Cpu Core i7 860 (sells together with board)
Mobo Gigabyte GA-P55A-UD6 $1000 (cpu and board)
Ram Adata XPG ddr3 1600 (8gb, 4gb x 2) $300
Ram Corsair XMS3 DDR3 1600 (4gb, 2gb x 2) $200
Ram Crucial Ballistix Tracer DDR2 (4gb, 1gb x 4) $200
AIO water cooler Coolit ECO ALC (no fan) $200
GPUs 2 GTX 660ti EVGA 2gb $600
GTX 660ti Asus 2gb direct cu2 $700
(Cards were in sli on above board and cpu)
LED Screen AOC D2357Ph 23 inch 1080p 60hz 5ms $600 *SOLD*
(Had some bull 3d gimmick that i never used, and has built in speakers that are Built in speaker quality. It had 1 feature that was amazing and its the pixel overclocking. It reduces the led/lcd ghosting blur, made fast paced gaming look much crisper)