I not sure what to make of this.. almost belongs in the WTMC thread... dread just read the stuff these ppl talking about... time travel and liquid terminators.... sheesh..
Boffin denied cash for time travel experiment
Defence department investing in terminators
By Nick Farrell: Tuesday 10 April 2007, 18:40
A SEATTLE boffin has been refused funding on a time travel experiment because Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) wants to invest its dollars into terminator style robots.
John Cramer, a physicist at the University of Washington wants to test a controversial prediction from quantum theory that says light particles can go backward in time. However his project is fast running out of cash.
He approached DARPA but was told it didn't have any cash at the moment because it was interested in developing shape-shifting, liquid robots and cyborg insects. Sheesh you could not make this stuff up.
So why would you invent a terminator if it can't go back in time and search for Sara Conner? Cramer does not know either.
Cramer has a theory that time does not go, as Stephen Hawking reckons, in one way. He has been puzzled about a quantum mechanics problem called the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox.
This is that two subatomic particles derived from a single particle continue to influence each other's behaviour no matter how far apart.
In 1986, he proposed a solution to this paradox that he called the "transactional interpretation" of quantum theory. This theory is that some kinds of signal that can travel both forward and backward in time between the two photons. All he needs is an experiment that proves it.
What he needs to do is split a photon, send two "entangled" photons down two very different pathways of varying lengths using fiber-optic cables. Using the sort of gear that only boffins understand Cramer can work out if any of the photons did any time traveling. We would have thought that all you needed to do is look to see if any of the photons had a very small police phone box and you would be sorted.
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