Wyatt, this makes ALOT!!!!! more sense, dan SSDs right now.
Im checking out an upgraded HD for my netbook, but d ssd price juss cannot be justified,
Netbook coming with 500GB 5400rpm drive, and juss to get 160GB ssd, yuh talking all kinda 300-400$+
It juss was not makin sense to me, so i say id buy ah 500GB 7200rpm drive, get my speed increase there, for like 100$
Den i bounce up d Seagate Momentus XT, and man was i impressed, with d performance, AND d price.
Its where i think all SSD technology should go. Provide similar perfomormance to d masses @ quater d cost.
Check it out:
Amazon Price:
http://www.amazon.com/Seagate-Momentus-7200RPM-Hybrid-ST95005620AS-Bare/dp/B003NSBF32/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1276492326&sr=8-2130$ fuh 500GB of dat kinda performance, dats what we talking bout.
I actually thinking to get 2 of dose in RAID0 fuh meh desktop, to replace d 10k VelociRaptor Drives.
Seagate come good, i doing more research, what alyuh men think.