I was just looking at G4 and there is a new gaming world awaiting Broadband users. Gametap will allow its users to play....well... every damn game yuh could think about. Both PC and console from ze ol' classics to the modern day 3d visually stunning forms of entertainment. It will cost users 15 US dollars a month to gain unlimited access to games from PC PS2 Xbox Gamecube SNes Genesis even Arcade, well yes i know some ppl will be happy with this as they wont have to worry about emulation and whatnot. One good thing is that while a big game like Splinter cell is streaming which is approximately 1 gb you can play another game in the background while it loads. this is really nice they are new but they will do some damage, however i wonder how the whole thing with the newer Console games will operate on ppls systems, i guess they'll have to have really powerful beasts to play the newer one s but for the rest piece of pie!!! Well thatht hah thawherh Thats all folks!!!