I'm new to this forum, just saying hello.
Games List (too long to say, will just name a few of my favorites)
Halo 2 (Xboxlive GamerTag: Redlum08)
NFSU2 (Xboxlive GamerTag: Redlum08)
StarWars: BattleFronts (Xboxllive GamerTag: Redlum08)
Star Wars: KOTOR II
Doom 3 (Xboxlive Gamertag: Redlum08)
Dead or Alive: Ultimate
House of the Dead III
Prince of Persia II: Warrior Within
Soul Calibur II
GTA: Vice City
had GTA: San Andreas (gave it to my sister)
GT3: A Spec
and a bunch of other games that I can't recall now
Mario Sunshine
Mario Party 5
Super Mario Bros. Meelee
Resident Evil
and a bunch of other games that i can't recall now
Metal Gear Acid
Twisted Metal: Head On
Wipeout Pure
Tony Hawk Underground 2 Remix
that's it for now, but waiting for the release of a couple great titles due out this summer.