wow so power just went out 77% worth 1888 points lost i think i will have 2 give up on duel folding for now since i keep loseing UWs will untill i get my new HDD and install vista or win7 such a pain 2 lose all that work
ok i try d update but it dident play nice with my OS so back 2 driver 185.85 i go work with it so for d while, i will just try and remember 2 exit folding befor i restart and c if that helps
but dispite my losses am doing good going up in the ranks ehh?
o and another thing, weather i set lowest possible or 100% i still only get bout 25% useage on cpu but me ent really have a problem with that ehh since i prefer lowest possible anyways
my system isent OCed i far as i know am useing the normal agent cpu agent set machine ID #1 GPU #2 like d settings ent saving or somthing cause yet still somtime some error go come up and somthing bout d machine IDs since i set IDs i never changed it
oyea and somtimes 1 of the agent starts with windows, d people never put an option 2 change this? nVidia driver 185.85 (forgot d rest ah numbers) o and BTW am running Win XP x86 SP3
can som1 tell me y am a loseing units after a restart this has happened 2 me more dan once alredy
1) 79% of an 5000 cpu WU worth like 700 points 2) 85% of an 10000 GPU WU like 1900 points
i have bin 2 the folding site and they say this shouldent happen + how can your core affect your overall folding and how can i change it? my (core = Gromacs)
ok, i've join the gatt folding team but i dont see my name in the rankings i got the team id correct did i do any thing wrong or must i first complete a WU? or updating is just slow?
128 GB nothing more? u sure? so u saying that thats all x64 architecture does? i was thinking it had somthing 2 do with bandwidth hhrrrmmm..... i really wanted 2 know bout profromance wise but if u say no improvement then i can c y 64bit?
that 2gigs with 64bit ent feeling like a good idiea na cause if i using 96% of my ram by just running GTA4 on 32bit OS wouldn't that mean that on 64bit OS it will need like 120% or somthing?