Author Topic: Intel rejects Vista, sticks with XP  (Read 1613 times)

Offline TrinireturnofGamez

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Intel rejects Vista, sticks with XP
« on: June 27, 2008, 12:11:59 AM »  .

Intel, the world's largest microprocessor manufacturer, has stuck with operating system maker Microsoft through good times and bad.  The pair have worked closely together one every modern Windows release and have even shared some common unpleasant experiences -- like being subjected to Federal Trade Commission investigations.

However, times have changed and suddenly, according to inside reports Intel has shockingly snubbed Microsoft's flagship product, Windows Vista.  Intel, which has over 80,000 employees with workstations, will not change its computers over to Vista.  This marks the first time that Intel would have bypassed a major Windows generation, if the reports from the key inside source hold true.

While Intel's acceptance or rejection may be a largely symbolic blow, it is part of a far broader trend of companies refusing to adopt Windows Vista, discussed previously here at DailyTech.  While consumer adoption has languished slightly due to some complaints about compatibility, features, and resource consumption, these problems are exponentially greater in the business world, which operates largely on somewhat antiquated hardware.

  Vista is officially the new ME , Windows 7 is on the way to replace it in 2010 , looks like Intel and many businesses will be making the transition from XP around then.

 Vista won't even be an issue for us gamers if it wasn't for DX10....

Core 2 duo E6600
Asus mobo
Radeon HD 4770
2 gigs DDR2 667 + 2 gigs DDR 800 OCZ


Intel rejects Vista, sticks with XP
« on: June 27, 2008, 12:11:59 AM »


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