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Messages - Cfx

Pages: [1]
Software, Security, Programming and Internet / need help with NAT
« on: February 10, 2004, 08:39:32 PM »
ha don't use my school network for my shady endeavours.....i can't even connect to msn and if i want to connect to msn i gotta pay $240 a month so how bout i keep my money and find a way arround their firewall.....oh yea there are no net cafe's near here,heck the campus is in the middle of nowhere i'm 30mins away from any shop or store in fact i have yet to locate one in hamilton. And i think to tunnel i need to be using a proxy connection..........i didn't setup any proxy to connect to the net i just pluged in tha cable and i was on......port 80 is also inaccessable as the internet is using it soooo.......                    

Software, Security, Programming and Internet / need help with NAT
« on: February 07, 2004, 05:09:26 PM »
Aite here's the deal mah school is locked down on a Nat type network and they lock all the ports to the outside world. i don't currently use any proxy stuff. and those punks won't forward any ports to me. how can i bypass this type of restriction  .......i had an idea to setup a proxy server on my machine back home and connect to that proxy server....(doubt that'll work)  any suggestions would be much appreciared                    

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