So its been a while since I last updated this post.
Time for a status update.
The consolization idea was scrapped.
This was due to a few factors namely the cost of Plexi and time.
Plexi seems to be quite expensive and most hardwares wont sell you a piece, so you have to buy a full sheet when all I would need was probably 1/2 sheet.
Anyway I decided to go the next best route and that was making a supergun!
Whats a supergun you ask?
this link should answer that question proved to be pretty economical route and so far it turning out pretty ok.
I posted a few pics of it in action on facebook but I'll upload it here for you guys to see.
This opens up a world of gaming thats pretty much almost dead in T&T.
Not to mention that old arcade ops would rather see the board rot than sell it off at a reasonable price [thank you ebay!]
Anyway I'll upload the pics and you can judge for yourself. Enjoy!