Author Topic: Help Phil Choose New Monitor  (Read 6364 times)

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Re: Help Phil Choose New Monitor
« Reply #20 on: December 26, 2008, 09:48:50 PM »
i remember years ago
ah man name bad boy b had the sickest pc in gatt.. man didnt evenn have a table or chair to put his rig on
had it on de grong
sweat it like a beast... steups @ dat weak table arguament

as for de hd arguament, no arc
full hd is not the same large or small.
under 32", u cant see the diff between 720p and 1080p
37" an up, yu do see the diff between 720p and 1080p
as in
the picture and video quality of a 22" 720p would look the same as a 1080p @ 22"
so dont waste teh extra money for resolution you cant enjoy @ miniscule size..
but thas no reason to not get  a 28" hans G though!!


Re: Help Phil Choose New Monitor
« Reply #20 on: December 26, 2008, 09:48:50 PM »

Offline Philosophical45

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Re: Help Phil Choose New Monitor
« Reply #21 on: December 26, 2008, 10:16:22 PM »
i remember years ago
ah man name bad boy b had the sickest pc in gatt.. man didnt evenn have a table or chair to put his rig on
had it on de grong
sweat it like a beast... steups @ dat weak table arguament

well to each his own, space limited where i live, i doh live by myself, and throwing aside this table and getting a better desk in this current space is d only option, but i said i'll consider it, i haven't made a choice yet. so don't take my complaints of space as if i'm making an excuse not to get a larger monitor.

as for the hd thing, i said i'm a noob with those things, so i aint sure.. i can understand how the size of the monitor can dampen the true effect of 1080p , understandable. Still exploring options, the benq is really supposed to be cheaper, like around 220us i think,but it aint my final choice.

I appreciate all the offerings, so far the acer 22inch and the hanns g 28 inch is on my list for online purchases. Should check a place tomorrow to see what they have to offer and i'll weigh my options after.

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Re: Help Phil Choose New Monitor
« Reply #22 on: December 28, 2008, 05:11:51 PM »
1080p is great to have as nowadays, a lot of content is coming in that res.

You'd love to know your new monitor can push it without having to resize/downsample the footage.

Having that as your native resolution introduces some other issues. LCDs look best @ their native res. So you'll be stuck running everything @ 1920x1200 (the 16:10 PC equivalent of HD ) if you want to be guaranteed the best picture quality.

I'm interested in those BenQs since they are PC monitors touting 16:9 ratio which is typical of TVs. It would be great if these two camps would come to a standard. Really pisses me off to have PC HD res not be the same as TV HD res. If BenQ could just get the rest of the industry to follow suit.

Now 1920x1200 isn't going to be easy on the eyes. Very very fine res. You'll have to play with font sizes or invest in some hawk eye fibre optics for your eyeballs to read text and such on the screen. lol

22" @ 1920x1080 may not be as intolerable but if you could squeeze in the 24", your retinas will thank you.

24" and up makes living with that res very comfortable, without any eye strain, from my experience.

Also, your vid card got to be up to snuff to push gaming pixels around @ that res but looking at your specs, that won't be a problem. lol

Your desk is really going to hold you back though. Such a ridiculous design. Saw those at courts many moons ago and balked. Use it for firewood and get a plain 2x4', non fancy schmancy one. Make it with a sheet of ply if yuh have too. lol

A lot of good 24" and greater monitors out there (the samsung and the acer which I own) kick ass as well as the venerable 28" Hanns G that the good captain swears by from first hand experience.

The samsung is great because it has the dvi and hdmi and allows you to switch between the two on the fly. A feature that will come in handy if you've got an hd game console in your future (or plan to have friends over with one). The other monitors we considered had that featured buried in the silly OSD menu.

Not sure about the BenQs, since those weren't in the first round up. Anyone knows if those BenQs have a button to switch inputs or do you have to dick around in the OSD?

And just to add a little rain on the parade:

Be wary of DEAD PIXELs.

See this guys post below, taken from newegg.

    Pros: I think it would be a nice monitor if I could find one without problems.

    Newegg rocks and I buy almost all of my computer equipment from them. However, I didn't buy these monitors from them (see "cons" below).
    Cons: I didn't buy this monitor from Newegg because I refuse to support their aweful dead pixel policy. I purchased three of these from a local retailer, and I had to return all three of them. The first one had 5 defective pixels all in the same area it looked horrible. The second one had 21 defective pixels (I counted them three times)! The third one simple refused to work (e.g. it wouldn't power on). I've had a lot of samsung monitors and I've generally been very happy with them, but this monitor is a mess. I recommend staying away from this one.
    Other Thoughts: I tried the three major methods of fixing the defective pixels and none of them helped. In fact it created one dead pixel on the first monitor.

I raise this warning because my first purchase in the big screen LCD game, a soyo 24" LCD, came with a dead pixel. Smack dab in the middle. Posted pix of it on the gatt site. Luckily, my supplier was local and I got it changed for an Acer unit.

To be foretold is to be forewarned.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2008, 05:25:06 PM by NoobGoneWild »

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Re: Help Phil Choose New Monitor
« Reply #23 on: December 28, 2008, 05:21:06 PM »
^^ Man boil down your options like bhaji dey Phil.

Offline TriniXaeno

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Re: Help Phil Choose New Monitor
« Reply #24 on: December 28, 2008, 05:32:02 PM »

oh and crixx, you can see the diff. Remember, on a monitor you're sitting right up to the screen.

Those metrics for 720p and 1080p are at TV like viewing distances. That is, 4ft+

Imagine telling a guy he can't tell the difference between a game running at 1024x768 (PCs 720p) vs one at 1920x1200 (PCs 1080p). Of course he can, because he's just about a foot or two from the screen!

The benq got some decent reviews on newegg. Headphone jack is a nice addition for some late night gaming/movie watching.

It ain't looking bad @ that price at all (though it ain't an acer/samsung, lol). If it has an easy method of switching sources (ie, not via the OSD) it would be a great option.

Granted you introduce some wood lice to your desk and fast.

« Last Edit: December 28, 2008, 05:40:20 PM by NoobGoneWild »


Re: Help Phil Choose New Monitor
« Reply #24 on: December 28, 2008, 05:32:02 PM »

Offline Philosophical45

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Re: Help Phil Choose New Monitor
« Reply #25 on: December 28, 2008, 05:49:32 PM »
THANKS ALOT NGW... dat was d kinda response i was looking for, man really boil it down like bahji dey for me.. yea dis mc desk restricting d mc monitor pwnage in truth.. will think of some way of getting a better solution although it was with me for like umm 7 years of my think my cousin could use it.. >_>

found another monitor to add to my pick and choose list, it's a HANNSG, the 22incher version to what captain has , the only difference is that it has umm VGA and HDMI and obviously less real estate , not bad, and it's cheaper than the acer... O_o


Re: Help Phil Choose New Monitor
« Reply #25 on: December 28, 2008, 05:49:32 PM »


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