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Messages - ShaneGooseman07

Pages: [1]
General Gaming & System Wars / Re: Destiny
« on: September 23, 2014, 08:34:37 AM »
joined this site a while now but this is my 1st post  :hello:
Since launch I've been playing Destiny for at least 6 hours everyday; currently a level 26 warlock  :happy0203: and enjoying every minute of it.
with regard to destiny's story, i have to agree that it's really lacking. I like playing games to find out about the story, even if it isn't that good (I've played through the last 4 cods) and I still felt nothing wrt the universal struggle that my guardian is supposedly engaged in. For a supposedly cosmic battle, the might of "The darkness" was never apparent to me; the end left A LOT to be desired. The story just seems riddled with many DLC-shaped holes, and if that's the case it might probably stay that way for me. Haven't had a game with a satisfying storyline with the exception of The Last of Us, but that's a gripe for another thread i guess.
The raids i find to be quite enjoyable, playing by myself, with friends, or with randoms. I hardly ever got paired with ppl who weren't playing as a team, with/without a mic. I found completing a raid on a high difficulty setting all on my own to be quite entertaining as it added a different level of urgency to my gameplay, even if it did take forever.
As was expected the game looks amazing and controls smoothly so not much to say there. Pvp is quite enjoyable, if a bit sparse in it's available game modes. As was mentioned previously the only annoying thing is to get killed by a hunter's bladedancer ability after emptying an entire clip into them.
Also, the weekly limiter is bs as i was capped within 2 days. that needs to be modified. All in all, I found the story to be the only weak point, plus a bit more weapon variety can't hurt. Review sites be damned!   :violent5:

seems like they trying something different in an attempt to keep it fresh. Will wait for actual gameplay before passing judgement. Graphics are just a notch above meh tho :shakehead:

hey, lookin 4 ppl 2 play cod: ghosts on ps4  :hello:

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