Author Topic: New encryption system.. simple but brilliant...  (Read 1625 times)

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New encryption system.. simple but brilliant...
« on: May 28, 2007, 09:49:30 AM »
Who says electronics is a dead field...
Encryption is a thing of the past

C'mon feel the noise

By Nick Farrell: Monday 28 May 2007, 09:00
A BOFFIN in the former Spanish colony of Texas has come up with a simple way of making electronic messages that are impossible to crack.

According to New Scientist, Laszlo Kish at Texas A&M University in College Station has come up with a cunning plan that uses the thermal properties of a simple wire to create a secure communications channel which outperforms quantum cryptography keys. His invention uses thermal noise which is generated by the natural agitation of electrons within a conductor.

Kish and fellow boffins at the University of Szeged in Hungary say this noise can be used to securely pass information, or an encryption key, down any wire, including a telephone line or network cable.

The idea is based on using two resistors. One high resister sends a greater thermal noise and the other ends a low one. Half the time they produce either too much or too little noise on the line and will ignore any communication. The rest of the time they will produce a little bit of noise and send some real data. It takes an "educated eavesdropper" to even realise information is being sent when there seems to be just low-level noise on the line.

If hackers do realise they are listening to a message then they cannot tell what it is because it's impossible to tell whether a person has a high or low resistor turned on. Listening will alter the level of thermal noise so that the parties will know someone is trying to hear their conversation.


New encryption system.. simple but brilliant...
« on: May 28, 2007, 09:49:30 AM »


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