Also, if you are resourceful u might want to read books by both sams and o'reilly and grab the training in language of choice.
W3Schools great for reference materials, heck i does use it often to see the new tags and attributes available for html5.
As for trinidad, i started off in sbcs but with java, following that everything was simple. But you don't need to go out of your way. You wanna be a web programmer, you will be fine learning xhtml, css, javascript and php + mysql. If you want to specialize on the frontend, go ahead and just stick to xhtml, css and javascript. Wanna specialize in the backend, learn php and mysql.
And the most important piece of advise that i can give, the way to become a good programmer is to practice, practice, practice. Don't just read it, try it yourself. Make changes to the code to see what happens.
If u insist you need to be taught and cannot learn on your own, you could check here: in curepe, the owner was a senior lecturer of programming in sbcs.