and removal of tax on computer parts
« Reply #32 on: July 03, 2007, 03:12:23 PM »
one question: Isn't recreation a NEED?
DreadNaught, a known thief and murderer, a man of notoriously vicious and intemperate disposition.

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Re: cheap broadband for everyone and removal of tax on computer parts
« Reply #33 on: July 03, 2007, 05:28:54 PM »
reads in horror at deterioration of thread*

*shows surprise that W1nTry hasn't ranted about PNM/Manning/Gov't wants and needs*

We could use a "WANTS vs NEEDS" thread, like now....

back on topic please.... Netizen1, bring the backhoe dey!!  *backhoe 'spam' posts*
God is dead.

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Re: cheap broadband for everyone and removal of tax on computer parts
« Reply #34 on: July 04, 2007, 08:55:47 AM »
Boy sax... I might pop a blood vessel in meh head on that.. so I chose to just leave it be...

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Re: cheap broadband for everyone and removal of tax on computer parts
« Reply #35 on: July 05, 2007, 11:58:53 PM »
i need lower pings to play (& win online)

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Re: cheap broadband for everyone and removal of tax on computer parts
« Reply #36 on: July 06, 2007, 03:03:51 PM »
ain't that the truth lately my pings have sky rocketed into the 2-3 hundred ms range, I getting murdered out their
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Re: cheap broadband for everyone and removal of tax on computer parts
« Reply #37 on: July 07, 2007, 03:34:03 AM »
my dialup does be 700 ~1100 on DF:BHD
lowest i get on campus is low 200s and that is passing through a server in the usa (

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Re: cheap broadband for everyone and removal of tax on computer parts
« Reply #38 on: July 09, 2007, 11:08:30 AM »
Hmm well I pwning on Live lately so lag or no lag, maybe yuh just need to improve those skillz man :-p but doh gemme wrong I feel yuh plight!!

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Re: cheap broadband for everyone and removal of tax on computer parts
« Reply #39 on: July 09, 2007, 06:28:16 PM »
This is prob the best thread next to the WTMC thread i've seen on  gatt... Good arguements ppl. I feel utterly delighted to have read most of your bantering. But lets jus look towards the future of multiple cables, Satellite DSls and god knows what else leaving Trinidad and esp tobago i heard internet's kinda scarce over there, compared to here.
THe other day i was using hamachi to try to use an evdo connection to play fifa 07 and there's was this guy on. Tried and tried but nothing, half way cause of the wireless ping and something i wasnt configuring correctly. WEll anywayz he took a measure of his connection speed with the thing. As you may or may not know ... Evdo can go anywhere from 5k to 55k according to sig strength ie faster than normal tstt dsl, which maxes out at 33k, 35 if u lucky. Anyway my boy lived in texas about 11yrs old and his up speed was 4M down, 50k up.... Therefore his up speed is as fast as our down speed. T&T plus dsl = scrotom  ***Mailman166 hopes fibre for Flow helps the situation just my 10+5+10 cents...


Re: cheap broadband for everyone and removal of tax on computer parts
« Reply #39 on: July 09, 2007, 06:28:16 PM »


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