Author Topic: Sin City  (Read 2246 times)

Offline TinyGrasshopper

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Sin City
« on: April 06, 2005, 03:22:37 PM »
Okay, obviously everyone is awaiting this one. Here's the deal.

The movies visuals only carry it so far, about 30 minutes into the movie. The characters don't seem very interesting, except for Bruse Willis' character. His short story is also the most interesting. The stories are also in order of increasing interest, not chronologically. So characters that died in the earlier short stories appear in cameos in the following ones. That's about all the intertwining that the stories do, which i think makes the course of the movie a little dreary.

Having said that, the visuals are indeed very cool. The shots which, i think were ripped from the books, translate the essence of the comic frames well, which has longer stay than the black and white visuals themselves. And there are breasts. I have no complaints there. Except that none of them belong to Ms. Alba. oh well.

Oh yes, apart from Willis, Devon Aoki's silent character is cool and Elijah Woods character is the baddest villain in the entire movie. He is really really scary.
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Sin City
« on: April 06, 2005, 03:22:37 PM »


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