Author Topic: Flashing Your Phone  (Read 5178 times)

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Flashing Your Phone
« on: April 29, 2007, 11:23:20 PM »
Flash is when you install a new firmware
Mod is when u install a patch on the already installed firmware, to change features

Flashing the D900

Note that you will lose your pics, videos, as well as anything else stored on your phone
Even your IMEI will be changed to: 0000000
Flashing is at your own risk, nobody else can be held responsible...
Flashing the phone voids the warranty, if you do not want to take the risk, go to a samsung shop and let them update your firmware

You will need the following to start flashing your D900:
* Flash Cable
* OneNANDDownloader (freeware)
* The firmware (both .cla and .tfs files)
* A fully charged D900 without simcard
* A little patience

You first have to format your phone before installing a new firmware...
This is the way to proceed:
1. Open OneNANDDownloader
2. Plug the cable to your computer
3. Install the driver of flashing cable
4. Find out on what .COM port the cable is on: (On Windows): Start - Control Panel - Administrative tools - Computer Management - System Tools - Device Manager - Ports (COM & LPT)

Now we'll work with OneNAND Downloader:

1. Under "Serial Port" enter the COM port where the cable is plugged, and the speed. Choose 115200 for the flash com cable (the one with the 5V Battery), or 921600 for the usb flashing cable.
2. Hack "BIN + TFS"
3. Hack "Don't Auto NAND Format"
4. Hit Start and shortly on button to power on phone (very shortly)
5. Your already installed firmware is now loaded on the OneNAND Downloader.
6. In the window "NOR Flash Operation" clic on "Erase..."
7. A Window will appear, hit "select all", then hit "Start"
8. Once erase completed, a window will appear. Hit "OK"

9. In "NAND Flash Operation", hit "Format".
10. A window will appear, "Sure to format" hit "YES"
11. A window will appear: "NAND-Formatting Completed", hit "OK"
12. Now your Cell phone is completely empty, IMEI: 0000000

To reinstall a Firmware:
1. leave "BIN + TFS" hacked
2. On "Files to download", hit "BIN..." and with the browser, open the ".cla" file of the firmware you want to install
3. On "Files to download", hit "TFS..." and with the browser, open the ".tfs" file of the firmware you want to install
5. Once installation done, a window will appear, hit "OK"

Unplug your phone, and turn it on... That's it: a new firmware is on the D900... Congrats...

To Install a Mod

If the mod consists only of a ".cla" file, don't forget to hack "TFS" in "Files to download"
IMPORTANT: Never forget to Hack "Don't Auto NAND Format"!!!
And follow the last 5 steps stated above...

For modding u need to use a programm called Resman Pro (the thing is: either you pay for it, or you get it in Russian... )
I'm not sur about D820, but I know it's the same flash cable, so it should be the same driver and also the Onenand Downloader 1.8 you need..

BTW note I didnt do any of this to my D900 --- Im scared.............
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Flashing Your Phone
« on: April 29, 2007, 11:23:20 PM »

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Re: Flashing Your Phone
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2007, 07:10:00 PM »
be careful be very very careful. i was scared to when i flashed my e900. the first flash, f@#ked it up, had to search for a better firmware. got one that works. now i got vibrate while ringing, flash light. longer battery life and improved signal. im currently researching d900 flashing since i might be buying one sometime. need to know the dilly-o before i go experimenting and mess up my multi hundred dollar investment.

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Re: Flashing Your Phone
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2007, 10:26:30 PM »
Interesting timing. I was just searching the net for flashing a Moto V186

Is a cheap phone, so I feel confident to play de arse wid it...

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Re: Flashing Your Phone
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2007, 02:59:59 PM »
I just flashed the firmware on my Nokia 6233 from version 3.7 to 5.1

Was a nerve wracking, but very simple process:

- Download the 22MB Nokia software updater
- Install and run program
- Connect Phone to computer via USB data cable when prompted
- Wait while software downloads update from internet (in my case I had to download a 25.5MB update file... couldn't understand, my phone has just 6MB internal memory), then actually flashes/updates phone.
- then it's all done.

Of course you will perform a backup before you update. My data was not affected at all though

It did solve one or two quirks ihad with the phone interface, such as the occasional reboot when showing a video full screen. Just that the update was done only today.... more use will determine true beneftis...
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Re: Flashing Your Phone
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2007, 02:59:59 PM »


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