Author Topic: Obama wins iowa primary ... First black prez?  (Read 21235 times)

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Re: Obama wins iowa primary ... First black prez?
« Reply #40 on: January 11, 2008, 08:11:42 AM »
Oh *slap in the forehead* where are my manners

Hi everyone I'm unisoc I'm from Tunapuna, I'm glad to find this forum I was refered to it by a friend of mine a girl gamer don't know if u know her Lillith, i know her from Silkroad.


Re: Obama wins iowa primary ... First black prez?
« Reply #40 on: January 11, 2008, 08:11:42 AM »

Offline TrinireturnofGamez

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Re: Obama wins iowa primary ... First black prez?
« Reply #41 on: January 11, 2008, 04:02:22 PM »

I don't see what the importance of my education is to you but I will satisfy your curiousity nonetheless. I scored perfect scores on the PSAT, SAT and ACT pretty easily. I maintained a GPA of well over 4.6 for High School and graduated early for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) where I studied Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS). I've earned a Master's Degree in it and I'm thinking of going one level higher and pursuing the ScD.

 The max GPA is 4.0 for a straight A+ average but i'd accept that as a typo ,  if all of that is true , no wonder your ego is so huge  .
  A perfect score ie. 2400?

  You still haven't come up with any solid evidence to counter my argument , I have Alan Greenspan on my side..  Who do you have ? (besides Bush and his boys) .

 America as a whole doesn't benefit from a war in Iraq but  certain US companies and individuals do , Haliburton  an energy company who Dick Cheney formerly worked for ,  is receiving huge contracts to rebuild Iraq's infrastructure .

 Prior to the wars  ,Iraq's oilfields were owned by the state , Foreign companies were pushed out in the 1970s. Now with a US backed government , Iraqi oilfields are open  to any company that can bid successfully .

 Take a look at a list of America's 'enemies' for a second : Venezuela and Iran who nationalized their oilfields , Cuba who under Castro nationalized its industries , pushing out US owned companies.
  All are bad for US owned business , any clashing ideologies are secondary concerns .

 OF course i can't exactly  pull out any seriously incriminating evidence , if anyone could the  whole Bush administration would be impeached already .

I will concede defeat though ,if you can find  logical points that prove mine wrong and some form of  evidence , historical or otherwise , to back them up.

 Concerning the books point : of course i don't expect Bush to go pen a thousand page novel while he's in office, the point is he's had decades prior to running for president for intellectual pursuits , but has none under his belt .
His numerous malapropisms aka 'Bush isms'  go to show how poor his literacy is.. Without his speech writers (and dad)  i'm sure he'd never be in office. 

« Last Edit: January 11, 2008, 04:06:07 PM by TrinithereturnofGamez »

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Re: Obama wins iowa primary ... First black prez?
« Reply #42 on: January 11, 2008, 09:11:18 PM »
I don't see what the importance of my education is to you but I will satisfy your curiousity nonetheless. I scored perfect scores on the PSAT, SAT and ACT pretty easily. I maintained a GPA of well over 4.6 for High School and graduated early for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) where I studied Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS). I've earned a Master's Degree in it and I'm thinking of going one level higher and pursuing the ScD.


...oh yeah. It's possible to have a 4.6 gpa if you're on a college prep path in certain high schools, trinithereturn.

And perfect score SAT in his time would be 1600.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2008, 09:18:16 PM by Synchronomyst »
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Re: Obama wins iowa primary ... First black prez?
« Reply #43 on: January 11, 2008, 10:05:57 PM »
i'm still under the impression he's really grim.. or he'd lie and say he got a score higher than my 1920 numerically , something dishonest .
    I'm surprised he might actually be a real person with that little respect for us.

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Offline TrinireturnofGamez

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Re: Obama wins iowa primary ... First black prez?
« Reply #44 on: January 12, 2008, 11:53:56 PM »
Well since you seem interested in this I will go on with a quick run down, I'd like to see your full view of all this.

Obama's short term attack against Pakistan in rural areas would be pointless. Sure, you'll kill some terrorists but unless you carry out a long term operation meant to end it for good, it will be a waste.

 I'm bored and just watched black hawk down again.. and realised a counter argument to this point :
   probably 95% of the  militia in afghanistan and pakistan is illiterate , and by themselves a threat to nothing except their immediate surroundings .
    Without funding they probably won't even be able to leave Pakistan.

What makes them dangerous is the handful of educated , wealthy individuals who recruit them for terror cells i.e. Bin Ladens . 

  A strike that successfully kills  say , 10 of these individuals would do more good than an ongoing conflict that may manage to claim  say , 1000 AK47 bearing militia.

  New terrorists Pakistan are recruited  through schools called madrassas , funded by an extremist Saudi sect of islam , they win people's hearts by providing much needed education , implant extremist ideals , and single out individuals to join militia.

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Re: Obama wins iowa primary ... First black prez?
« Reply #44 on: January 12, 2008, 11:53:56 PM »


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Re: Obama wins iowa primary ... First black prez?
« Reply #45 on: January 13, 2008, 05:41:29 PM »
a much longer article that offers proof of the benefits for the oil industry (american oil industry that is), can be found here:

i know is not the topic but since u asked for proof there u go.

On topic now, according to the title of this thread the question isn't whether or not Obama would make a Good president, the question is, does he have a chance of being the next president of the United States? I would say: Who cares??!!! After the moron they just had they could put up a chicken dressed in a carnival costume and still would be way better.

I see how your logic works. Your definition of proof is also seriously flawed. If I were to follow it too, I could look up some random articles that support my view point as well and call them proof. Since those would "prove" that the war in Iraq was not for oil, it would render your arguments invalid here. The question truly is if Obama can be half as good as Bush. I don't think he can, despite Obama possibly being a Neo conservative in disguise with some of the points he made, he has crossed the line with a chance to thrust America into the abyss if elected.

The max GPA is 4.0 for a straight A+ average but i'd accept that as a typo ,  if all of that is true , no wonder your ego is so huge  .
  A perfect score ie. 2400?

You are wrong again. The Max GPA can exceed 5.0 in some cases. Honors and Advance Placement high school courses have a weighted grade of 5.5 max. If you were to take a high level college prep cirriculum in high school and score A's and A+'s in all, your GPA would easily surpass 4.0.

'm still under the impression he's really grim.. or he'd lie and say he got a score higher than my 1920 numerically , something dishonest .
    I'm surprised he might actually be a real person with that little respect for us.

I could only imagine the amount of people would be labeled "Grim" by you just for not being a foolish Liberal. The accusations against me will not give you a strong stepping, just because I did much better than you on a test does not make me a liar. If I were to truly lie and give a lower score in comparison to yours, you would be less likely to say such a thing because it suits you much better. You will not get any more respect from me if you keep making such assumptions and accusations against me with no proof at all. In fact, if you keep doing so, you don't really deserve more respect than what you are getting, I will treat you how you treat me.


You still haven't come up with any solid evidence to counter my argument , I have Alan Greenspan on my side..  Who do you have ? (besides Bush and his boys) .

You may have Alan Greenspan on "your side". Though if you really think about it, you have the views of many Islamic extremists on your side as well. I hate taking the views of others even if it is similar to mine and trying to back my argument with it. Unless I actually come across solid evidence of oil being the reason behind the invasion, I just cannot take a conspiracy to be a fact.

America as a whole doesn't benefit from a war in Iraq but  certain US companies and individuals do , Haliburton  an energy company who Dick Cheney formerly worked for ,  is receiving huge contracts to rebuild Iraq's infrastructure .

So going to war is only about letting a few companies make some money? How much money did they make? Is it going to cover the entire spending of the war? Is it going to cover the amount of US troops lost in Iraq? And most of all, was it truly worth it?

Prior to the wars  ,Iraq's oilfields were owned by the state , Foreign companies were pushed out in the 1970s. Now with a US backed government , Iraqi oilfields are open  to any company that can bid successfully .

How does this prove anything? You still have to pay for the oil either way and it's not going to make up the cost of the war and the lives lost. The Vietnam war was not for oil, the Yom-Kippur war was not for oil, the Indo-Pak wars were not for oil, the Chechen wars were not for oil etc... Yet their companies made profits from the wars, that doesn't mean they did it for profits for those few companies. They each had a purpose, just like how the Iraq war had a purpose that was not about oil. Just because people want to believe it was about oil, doesn't mean it truly is about oil.

Take a look at a list of America's 'enemies' for a second : Venezuela and Iran who nationalized their oilfields , Cuba who under Castro nationalized its industries , pushing out US owned companies.
  All are bad for US owned business , any clashing ideologies are secondary concerns .

Yes they may be bad for US owned businesses, but then again, does it really have to do with oil? The so called clashing ideologies are only secondary concerns because you choose to make them secondary in your own world. The reality is far different and oil has nothing to do with it. Cuba is communist so they whether nationalized anything or not, they would still be opposition. Venezuela is run by a dictator that continuously talks tough and supports Russia and Iran. I'm not going to go into Russian politics unless you want to, but for now I will keep it to your list. Iran is a major supporter of terrorism and also funds them to fight in Iraq. Iran is pursuing Nuclear weapons and Ahmadinejad has said he wants to whip Israel off the face of the map. The US has a right to be enemies with them and again, it's not about oil.

I will concede defeat though ,if you can find  logical points that prove mine wrong and some form of  evidence , historical or otherwise , to back them up.

The same goes for you, I'm not the one screaming out conspiracies anyway.

Concerning the books point : of course i don't expect Bush to go pen a thousand page novel while he's in office, the point is he's had decades prior to running for president for intellectual pursuits , but has none under his belt .
His numerous malapropisms aka 'Bush isms'  go to show how poor his literacy is.. Without his speech writers (and dad)  i'm sure he'd never be in office.

Writing a book means nothing, even if he did, I would not think any higher of him really. If it means having a president like Bush, I couldn't care less about any mistakes he makes. He is human after all and his actions show what a great president he truly is, not human mistakes while giving a speech.

I'm bored and just watched black hawk down again.. and realised a counter argument to this point :
   probably 95% of the  militia in afghanistan and pakistan is illiterate , and by themselves a threat to nothing except their immediate surroundings .
    Without funding they probably won't even be able to leave Pakistan.

What makes them dangerous is the handful of educated , wealthy individuals who recruit them for terror cells i.e. Bin Ladens .  

  A strike that successfully kills  say , 10 of these individuals would do more good than an ongoing conflict that may manage to claim  say , 1000 AK47 bearing militia.

  New terrorists Pakistan are recruited  through schools called madrassas , funded by an extremist Saudi sect of islam , they win people's hearts by providing much needed education , implant extremist ideals , and single out individuals to join militia.

If Obama were to take action against them in Pakistan, then that means Obama would be trying to do so for oil in Balochistan. Or do these standards only apply to Bush if he is doing something?

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Re: Obama wins iowa primary ... First black prez?
« Reply #46 on: January 13, 2008, 06:46:35 PM »
  Okay i agree that we'v both disrespected each other, from here on out lets aim to remove adjectives like 'foolish' and 'liar' .
 You have me wrong on one point : I totally respect your point of view , one thing iv learned from young is that people's beliefs have to do more with their environment growing up , and convenience , than anything else .

A good example i saw in church today : The leader of a semi popular rock group was in church with his new girlfriend , who is apparently turning him catholic from athiest . Just last year this same guy turned his previous girlfriend athiest... Their beliefs coincided with what benefited them the most .

 Abraham Lincoln was a republican , i haven't forgotten that.
  And i'm not a liberal  , you forget that the same boxes you place your fellow americans in doesn't work this far from the mainland . I'm against war in general but i believe the initial invasion of Afghanistan  was reasonable , the american civil war , World war II , Kosovo were well intentioned and justified .
    (btw america was loved by most muslims during the clinton administration because intervention in Kosovo saved muslim lives) .

   Locally , i'm a supporter of our government making it easier for private business owners to have access to guns as we'r plagued by a drug fueled crime wave , Trinidad is a major transshipment point for narcotics to the rest of the world . Things like crystal meth and ecstasy have never taken off because the cocaine is so cheap .

 You have your reasons for loving bush , here are our reasons for hating him :

 Locally , food prices have skyrocketed , bush's policies are partly to blame as ethanol is being used to make fuel from corn that is normally shipped to countries like us.  Of course it is economics working against us but it doesn't help the fact that we pay 2-3 times as much for some food items now than before the Bush administration came into power.

We have  a small but influential , and mostly well loved muslim population (i'v never met a muslim girl who wasn't nice to me.. and who hasn't given me her number when prompted) we share their feelings about the death and displacement of hundreds of thousands of Muslims in Iraq.

Poor response to the disaster in New Orleans put a sour taste in our mouths ,as some of us had family there , and when black people are oppressed and neglected anywhere , its felt across the world and not forgotten .

  OF course there are alot  , differencing from person to person  , but these i believe are the main reasons why we hate bush . 

Back to the war in iraq : in 50 years or so when the energy crisis is at its climax , you'll see how important that Iraqi oil is to the industrialized world .  Who controls the fuel will wield enormous power worldwide , US control of the middle east will secure its place as a superpower in the face of a rising China .

BTW : Chavez is in power due to popular vote , and the recent referendum shows he does respect it to some extent, he's not a dictator in the proper sense of the word . I consider him an idiot though, because his economic policies are similar to that of Mugabe in Zimbabwe , and will do similar damage .

And you'r forgetting : for the rest of the world , its COOL to be anti american , Chavez and Abedinejad are doing it because it wins them votes .

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Re: Obama wins iowa primary ... First black prez?
« Reply #47 on: January 13, 2008, 07:06:29 PM »
Okay....I guess that's it for this thread.
Mind you, this has nothing to do with who's 'right' and who's 'wrong'...everyone's viewpoint is valid, as well as their own. As I said before, I couldn't care less about this topic, so I'm completely neutral on it.

Actually, this is the reason I'm putting the cap on it.

I could only imagine the amount of people would be labeled "Grim" by you just for not being a foolish Liberal

no wonder your ego is so huge  

Quoted from both parties, mind you.
Next time you guys have a debate....let's not resort to name calling, all right?

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Re: Obama wins iowa primary ... First black prez?
« Reply #48 on: January 13, 2008, 09:37:12 PM »
iam unlocking this for the thing that comment on the grim thing neocon said in response to what trini said. Lol how amazing a simple misunderstanding of the english language can lead to chaos.

Neo con, let me clarify
Trini wasnt labeling you as a grim person
Trini was stating that he and other people here on the forum have some belief that you are infact your "friend" grim reaper and thats what he meant by saying that you are in fact grim.

Lol ^_^ english is wonderful isnt it?

also, i just wanted to ask, you said made a comment about whether or not obama could be as "good" a president as Bush is/was.
Well, could you please tell me/us what makes him a good president?
If approval ratings were a judge of how good a president he is/was, then that would make him a bad one.

so tell us please, what criteria has he met over his two stints that make him a good president?
« Last Edit: January 13, 2008, 09:39:42 PM by Crixx_Creww »

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Re: Obama wins iowa primary ... First black prez?
« Reply #49 on: January 13, 2008, 09:50:03 PM »
oh and btw

just hoping here but uh, are you a steak man by chance??
i know its kinda rude to assume since yur american yu know something bout steak but, iam a new found steak lover, and well no one does steak better than america so i was just hoping, if you are a steak man, if you could pop over to the food section of our forum and give us some recipe/advice on steak ^_^ plixx thanks

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Re: Obama wins iowa primary ... First black prez?
« Reply #50 on: January 13, 2008, 10:22:13 PM »
No, Crixx. Leave this thread locked.

« Last Edit: January 15, 2008, 05:19:51 PM by New_Era_Outlaw »


Re: Obama wins iowa primary ... First black prez?
« Reply #50 on: January 13, 2008, 10:22:13 PM »


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