Instructions on how to Join the GATT mailing lists.
The Easy Way:
Just click on the links below, enter your email address and await further instructions that will be emailed to your address. Manual Way:
GATT General Mailing List
Send an email to with "subscribe gatt" in the body.
You will then recieve a reply from majordomo with an authentication code and some simple instructions.
Simply reply to majordomo with the code and you will be accepted as a member.
This is a step to verify your email address is working correctly and prevent spam.
You will now receive emails from the mailing list and be able to contribute yourself by sending an email to (for general gaming stuff)
GATT Technical Mailing List
Send an email to with "subscribe tech" in the body.
You will then recieve a reply from majordomo with an authentication code and some simple instructions.
Simply reply to majordomo with the code and you will be accepted as a member.
This is a step to verify your email address is working correctly and prevent spam.
You will now receive emails from the mailing list and be able to contribute yourself by sending an email to (for Technical topics)
There are a few more exotic lists availabe, like netopia and thesynthsux list. Ask an admin for details on joining those.