Author Topic: Stupity of our rulers  (Read 4388 times)

Offline TrinireturnofGamez

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Stupity of our rulers
« on: January 17, 2006, 06:39:16 PM »
  It struck me today how dumb most trinis in authority are...  The school  replaced an 8 port cnet switch ( like 2 months old, i have the same model home  )   which was working fine..  with a 16 port  switch... Which is exceedingly STUPID due to the fact that there are only 4 pcs on the friggin network as it is ! Even if you installed network cards in all the working pcs , it would only come up to 7 ! 
  Plus the school running on DIAL UP so even if they got  more than 8 working pcs ,  there isn't enough bandwidth to make all that spending worthwhile.. whats the value of having 10 pcs internet access when using all at the same time results in  time outs and disconnections?   
And as far is i know , there are no plans to get DSL or new pcs...   so it all seems F!%!! retarded to me , plus only 2 students have laptops , and they aren't allowed into the  Infotech room anyway,  plus only 3 teachers have laptops and none hook them up to the lan for fear of ''viruses''....  Oh yea...  whats the good of more pcs with internet acccess if we aren't allowed to USE them except occasionally ( once a week) ? The room is friggin empty all the time!
 Basically  this highlights a major problem in our society , dumbass good for nothing politicians pelting money at a problem they don't understand    just  for the n00bs  who voted them in to think something is bieng done , when in fact all that is bieng done is lining the pockets of the ministers...  A few examples..
  BLIMP !   has it  provided meaningful intelligence to the police? NO!  but they buy ANOTHER ONE... i think the criminals have enough common sense to NOT do something stupid if there is a blimp in the sky.... And i doubt it could take a good few AK 47 rounds before crashing ...
   All those police towers you see? They'r EMPTY! no servaillance equipment , and no spare police officers to keep watch...
  ANOTHER stadium  that we don't need,   we have endless stadia that  we don't use, what we gonna do with another one? 
  The thing is alot of those dumb@ss pnm supporters think manning and his pals actually  know what they doing and have their best interests in mind,  and are fooled  by flying objects and a massive budget .
      The simple truth is  no politician can be trusted,  the constitution must be reformatted to give the politicians less power and promote a MORE democratic government rather than this mockery that we have of one , where one side controls all the cards every 5 years , and the other side does their best to disagree to everything .... 
 More examples of stupidity :
   the PNM ADVERTISED on telivision to ''let the bils pass'' yet  the only people that matter were those in parliment , WTF you doing wasting money on advertisements that accomplish nothing?
  '' Tsunami Shelter''
  '' Watch TV to avoid having more children''
 '' Crime is  a temporary trend''
  '' Mr. Big, but we do not have enough evidence to bring him to court''
 '' we know who the gang members are, and are negotiating with them''

  I say we should shoot all prime ministers who are this dumb.. any volunteers?

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Stupity of our rulers
« on: January 17, 2006, 06:39:16 PM »

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Re: Stupity of our rulers
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2006, 09:20:46 PM »
Yea me. I'll organise my Glock 7 and my banana bomb...this should take two years.

But under all the seriousness 21 murders this month! the politicians need to do something about this

Offline 4ever_within_uber

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Re: Stupity of our rulers
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2006, 09:34:43 AM »
Trini. I pity people like you who don't see that the gov't is doing almost all it can to curb crime. I'm not too into politics but let's look at the situation logically. They are putting a lot of time into adds about crime stoppers and adds about drugs. They have stepped up police patrols. They are trying hard to offer some form of employment. The ministry of social development has a lot of infomercials about handling problems.

(One of two areas i think they are lacking in, They should have more police patrols in crime dense areas, they should also implement camera systems in crime dense areas, punishment should also be more severe, I say death penalty for kidnappers , so says the bible, so it ain't too harsh, after they instantaneously hang 4 let's see how many are going to continue). What is to stop people from having a licensed gun or a knife and killing their neighbour or their girlfriend who cheated on them in the privacy of their own neighbourhood or home areas? What can the gov't do about that except what they are? Provide employment and social help programmes, and crime stoppers reporting system to pre-empt as many as they can. What they can do though is start catching more of these criminals (cuz they lackin there too) and friggin them up real dredd.

Anyone who believes that different leadership is going to accomplish much more is sadly deluded.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2006, 09:38:59 AM by 4ever_within_uber »

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Re: Stupity of our rulers
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2006, 11:51:35 AM »
The Watch TV instead or having sex thing ws about the stupidest thing I have ever heard though. My God. What possessed people intelligent or otherwise to say something so stupid?

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Re: Stupity of our rulers
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2006, 12:08:29 PM »
I don't quite agree that the government is doing everything within their power to curb crime. They are doing what they THINK is best which is not necessarily so. There are ALOT of things that need to be done in order to curb crime and as far as I see it, they just do things that are most flashy to try to shy ur eyes away from the real problems. Imagine 1 woman murder case getting SO much attention when 23 ppl lie dead for the year and not by natural causes. Look how they focus on panday whilst there is corruption thru the entire core of the police services. They got a next blimp, where is the first  one? they want an apache helicopter, when has been the # of ppl caught by the helicopter with a spot light? FAR less for 1 with explosive firepower. The truth is we are being led by a bunch of money hungry IDIOTS who don't feel the effects of crime as much as everyone else until they nephew get beheaded. As long as the PM have his RECKLESS DRIVING security and his protected home he go sit on his @$$ or his head cause they are teh same thing and nothing will happen. Look at OHSA, MAN HAD TO FALL TO HIS DEATH for dem to get together and SERIOUSLY TRY to START implementing, doh study it in effect since 2004. Like Nikki on 96.1 said, we doh hadda fuel the next blimp, patrick just hadda talk to it every morning and we good. All day HOT air and NO action. *BIG STEUPS* waste of time all of them.


Re: Stupity of our rulers
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2006, 12:08:29 PM »

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Re: Stupity of our rulers
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2006, 02:32:04 PM »
i believe that right now thee a big money launduraing thing in T&t Government. where is all the money going?  but i only hear stories like them through friends

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Re: Stupity of our rulers
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2006, 04:35:56 PM »
hmm.. money laundering is the act of taking 'dirty' money ( proceeds of crime ) , passing it through a technically legal business ( i.e. having nationwide 75% off sales, yet accounting for the items  having been sold at 100%)  , depositing all the money in the bank, and withdrawing it for another legal purpose ( buy a house, car or boat)

i am assumin you talkin about embezzlement, which is the act of stealing from the company ( in this case , govt)  by overpaying for items( and taking a cut), or being a minister and having your ministry buy ish from your private company, at inflated prices..  or just being a bad man and writing a cheque to yourself.....

sigh.. each time i see patrick ( or bas, when it was his car) speeding down the road, i am reminded of how much of a 'banana republic' we are...

steups.. even max gets me vex with tha.. the only person who had a right to tell people to move, on d bus route was robbie.. cuz robbie take a bullet fuh t & t.. literally..

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Re: Stupity of our rulers
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2006, 05:27:54 PM »
yep that's what i meant, just couldn't think of the word.  but in some ways the government always has a tie with the drug prob in the country.  I mean jus look here in america,  how are you gonna have soo much regulations and drugs barrons are still all over the place

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Re: Stupity of our rulers
« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2006, 05:42:53 PM »
you ever saw traffic?

where the head of the gov't anti-drug program , his daughter was hooked on heroin?

regulations are all well and good. but it depends on 1) the will to enforce it and 2) the ability
drugs float in and around the US border, which at some points are monitored by two or 3 fellahs for hundreds of miles..

down here , we have litter laws..  1000TT fine, or 6mths in prison..
i not gonna talk about how nasty frederick st is..

some people would argue that the dutch have the right of it.. legalise everything.. is only when somethin is illegal, that the criminal aspect crops up around it..   besides.. gettin stoned is an age old past time. JC himself had to make more wine, cuz everybody had drink out wha they had, and head wasnt bad yet   :ph34r:


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Re: Stupity of our rulers
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2006, 10:29:11 AM »
besides.. gettin stoned is an age old past time. JC himself had to make more wine, cuz everybody had drink out wha they had, and head wasnt bad yet   afro

Dread a man watching King of COmedy I see. Dread what about the other polarity of the spectrum. Look at countries like like I think its Thailand... or 1 of those asian countries where the law is not quite militaristic (if thats a work) but damn close. They doh mix matters. If you commit a crime u do the time either on this earth or the next if you catch meh drift. Prostitution is legal too... but there is little or no crime cause they so strict and fast acting with justice... if anyone knwos where I talking bout fill in the blanks.I would support that approach. Legalizing stuff at our present state would not solve OUR problem, locking down on all dem MCs BRISK and putting the FEAR back into criminals is more justice imho.

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Re: Stupity of our rulers
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2006, 01:05:39 PM »

nah, well by locking down on them, they just gonna come back fightin harder, like a cornered animal

the same law that protects us, protects them.. i.e. to be arrested, there must be evidence of a crime, and to be convicted, the evidence has to convince a jury of their peers..

the police must act with these precepts,  whereas the criminals have no scruples in just killing out of hand...    these 'people' have no value for life, no dreams, no ambitions other than taking from others and instilling fear..

jail is no deterrent, cuz they family/padnas there.. they gettin 3 square meals.. and they have the 'rank' when they come out..(we'll just ignore the man-on-man rape)
death is clearly no deterrent either, cuz the lives they live, and the lack of any ambition makes death 'no scene'  .. live fast, die young..
what leverage do we have against someone who holds nothing dear to them?

now, u could say we should have a death squad, to just roll in , and kill them one time..  but 1)chances are, some innocent man might get executed due to misinformation ( could be one of us) and  2) we the society then become JUST LIKE THEM.. desensitized and actually endorsing murder ( hey.. once WE safe)
(there are death squads in brazil, that go around shooting street children, cuz they a bother to the tourist industry)

what we are faced with is a serious social problem , that more guns and more vehicles cannot address.... our value system is GONE.. just GONE...and that isn't just isolated to violent crimes and those who commit them..... nope.. we have corrupt polititicians who embezzle,ministries that are rife with nepotism.. businessmen who defraud the country its taxes, sell underpar goods at unfair prices to consumers..  and regular folk who happy to 'take a bligh' when it beneficial to them, but up in arms when someone else gets through and they don't..
double standards in everything....

there is also the argument that the decay in family life, and the rise of 'barrel children' i.e. mummy gone to the US to work and leave mih wit granny, sends down a barrel every few mths..
material goods == love
there's much more to that, but thas another rant in

we have people emulating Scarface.. and lookin up to 50 Cent ( cuz thas how real gangstas roll, son!! /sarcasm).. .. look at the woman they buried alive , from petit bourg...

now.. i not sayin i endorse crime, or that we should legalize coke ( though we should decriminalize weed,i.e. make it a fineable offense without jailtime and legalise prostituition... take the women off the streets.. prostituition around since the dawn of time, it eh goin nowhere)

i just sayin that is a larger problem than just a blimp , two choppers and more police patrols..

/ end rant

anyhow, the country you speak of, wintry, i believe it is Singapore  odd country, it is... our size,also a former colony,  with no resources except their people, yet highly prosperous and safe...  drug dealers need not apply; they WILL kill you if you are a drug dealer..    years ago, the prime minister of singapore said that we couldnt be like them, because we have too many holidays, and we too slack..    i think eric williams took offense to that, but the man was 

we could have been like them tho, if we tried.... we should have been.. but we wasted our wealth the first time around, and we gonna waste it again this time too..


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Re: Stupity of our rulers
« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2006, 01:35:35 PM »
A man PREACH DE WORD DERE DREAD... dread that was a big post. But that being said, I agree with you on the deathsquad.. that won't work cause we have too much corrupt cops so it'd proly turn into an extortion/death squad. But even so I would say dread, if they eh fraid death, there are ways to get the fear of it back into them, just let the chinese run the torture sessions you'll see how fast the fear gets back into them :)

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Re: Stupity of our rulers
« Reply #12 on: January 19, 2006, 09:55:54 PM »

we should really send the police chief a copy of  sun tzu's  The Art of War..

chinese water torture in dey mc!


Re: Stupity of our rulers
« Reply #12 on: January 19, 2006, 09:55:54 PM »


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