Abit AT8 32X - ATI Crossfire 3200 chipset (supports 16x2 PCIe) Abit AN8 32X - Nvidia nforce 4 SLI (supports 16x2 PCIe)Mobos are priced the same ~ 120USDAsus X1950Pro - 190USD eVGA 7950GT (256MB) - 220USDThe best combination to me seems to be AT8 32X + 7950GT. The reason behind this is that the Xfire 3200 mobo is better than the nforce variant by all reviews as its a better solution than having 2 north bridges to accomplish 32 PCIe lanes. Not that the SLI mobo is bad by any means, its just not as good. Then a 7950GT with 24 pipes versus a 12pipe card, even with a 30USD difference is worth it to me. I do have some concerns about compatibility but i've not come across any with this config yet (please do post links if ANYONE does find incompatibilities). I also figure that I can sell the 7950 later on and get an ATI DX10 part and still have the luxury of Xfire if I am EVER so inclined. Oh, I have on order an OCZ 600W SLI PSU. Thus SLI/Xfire eh no problem (power wise). Let me know your take on the situation.Lastly, there is 1 more option just in case, scrap dual cards and get a cheap nforce 4 mobo with 1 16x PCIe slot, crap load of PCI and PCIe 1x and lime with the 7950 and upgrade to DX10 mid range (8600) when it comes out, it would reduce cost by I estimate up to 35USD.