THEY NEED to offer better phones or a wider variety
They don't need to do much beyond what they are doing. Most people are not going to buy expensive phones, and it is what the frequency they are operating at can use.
They have a long term plan and they are sticking to it.
They are at about 22,000 subscribers
minimum and counting. Not bad for seven days of sales. The sales of the TSTT $99 phones owe more to the fact that every cheap Digicel phone in the country has been sold out than any great marketing initiative by TSTT.
I'm on the network. No complaints so far. At least their calls do not drop, and the reception is pretty good - especially in areas where the reception has been less than stellar.
And allyuh forgetting one thing. They are not TSTT who refuse to fix their problems, or try weird s**t with your billing.
The very fact that you now can choose to tell TSTT to haul their MC is a huge benefit. People will switch simply because they prefer not to deal with TSTT.
Plus, my GF on a Digi up the islands.