dred you JUST fly in from england and raping the English language so? papa oy!
Ah cya even see any game servers online for mih SOF2 and Quake 3 Arena..(Ah kno is old games so doh laugh...)
maybe cuz nobody playing it
but seriously, that is a good indication that the firewall on TSTT side is on
while port forwarding DOES help torrents/p2p it not absolutely needed as I have many friends who never see the config page of their modem and happily on azu/micro/bit/ares/etc, but if you would be so kind as to inform us of your router/modem type we'd happily give you some directions.
Call TSTT, and inform them that you'd like to frag some men online and need the firewall on their side off. If you get the Indian them good luck, ask for John he seems to be popular there.