Author Topic: What happens when pirates play a game development simulator and then go bankrupt  (Read 6813 times)

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But Awesome, the science not perfect. Dat argument is like saying 'we eh go have laws, cuz criminals go break dem anyway'

I don't agree with ALWAYS ONLINE DRM, to play singleplayer at the very least.
But thus far I have only had one abysmal experience, Diablo 3 opening weeks was a treasure trove of bollocks.

I think as a start, it makes some of the most sense so far to go for online DRM. Games are moving into online play more and more, TBH no one plays 'Fifa, tekken, etc these games on their couch next to their brother, they actually playing and taking turns against opponents online.

And as the world is hurtling towards faster cheaper internet connectivity for everyone, Online DRM is going to become more and more ubiqitous.

Much like Cars when they first came out, they weren't perfect and few people could afford them, Online DRM is in its infancy. I think it will come quite far in the next 5 years.

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Allyuh missing one critical element of my argument. DRM is a subset of copy protection. It is possible to have copy protection without this type of invasive solutions that publishers employ today; ones that hinder legit buyers and are merely a nuisance to those who will pirate the thing anyway.

It is this type of copy protection that will cause publishers to LOOSE customers.

Also don't be fooled into thinking that the majority of people have access to a decent connection to the internet fill time eh. We in Trinidad are quite lucky in that respect. I am putting it to you that a large percentage of gamers are being alienated by always online DRM schemes.

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« Last Edit: May 02, 2013, 10:05:11 PM by Captain Awesome »

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It has come quite far already from inception.

Online DRM is now interwoven into more A-list titles than not.

Yes, it will improve even more so in the future. Fully agreed.

@ awesome

Copy Protection without DRM, DRM has proven to be a catastrophic failure for this industry.

It is now understood that mandating online play for a title creates far more paying customers than otherwise.

You see even straight laced single player offline games becoming online affairs. As mentioned in another thread, forget about LAN iymc.

As the internet becomes more and more ubiquitous and affordable, that strategy is only going to garner steam. (pun intended)

A safety net of online players than you can guarantee income from. Can't argue with that!

Developers will love it, publishers will love it, shareholders will love it.

Arcman will moan and throw a hissy fit. lol
« Last Edit: May 02, 2013, 10:07:11 PM by TriniWyatt »

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Nah man u must be joking. Right now the current state of DRM is just as bad as it always was and even worse actually. Since its inception I've heard and experienced horror stories and nothing eh change.

No DRM might not have been ideal but i'm yet to see any hard evidence to suggest that these inane schemes are netting publishers more money than before due to increased sales. Neither am I seeing any figures that suggest that the ratio of pirated:legit is balancing. I could bet my last dollar that there are just as many pirates around as there were before...

That said, always on DRM is ONLY more likely to curb piracy than offline DRM. I say only more likely because STILL, there are ways to get around it, depending on the implementation. Pirates WILL find a way at the end of the day.

Assuming the most stringent online DRM implementation, you open a whole other can of worms. Again, just look at the SimCity debacle for proof of what i'm talking about. At that point, you loose customer confidence, mind share and eventually, market share. It could reach a point where a large portion of people would shun a title, AAA and all just because a notorious publisher is involved.

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« Last Edit: May 02, 2013, 10:26:07 PM by Captain Awesome »

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Ah mean, this is just common sense. I dont know how allyuh not grasping the simple concept that if you try to sieze too much control, you can loose all control entirely.

Ah feel allyuh need to take a read through this article...

CD Projekt, in case you dont know is the development team behind The Witcher series of games. Here's a very salient quote from the article, spoken by one of the developers themselves:

First of all let me dispel the myth about DRM protecting anything. The truth is it does not work. It’s as simple as that. The technology which is supposed to protect games against illegal copying is cracked within hours of the release of every single game. So, that’s wasted money and development just to implement it. But that’s not the worst part. DRM, in most cases, requires users to enter serial numbers, validate his or her machine, and be connected to the Internet while they authenticate – and possibly even when they play the game they bought. Quite often the DRM slows the game down, as the wrapper around the executable file is constantly checking if the game is being legally used or not. That is a lot the legal users have to put up with, while the illegal users who downloaded the pirated version have a clean–and way more functional!–game. It seems crazy, but that’s how it really works. So if you are asking me how do I see the future of DRM in games, well, I do not see any future for DRM at all.

I eh asking allyuh boy, this DRM thing go buss we sweat as gamers profoundly sooner or later. We hadda vote with the wallet and let these people know this is not the way.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2013, 10:53:43 PM by Captain Awesome »


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I read that article a while ago on Pulse, but forgot to reference it.  +1 for that El Capitan.  (+)
Pretty much sums up all I've been saying, albeit a lot more eloquently.

People are going to pirate The Witcher games...can't get around that.

I admire CD Projekt's stance... I really do.  So much so that I will put my money where my mouth is and buy both The Witcher 1 AND 2.  Eventually.

Part 2 will suffice for now...  :happy0203:

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I coming for both of alyuh, cyah respond now cause I don't have de appropriate time....doh feel ah go forget!!!



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