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Messages - moritz1

Pages: [1]
Laptops / Re: Dell XPS M1710 no POST
« on: November 17, 2008, 04:30:25 PM »
Thanks for all the replies. I'm a year outside the warranty already.

Dell charges an absolute extortionate price for a mainboard and out of warranty service. After a lot of searching I've bought one online and will try to do the repair myself.

Laptops / Dell XPS M1710 no POST
« on: November 16, 2008, 05:49:20 PM »
I'd really appreciate this board's opinion on a problem I'm having with my XPS 1710: When I power on the laptop, the LED's go on for about 3 seconds and then the pc immediately powers off. Screen always remains black & cooling fans never spin up.

I tried removing all the periphery: RAM, HDD, modem, WLAN card. Scenario is always the same (as above).

The laptop is in mint condition. The only unusual thing I have done to it is to store it for 2 months without using it. It has worked perfectly in the past.

I found the service manual for it online so I then tried completely disassembling it, removing the heatsinks and checking for burn damage etc - nothing. I have tried powering it without a CPU and without the gfx card. Scenario is always the same. 3 seconds of LED activity and then off. No fan activity at all.

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