Pirate Bay raids cause mass fall out Police and politicians in firing lineBy Nick Farrell: Friday 02 June 2006, 07:11 THE RAIDS on the P2P outfit The Pirate Bay is starting to blow up in the faces of the politicians that organised it.Police carrying out the raid have been slammed for also shutting down dozens of small internet businesses which were not connected with the Pirate Bay but had the misfortune of using the same ISP Rix|Port80.One, GameSwitch complained to the media that the cops had been taken by police and it had lost source code and data. The result was so bad that the outfit could not provide the service to its clients. A spokesman for the outfit said that this was the longest downtime the company had suffered and it was affecting the company economically.Another server which was taken down was one belonging to a lobby group called PiratByr?n which was a Swedish organisation designed to lobby and educate the populace on liberalising copyright reform. The outfit had little to do with ThePirateBay and its spokesman claimed that the police had been tricked by the music and film industry representatives Antipiratbyr?n which told the police that its servers contained copyrighted material, when it didn't.There is also considerable support in Sweden for ThePirateBay, if only because the country does not like foreign companies telling its government what to do.As a result, Rickard Falkvinge, head of the Swedish Pirate Party, is making much hay out of the closure. He told WiredFire that the US administration had leant on the Swedish minister of Justice to shut down thepiratebay site.He said that "foreign governments, pressured by their corporate interests where managing to get young people arrested for something that is not breaking Swedish law".He said that in Sweden "being a nuisance to the media industry is not illegal" X causing Y to lose money doesn't automatically make X a criminal, in Sweden. You have to actually break a law. He added that it was a "scandal of the worst sort" to have Swedish Police Force used for these purposes.