Guidelines for Streamers:
1) Streamers are asked to make their own thread, Titled with your name (e.g. VirtueTT's Streams), and follow the format provided after the guidelines.
2) The nature of your stream should be strictly for the use of streaming of video games.
3) Please be advised that GATT does not endorse any forms of nudity, illegal content/activities or pornographic material and thus we ask that no said material is displayed in your stream. If you are found guilty of this, your thread and stream will be removed from the forums.
4) If there will be language NSFW (and young children), please indicate so in your stream description in your thread.
5) Any verbal or text based messages made by anyone, negative or positive towards you (the Streamer) or anyone viewing the stream and participating in the chat are not endorsed by GATT in any way.
6) Opinions expressed by you (The Streamer) or the viewers are not the opinion of GATT.
Failure to comply with guidelines 2, 3 and 4 will result in a warning. If you (The Streamer) is given 3 warnings, your thread and stream will be removed from the forums.
Format for personal thread:
Disclaimer: GATT is not responsible for or endorses anything said via voice or text by myself or anyone else viewing my stream.
Link to stream: **********
Games Streamed: *****, *****, *****, *****
Usual days for streams: XXX
Usual times for streams: XX:XX am/pm
Language: [N/A] [NSFW] [NSFC] (children)