this is what happens when you trust people like bill gates :p , emulation of the xbox games was a bad idea from the start , they should have gone with an X86 core that would have been compatible , but instead they used the CHEAPER power PC cpu ...
Plus as consoles get more and more complicated they are bound to suffer alot of the same problems pcs have , crashing hard drives , incompatabilities , overheating etc.
hopefully the ps3 / revolution isn't as problematic as the xbox is .
Haha @ better use of money , building/ upgrading your pc may very well be... what i hear is that currant PCs eg. 1gb DDR , 3ghz , 6600 gt / 6800 have better graphics and smoother gameplay than the xbox 360's versions of Cod2 and Quake 4 ... with only 512mb of ram the xbox 360 can't push the same resolution textures as a pc with a gig or more RAM , what the games should be focusing on is tons of shader effects , HDR etc. that would use the consoles processing power instead of high res textures that it doesn't have the RAM for .