Author Topic: Nokia is being killed by complexity. The company's solution? More complexity.  (Read 9228 times)

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They need to make those updates sooner rather than later.

For a couple years now, Microsoft's CEO has been making bold promises about the company making a serious effort to be a player in mobile. He criticized the failed Windows Mobile 6.5 effort and promoted Windows Phone 7 as a game-changer. Then Windows Phone 7 shipped with the fewest capabilities of any competing mobile OS (despite having a nice UI) and quickly became a joke and a flop. Likewise, Ballmer made promises on Windows tablets a year ago that the company never even tried to fulfill.

Yesterday, Ballmer announced that Windows Phone 7 would be updated late this year to make Internet capabilities a "first-class citizen" (his words, not mine, though it's nice to see him agree that the early version was second- or third-class). Ballmer promised that Microsoft would address the features currently missing from Windows Phone 7, such as HTML5 support and multitasking.

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Microsoft previously said it will add cut and paste to Windows Phone 7 this year as well. Not so clear is whether Microsoft plans to fill in all the security and management holes that disallow its use in most corporate networks, such as lack of VPN and on-device encryption, as well as substandard support for Microsoft's own Exchange ActiveSync policies (it supports fewer of those policies than any competing platform).

What Ballmer is promising to deliver -- multitasking and HTML5 support -- are basic capabilities that should have been in Windows Phone 7 at the outset. Apple's iOS, Google's Android OS, Hewlett-Packard's WebOS, and Research in Motion's BlackBerry OS 6 (introduced with the Torch last summer) all do. This is Microsoft just finally getting the basic in place, not an advancement that should get people excited.

The basics matter -- especially if Nokia's adoption of Windows Phone 7 is to have a prayer of working (I think it's a suicidal move). But in the competitive mobile market where Apple continues to set the pace and Google continues to follow fast, simply staying on the track isn't good enough.

And given how Microsoft routinely breaks the promises Ballmer makes in the mobile space, I can't help but believe that when Windows Phone 7 does get multitasking, HTML5 support, and cut and paste, it will not deliver to the standard of the competition.

I'm all for admitting mistakes and expecting to be forgiven, as long as the actual mistake is addressed and not repeated. Maybe this time Ballmer means what he says and Microsoft will deliver on it this fall. But with its track record, I wouldn't bet on it.


Offline MessiaaH

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When iphone came out wihtout multitasking, everybody cuss it, including me. And it took them SOOOOOOOO long, to implement a feature, that existed since windows mobile 5!!!!!!!!!!
My very first WM5 devices (AT&T 4585) coulda do what d latest and greatest iphone couldnt. That did not stop apple from gaining #1 marketshare.

Microsoft had to implement dis shit smart, put it out controlled, and slowly add/open it up. Otherwise dey coulda find theyself in d same predicament as what caused winmos inevatble downfall, and dat is, man taking d OS and doing shit with it.

Microsoft brining copy/paste, multitasking, etc etc, in less than a year of d release of d oringal handset, and u dont have to migrate to new hardware (android), to get the enhanced features.

There are tons and tons of both negative and positive wp7 reviews, some reviewers say its absolutely brilliant, and applaud MS for releasing such polish in such short space of time. I tend to agree with d positive reviews, having used, wm5, 6.5, iphone 3, iphone 4, shitdroid, oops, i mean android :)

WP7 started at d core, it get d basics perfect. A simple thing as checking email, makes me disgusted on d android/iphne after using it on wp7. WP7 email support is spot on.
Non of d other platforms jump out at me and say, HEY!
WP7 did that. And like i said before, nokia is not ah roti shop. D men know what dey doing.
They not holding d top phone sales in d world by guess.

Microsoft flop wiht vista, yet stil every business i know migrating to windows 7, any store u go in, is windows 7 coming on d computer. And same thing will happen with wp7.
Nokia doen talking about scaling wp7 down to ah mee-too.
Man go be rocking wp7 and doh even know lol.

Anyways, wp7 on my old ass HD2 wokin bess, and i much prefer it than d same android i was already going to buy. But d more i research android, d more i realise i wasting my time. Decided to flash wp7 on hd2, and dat was game yes.

To all haters, try it before u say no.

SPB MS3.5 on WM6
Ive been using this for years:
I tweak and hack d shit out of it, and even made some custom plugins.

Time for change, wp7 ftw.


BTW, WP7 can already multitask 1st party apps, Zune/IE/Email/ETC/ETC already multitasks brilliantly.
They purposely choose to juss hit d disable button on d feature for 3rd party, to test d waters.
Now dey brinign it after seeing its feasable to do so. Not like dey have to jerry rig ah patch in.

Windows Phone 7 Multitasking, IE9 and Skydrive Future Features Shown
« Last Edit: February 15, 2011, 08:36:41 PM by MessiaaH »

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Man posts read like a MS marketing machine cog. This is fanboyism to its highest.

But who am I to talk, i'm a fanboy too and I can say with 100% certainty that I wont be caught dead with a wp7 phone. I'll buy it for my mother or sister. Let them go oh and ahh at the interface.

Problems with mail on android? on Iphone? All I can say bro is that you're doing it wrong. So easy to do and use that I can do it in my sleep.

Wow, I didnt know we were in 2005? We STILL have os's missing something as elementary as copy and paste? Working with documents and other basic things must be such a joy on wm7.

What? multitasking? Yeah I can do that. more USEFUL apps than WP7 will EVER have? yeah man. Every other thing wm cld do and sooo much more...yea, remind me why I should switch again?

Offline MessiaaH

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This is not a , U MUSS USE WP7 thread lol.
Man free to use what dey want.
Is not ah crime to use android, if u already on d platform, and rooted in d android culture, and have d apps u want that u cant find anywhere else, and android serving u, by all means, android is ur phoen lol. It have iphone men wont be caught dead using android, and it have blackberry men dat think android/iphone/wp7 is all shit lol.

To each his own.

But wp7 is not a sister/mama device as u claim.

WP7 has merits that should be acknowledged, i hate d iphone, but blasted apple have dem developers LOCK!, everybody have dey strenhgts.

Im a techie too, u is not d only one, so stop talking as if I eh know what i talking bout and want ah noob device, is MessiaaH yuh talking too, im not yuh regular "oooo it looks prettyyyyyy" joe. lolol.

And android is juss not d platform for me, it feels too much like d aged wm6.5 i was using all d time, and wp7 offer some addional features i cant get anywhere else.
And right now d name of d game is efficiency and speed.

I have my netbook to do any hardcore networking i need to do.
And d rest of needs from my phone, wp7 does it better than d rest.
Lack of multi was ah mistake yea, that and other reasons is why i started checking out droid.
But in d end, droid is not for me, same as wp7 is not for u.

And come christmas when nokia release dey super phone with d best phone hardware on d planet, i shall be ah happy wp7 camper :)

Doh go like dat man in yuh display picture becuase it have men think android is shit lolol.

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Aye, what wp7 phone should I get my sisters and mother for birthdays [/pokewoodinfire]


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Get them ah HTC Desire HD2, i hear its d latest Dual Core phone dey swet and toil on juss to get android to load ah webpage half decent  :sassy:

Make sure dey have solar panel bagpacks too :)

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i salivate at the thought of that Desire HD. If I ever buy one them eh even getting to touch that.

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I juss want to see WP7 on Nokia E7 type hardware, dat phoen have full querty keyboard, and thin like shit, i cant wait to see d Frankenstien nokia going to lash we with.

And MS go have 1 thing in dey camp, undisputed best phone hardware :)

Men who undecided should wait on that, man who cyah wait, samsung focus is d best bet imo. If u strike ah 400~ deal.

I wont spend over 550 on d current slew of wp7 hardware. D price has to be right to justify it with dem DC droids around d corner. but Nokia go deal with dat doh worry.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2011, 09:53:14 PM by MessiaaH »

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I must absolutely admit, I am a bit jealous of the hardware wp7 will get. HTC and Sumsung real holding it down on the Android front but Nokia has had a couple devices that make me go wayyyy allyuh seriously gonna put Symbian on that bess ting?

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^^ My Sentaments exactly!

MS come outa no way with dat nokia partnership boy, dey realy realy needed dat to break in d market. And becuase nokia go have d best hardware, and most of it. Its no doubt developers will flock. Dies what does attrack devs, not d platform per say, but where dey seeing dey software selling d most. More handset sales = more developer interest.

What more yuh want? HARDCORE! ->


Ah solid WLM for this platform go kick all kinds of ass. i hope dey do that soon.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2011, 10:37:02 PM by MessiaaH »

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« Last Edit: February 16, 2011, 09:10:12 PM by MessiaaH »

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Nokia stalwart Symbian isn't quite making its exit yet even though the world's largest phone maker is switching to Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 as its primary smartphone platform.

"Just because we're changing our direction in terms of smartphone platform, it doesn't mean that the existing platform is completely broken," said Vlasta Berka, general manager for Nokia Singapore, Malaysia, and Brunei, at the launch of the E7 smartphone in Singapore today. "We still have obligations to our users, developers, business partners, and customers."

According to Nokia, there are currently 200 million Symbian users around the world. The Finnish outfit said it expects to sell about 150 million Symbian devices going forward.

"Symbian is here to stay. Symbian will still be around, but it's just going to go somewhere around the corner," Berka added.

The latest E7 smartphone features a 4-inch AMOLED display, physical QWERTY keyboard, 8-megapixel camera with dual-LED flash, 16GB of onboard memory and a suite of enterprise solutions. It retails at S$989 ($774) in Singapore.

Berka also tried to allay fears that Nokia will cease support for the Symbian platform. He said over 50 improvements, from visual to performance enhancements, will be rolled out for the rest of this year.

Last week, Nokia's Chief Executive Stephen Elop noted that the Qt development environment that is used for Symbian devices would not be usable on Windows Phone 7 applications. He said this was to ensure that differing platforms don't confuse developers or consumers.

According to Gartner, Symbian's market share dropped from 46.9 percent in 2009 to 37.6 percent in 2010.



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