Author Topic: Asus se k8v  (Read 3051 times)

Offline roodie

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Asus se k8v
« on: May 29, 2009, 11:40:45 PM »
Yeah i know, it gives u the same feeling as when u hear one of those 80's songs

Cleaning out and realized i still had this board, fired up to see if it wukin.
The board is powering up, after a series of "no video" I manage to see a bootscreen...had no bootable disks connected so had to reboot, of course pon d reboot "no video"

500W gen psu, 1Gb markvision ram & 512 generic sumtin ram

Here's the steps i took:
1. Power on with ONLY cpu, and ram....hooray green light on mobo on and cpu fan & heatsink fan video card in yet so feeling good so far

2. No Beeps with video and ram in. Remove and beep, mobo not ded

3. No Video...okay, unplug power and reset cmos

4. still no video, switch ram to d 1Gb just in case

5 No video, try ram on each dimm

6. no video, still wondering about enuff power plug in a dvd burner, ok dat powering up

I would all be happy to say "aye d blasted video card ded" cept while plugging / unplugging
i unplugged the ide cable 4 d dvd burner and then
on a "no technical reason why jes kinda do it" unplug the fan 4 d heatsink and pwr for 2 secs,
noticed the quiet,
power off plug back in fan connector and pwr up woohoo looks iz video ah gettin watch the board boot and trying to detect drives, ok so i hfta plug in dvd burner plug it an netin.

Okay, so I unplug the burner again, clear cmos and pwr back up, no video -_-, have 2 oder agp cards but no means of verifying whether them wukin....

Does this sound in anyway remotely familiar to anyone, or does anyone have any crazy ideas granted the situation of not knowing whether any of the peripherals can really stand up or not

Toshiba Satellite
CPU: Intel Pentium Dual CPU T3200 2.0Ghz
GPU: Intel 4500m
HDD: 250GB

Phenom II 940 x4
BFG GTX260 OC 896MB (216)
Kingston 4Gb
200GB WD
80GB Seagate


Asus se k8v
« on: May 29, 2009, 11:40:45 PM »


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