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Messages - Nice time

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PC Gaming / Re: Trinidad Internet
« on: October 07, 2013, 10:34:47 PM »
lol. thanks again. I'll handle the laptop on my own. I think I can manage :p

PC Gaming / Re: Trinidad Internet
« on: October 07, 2013, 05:07:32 PM »
Thank you all for your prompt replies. Since I originally planned to get Flow 25, I will instead get the Flow 15 as most of you suggested. I will also speak to them about getting a plain modem and buying a router such as the Asus suggested. If it turns out to be horse manure, I will do as Spaz suggested and get blink and let you guys know how it goes.

Thanks again. Since you are all Trinis, do you guys know where I can get a good-great gaming laptop? I didnt haul over my desktop and I have to buy one. Currently, I'm set on buying this . Not a big fan of 17inch laptops but I don't really like the others and this one is light while not carrying the price of the Razer Blade or as heavy as the samsung. Appreciate any help on this also.

PC Gaming / Trinidad Internet
« on: October 06, 2013, 11:57:06 AM »
Hey all,

First of all, I'm new here and I hope you guys can help me. I recently moved to Trinidad for studies thus I live in the St. Augustine area. Right now I have the FLOW 5mb connection from my landlord which is spotty at best and unusable at worst. I'm wondering if I should stick with flow n get a 15/25mb connection n not rely on the landlord or go to another network.

Right now I only play LoL but I may get a ps3 n xbox 360 soon to utilize BF, CoD, halo, GTAV. Playing lol I get serious lag spikes and dcs especially from abt 5pm to 10pm. What are your thoughts? I appreciate advice given. As of now, I will most likely get the flow 15/25 unless I am told otherwise.

Thanks in advance.

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