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Messages - DaemonX

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July 15th
37th Flow National eSports Post-Article


A bootcamp with plenty fresh new faces and our favorite  ChenChen rockin a HardBack to start off the night. Saxito was back playing support for Chen on dire with his Frost Maiden while Suzie took to the jungle leaving Wintry to play a robinranger on the offlane and Shotta to go mid with a hooker. Over on the radiant newcomer 260Noscope was raping face with fire spear while mid Trinisolomon was trying to sniper a few targets on the constant barrage of hooks. Other newcomer lml shined trough the midgame with Tomahawk causing boom doom and kaboom along the way, this left a sneaky Xaeno Dragon enough space to farm and take the victory with strong performances from no scope and lml.

The first game was a roaring slugfest with Azael playing roaming ganker and Daemon carrying for the Dire. Xjin was there as well doing his thing on his token Dragon while Shotta was pumping as rogue knight, this left King to do his usual Arrow roaming with Azael. Over on the radiant it would be a more wombo combo side with modbus on ravager and smurf on a reverse horse man. The wombo combo seemed to be enough to deal with Daemon and Azael though. M_illusionist of radiant capitalized on the lockdown with kunkka to the delight of Hydred. LeNoob became the key factor in countering Azael with his heal and repel and soon after it was Victory to Radiant.


The final game would see some more interesting battles with Azael taking a bench to let newcomer echo try his hand at the astral destroyer while Wintry supported him with the icy healing dragon. King opted for a skeleton while Lenoob decided to go for critgirl leaving Smurf to handle mid with rocket man. The dire decided they were having none of that nonsense with Hydred picking up his token omnislasher while Daemon re-engaged charging cow form. M_illusionist decided to take advantage of the destined bloodshed by grabbing the shadow fish. This left Modbus and Shotta to jump on that already very overpowered and over qualified bandwagon of heroes with Shottas' oldskool favorite cogman and Modbus with the towering tosser. This arsenal proved to be simply too much for the radiant to handle and soon the massacre began with Daemon charging and causing havoc while Hydred spun his way in to the enemy base. Victory to the dire GGWP.

July 8th
36th Flow National eSports Post-Article

We had a new element in our usual Chenchen vs CoolerNoob fiasco as a 3rd gril stepped into the bootcamp action named BelusSolstice. Belus jumped in on a healer to support ChenChen’s jungling skeletons and all seemed right in the world. Meantime Xjin was doing his do on the dragon while Protoman carried on his token spiderman followed by Rogue on his duel girl. Over on the dire, Hydred, King and Shotta in handicapped form were having their fun while ChenChen did her best to push towers with snakes. This left a struggle for Lenoob playing with a maddened astral destroyer to no avail. After some clutch combo plays from Chenchen and Belus, victory was secured.

For the first big boys game Azael, Daemon and Shotta combined forces with King and LeNoob to gang up on an opposing radiant side. Daemon was charging all over the map from the get go causing havoc and making life very easy for Azael mid. Hydred tried his best on his token carry but was thwarted at almost every attempt. Rogue and Xjin were next on the hit list and had their early games destroyed leaving them wanting and wailing and unable to gain any momentum all game. This left a struggling M_illusionist and Protoman to try and mount a counter offensive 300 style but alas the dire like the armies of persia swept across the battlefield claiming victory despite all opposition.


After the previous sweep and some new players entering the fray they were at it again. This time Duckman jumping out on dire to throw down a beastly horseman carry along with Xjin tossing away the failing skeleton from the game before for his other token dragon while King did his thing on his token tiger girl, this left LeNoob to run a hard solo support and take some licks. Over on radiant, team persia headed by Azael once again used general Daemon to sleep the midgame allowing Hunty to get way to farmed on the shadow fish. Rogue was on point with waveboy but the game winning factor had to be BelusSolstice on an ultra-aggressive ravager that had the enemy team shifting and a shaking until defeat.


A chance betrayal, once again the Persian army was formed in the final game led by Azael and Daemon but this time their previous star Hunty had switched teams. Regardless, the Persian army forced inward with shotta rogue and protoman, each bringing offensive intelligence heroes in an attempt to support their leader into an early victory. Hunty seeing the flaw in the strategy targeted the feet of the beast, constantly focusing the support and leaving the leader to fend off large numbers alone. To make things worse Coco had suddenly joined the fray on the snowballer and Hydred decided to pick up mr. big black hole to ensure even more team fight security. The persian leaders tried their best to fight the war on their own and got far but in the end they fell to a farming Hunty this time carrying the enemy to victory. GGWP

July 1st
35th Flow National eSports Post-Article

As the semi-bootcamp ensued ChenChen came up against usual rival CoolerNoob for some epic fights. This time M_illusionist and hunty would be assisting CoolerNoob in her battle with some epic support from Xaeno on his Blue bomber, yet it would be Sky on infester wrecking house and dominating the enemy. Meantime on dire Protoman was on his usual favorite spiderman doing what he does best and dps his way to a solid performance heavily assisted greatly by longlost favorite Crixxtachi on the healer. This left Hydred to test his necromastery mid with a Coco carry and chen jungling her way to usefulness. This left dire needing tons of farm for their heroes to be viable and Radiant took advantage of this heavily. Illusionist and Sky combining up for some infest ball lightning bombs to end the game. Winner Cooler noob and Radiant.

The big kids came out to play and everyone was thrust into the deep end for game 1. Xaeno switching over the big black holer took to the radiant jungle while Viren supported with a healer leaving Proto to roam with arrow girl. Commander azael took the mid with one of his token heroes while M_illusionist took on the carry role with one of his favorites. Over on Dire Crix was back on oldtime staple rikimaru to shock and amaze. More amazement came with Shotta taking his usual carry hero while hunty opted for support leaving Dredd to face Azael mid and struggle. Hydred decided he wasnt for death and opted a hardlane with the time borrower. Sadly the domination mid of Azael combined with some sweet teamfight winning black holes from xaeno was enough to let M_illusionist run amok and secure the game for radiant.

With a few player changeups we would once again see a Xaeno Holer for game 2 with new comer echo trying his hand at carry along with secondary carry hydred on his usual while Millusionist handled the  offlane with pirates savvy. This left another latecomer Britty to take to the mid on one of his favorites as well. Meantime over on dire Dredd was trying his hand at the invis roamer while shotta took to an active healer support role making life easy for hunty playing carry. Azael was back mid again, dominating with a sharpshooter aided by arrows from a roaming Viren. With a Trueshot aura pumping the already dominating sharpshooter and a roaming invisible scout it became an annoying and tough struggle that the radiant eventually lost. GGWP

June 25th
34th Flow National eSports MonthEnd TeamBattle Post Article

June Flow eSports
Flow National Month End Team Battle (June 2016)

As the Month End War of Thrones began we had 6 kings and their armies face off as each prepared to defend their Iron throne. The king of the andals, the king in the north, the king in the south, the king at the wall, the dragon king, and the king of the islands: to represent our respective teams. The war soon began and North clashed against South whilst the Dragon faced the Islands with the Andals and the Wall waiting to face the winners.

Game 1
Asami Warriors (King of the Iron Islands) vs NLD (The Dragon King)

The war started off heavy, the Islands laying siege to the Dragon kings armies with an ocean assault. Hydred manning the explosives and his own personal Napalm, while Hero delivered the icy cold embrace of death, with Protoman handling the arrow ballista. This left Commander Xaeno and First General Xjin to lead the front in hopes of continuously stunning their opponents and dealing heavy dps to the enemy lines. Alas despite this well thought and awesome offensive, the Dragon King had already come up with a plan to deal with the Island King and his legions. The dragon king smiled and mounted and unleashed his  Fire Dragon 'Ember' along with 3 of his strongest minions and the best Shipmaker they had whom coincidentally could control the tides. The island army was soon set ablaze by a raging 'Ember', while the Shipwright and his Glimpsing assistant played by Young Gerald created chaos. The Island king’s army was quickly thrown into disarray and the Dragon King took advantage, sending Ember and his forces to take the Island throne. GGWP

RIP(King in the South) vs AYM(King in the North)

As the the war between North and South began First Genereal Sky advised Commander azael that she would take the enemy center herself but would require heavy support. She believed this would be the key to victory. Azael responded by sending out Lieutenant Cocolooks on a secret mission to charge and flank the enemy center repeatedly. This strategy turned out to work perfectly in favour the the North, the Southern Center was absolutely decimated by General Sky, while MicroJackson dominated the eastern flank with the ever tough Helixman. With the Southern Center broken the battle shifted quickly in favour of the North and Commander Azael captilized by taking the Southern throne. GGWP

AYM(King in the North) vs NPJS (King of the Andals)

It was a long and hard fought battle, Commander Azael enacted the same center breaking strategy to begin again using Liutenant Cocolooks but taking the center himself this time and sending General Sky to support the western flank while Archvile took to the bot with Helixman, a similiar strategy to the previous battle. The Andals fresh but ready took up the challenge and the bloodbattle began. Commander Daemon sent his First General Kyat to face Commander Azael at the center and despite a downhill outnumbered battle General Kyat refused to fully concede. Meantime The Helixman was once again dominating the Eastern flank where the Andals Strongest Legionnaire RAGNA was getting soundly held down to the dismay of his supporting Commander. Over on the western flank general sky and captain scout were holding a slight advantage as well. It was apparent that on all fronts the Andals were slowly losing ground, Commander Daemon led a desperate siege up to center to no avail and the Andal Throne was lost. GGWP

NLD (The Dragon King) vs PressR (King on the Wall)

As the wall loomed, mounted by Commander M_illusionist, First General Hunty and his legionnaires, the Dragon King put forth his strongest forces sending out all 3 dragons with support at the rear. The battle was hard fought and Commander Illusionist felt himself facing an uphill struggle on all flanks from early into the battle. They chose to defend and hunker down holding the wall for as long as they could under the siege of the dragon king but eventually even the wall gave way and the Dragon King had taken another throne. GGWP

Game 5
NLD(The Dragon King) vs AYM(King in the North)

For the final battle Commander Btk the Dragon himself took command of all 3 dragons in a 'Storm' of destruction. After taking on the enemy Commander in the center and emerging victorious he knew the North would be demoralized. His next target would be their secondary lynchpin General Sky before taking over the Eastern Guard Archvile. General Sky was once again on the Western front, supporting Captain Scout but the standard build from the Dragon Army was holding its own and seemed unkillable. Soon with a surprise visit from the Dragon Storm the Western flank has also been dominated, General Sky dominated, Captain Scout retreating to the forest. At this point the Dragon Storm combined with Sargent Raidriar to steal the lives and hopes of the remaining forces of the North. Demoralized, Commander Azael tried his best to bolster his troops through his own meticulous effort but the power of the Dragon was on another level itself and they could not hold. The North throne Destroyed, the War of Thrones won by the Dragon King and his armies. GGWP

June 17th
33rd Flow National eSports Post-Article

The Gauntlet vs ChenChen Episode 6: Return of the Dredd Eye. With Coolernoob still in respite Chen took on the gauntlet for the second week in a row. Xaeno and Viren made countless setups via wormhole and arrows for  King, Hydred, and Dredd to take advantage of. Over on dire, Modbus was trying his best to carry the mid game and steal every aegis, Hero scouting out the map for them, MicroJackson tanking it up and M handling the support with Chen. Alas the combo of wormhole with Hydred and King became too much of a threat in the late game allowing the radiant carries to have their way and take the win.

Hydred went into his familiar support role, combining with a healing viren, and a nyxing Dredd to handle the early game ganking. They had some handy help from M on the thundergod and this gave Hunty space to farm on phantom. Over on radiant, with Azael opting for a puck mid, the game was surely to be action filled with allies Xjin and Duckman tanking up the scene while King on his usual priestess did his thing to support the early game. Together they made space for Modbus to farm up his late game carry which after smiting down hunty with a few stony glares, took the victory for radiant.

Game 2
Hunty opted carry again and was obviously looking for vengeance ganking with Dredd and his stealth assasin all game. Hydred threw away support roles to jump on his old favorite Cloud imitator and omni his way to a 0 death game and a monstrous showing. M and Viren handled the ganking and initiations and had to battle it out against King and his usual priestess and Duckmans abbadon for the midgame. But it seemed the radiant line-up was simply too greedy and with Modbus and Xjin needing even more farm than Duckmans abbadon, and Azael mid,  they were simply spread too thin trying to farm to manage a proper teamfight and just got dominated completely before they cud eventually turn it around. Dire victory.

Game 3
Hydred was still at it, opting for his omnislaher again while modbus sank back into a support role picking up the witch. Azael was dominating mid for dire from the beginning making life hard for Dredd. Hunty and M combined forces in the safelane and made life harder for a hardback Viren and healing Duckman. As soon as Xjin also came online and emerged from the jungle to fight, Hunty and Azael and Xjin had already now established a considerable advantage farmwise over their enemy and Hunty, now on the hunt, relentlessly picked on the enemy supports making it impossible for them to get levels. With 3 farmed carries vs 1 radiant carry the outcome was clear. Dire victory GGWP

June 10th
32nd Flow National eSports Post-Article

The Gauntlet vs ChenChen Episode 5: Chenpire Strikes Back. With CoolerNoob needing a respite after the previous weeks gauntlet, this time  ChenChen took to the stage on a stealthy assasin rikimaru to assist the efforts of the dire. Xaeno opted his alternative magi to combine with a thundergod boxman and unleash some disaster. They were also assisted by relic on robin ranger and a hardbacked QuickRedFox doing his best to tank up enemy hero dps. Over on radiant Sky was on her usual lich supporting with Starlin and MagneticEyes. This left Cr7 to be the best hooker he cud be, turnning tricks left and right while FKA rocket barraged his way into the enemy base. With a phantomlike ChenChen unable having farming issues, the dire were unable to stop the pushes and lost to megas. GGWP

Daemon decided to take his roaming Mirana mid this time to great effect, and as the midgame rolled about he started executing successful ganks repeatedly; this made things easier for the sidelanes which held a carry and a healer each to ensure the carries couldn't be abused. Over on dire Ace was trying his best to carry while Modbus did his best to help carry and counter the enemy slark with his bloodthirst. Alas, he simply wasn’t thirsty enough to stop the primary spectre carry even with the help of the dragonic M and Hydred opting once again to play support simply for the sake of great support, something slowly becoming associated with his style nowadays. Ace having no real space started fighting with his Phantom upon receiving Battlefury but some well-placed arrows and a torrent of heals made it almost impossible for the dire to get any pickoff and eventually the spectre was too just much to handle, victory to radiant.

Hydred refusing to stand for bad support was back at it again on witch with Viren grabbing up his healing reaper again to ensure a few kills. Their ally M opted for a queen to handle mid with Ace taking antifun to farm top shadowed by Modbus on mr.ground pound. Over on dire, a dragonic daemon was enjoying a nice safelane due the courtesy of Duckmoltres support. Dredd, attempting to copy daemon from the game before, took to mid with great success while king and Boxman roamed about and provided the lockdown the team need to seal the midgame in their favour. Suddenly, Ace started grabbing up kills on antimage putting down a really surprisingly great performance that had Dire wondering if they could pull it off, but after a lucky pick off on a very cocky and impatient Ace late into the game knowing he had no buyback, Daemon ordered the troops and rushed the enemy base and secured the victory before it was too late.

Game 3
As weary combatants faced off one last time, it was clear Ace wanted revenge. Hydred was ready for a victory himself choosing a more carrylike support his time with Dredd handling hard carry, Viren initiating and King handling the offlaner. The battle was even and hard fought with M being a big annoyance with his ward and duckman landing some nice ravages to start things off favorably for the radiant in the early game. Boxman opted a roaming mirana to give them the element of surprise when ganking which proved to be just the thing Daemon and Modbus needed, finally allied, to combine forces and eradicate the enemy. Ace and Hydred made a valid attempt to turn the tides but Modbus refused to lose 3 in a row, dueling them into submission to ensure the radiant victory. GGWP

June 3rd
31st Flow National eSports Post-Article


The Gauntlet vs CoolerNoob Episode 4: A New Lycanthrope. What happens when we don't have enough people to teach? We teach anyway, or in this case, we put 2 students we love through a hellish gauntlet. Cooler did her best on an off lane cent opting to grab a vanguard and a ghost scepter for tankyness while her ally xjin attempted to get something going in dragon form, perhaps considering CoolerNoob to be his 'Khaleesi'. Their highly skilled allies, featuring the famed Azael, grabbed 3 carries and enacted a 3man war with their 2 squires heading the rear. The outcome against a team of 5 war torn battle scarred individuals was obvious featuring Xaeno on his trademark Wormholer and Hydred doing a fantastic impression of Cloud's final limit break all game. Victory to the Dire.


Over on radiant Xaeno was back for some more wormholes while Hydred calmed things down with Hydralisk, Daemon ready for another victory grabbed the carrying lifestealer while Boxman helped them on high with the thundergod.  Alas this 4v5 would not be a winning formula but with their wild card slardar joining team fights randomly and going on his own bloodrage fueled quest for victims, sometimes helping and sometimes hindering the cause of his allies. Over on dire, M had opted the shadow dancer and began dominating, assisted by King on his usual Priestess. Arch was there to help them along with glimpses while Viren instilled the fear of the reaper in the enemy. Yet despite their overwhelming performance they were overshadowed by Azael who after opting for a Tinker mid lost only 1 life while absolutely massacring his opponents in fast relentless succession confirming that the loss prior had invoked the vengeful pianist into this no mercy run. Daemon tried his best to infestbomb the enemy with shotta but it wasn’t effective enough to turn the tide, GGWP.

In a very late final game our weary but aggressive combatants faced off one more time to wrap up the night. Xjin came online early with his safelane carry and began dominating the map with some assistance from RobinDaemon and DuckHunter. This made life easy for Azael and Viren to grab kills or just cleanup fights. Over on dire King was trying his hand at an Invoker while M  was similarly struggling with an uncharacteristic Legion. This made farming impossible for shotta on carry causing him to force his team to play 4v5 for most of the game while he caught up, in the meantime Hydred and Arch were getting work done and giving dire hope, Hydred on misses flaming railgun again but that had no hope of overcoming the Reincarnator and Xjin quickly stole the show and took victory. GGWP

May 27th
30th Flow National eSports MonthEnd TeamBattle Post Article

Quarter Finals

'Sky+4' and 'Cole+4' both receives byes and progress automatically to Semi Finals.

Quarter Final (Game1)- Asami Warriors vs Team Press R

After 65 minutes of bloodstained baccahnal, an exhausted Xaeno being forced to play a very rare Dragon Knight due to bans was weary, his allies feeble. M and his band of knights had heard tales of the legendary dragon and his followers and M himself knew it would be no easy task to defeat this enemy, and thus they settled in for the long haul, setting up a siege and holding until finally the dragon crew weakened, giving M his awaited chance to slay the dragon permanently. Victory Press R.

Quarter Final (Game2)- One Punch vs Kobotown

Trini Xaeno, [24.06.16 06:41]
With solid teamfight spells on both sides it was already set to be an epic battle. Daemon and crew had a vicious wombo combo with a farmed Phantom to boot, and felt as if they had the game in the bag until suddenly their key player Ragna began suffering severe mental and technical delirium, after 3 strikes from the demon known as high ping Ragna went into Bloodrage true to his name and began lashing out at friends and enemies: a two edged sword that was slowly chipping away at daemons hopes of victory. Hydred seeing descent in the enemy camp immediately bolstered his party to formation and inspired BreezyFish to put down multiple fantastic ults that had Daemon and crew losing allies too early every engagement. Always lacking in numbers the battle was lost, Victory to OnePunch.

Semi Finals

Semi Finals (Game1)- C4  vs Team Press R

M enlisted his band of knights again for their second journey, the quest to defeat Cole the Necromancer, master soulbringer of the requiem. M now clad in the dragonscales of his defeated, became the true DragonKnight. As the battle ensued one Knight fell after another, one lay broken spirited, while the witch refused to let death stop his efforts. The necromaster found the attempt on his life amusing; he summoned his two most powerful sentinels: Geks the ArmorBreaker, and Nacso the ManBreaker. Equipped with the powers of Venom and Kaos the 2 sentinels ravaged the enemy with no remorse or respite until the men could be broken no further. The legendary knight slain, C4 victory.

Semi Finals (Game2)- Team Sky vs OnePunch

Having reached the second stage the underdogs settled themselves and put their best feet forward, but unfortunately the early game was where Sky had laid her trap. With 3 extremely strong fronts Sky began a war on 3 sides and easily overpowered and won the left and right wing early in the war. Down the center of the battlefield there was some discord however, Boxman making his best attempt at a stand noticing the left and right wings defeated. Alas with the center battalion now being reinforced by victorious troops from the left and right wings, Protoman couldnt hope to take on that onslaught with his own tattered beaten wings and was overrun as well.  Not giving them a moment to regroup and attempt round 2, Sky and her armies continued to snowball towards the enemy base and soon had it captured. Victory to Team Sky

Final Battle- Team Sky vs C4

Necromaster vs General Sky kicked off. The necromaster took the center himself sending his strongest sentinels to the left and right wing, choosing to send 2 additional support troops with the manbreaker. General Sky saw through this strategy and deployed her 2/3 winning tactic, sending her strongest solider Azael to hold the center against the necromaster while they focused their efforts on beating the armorbreaker. It was a success, made even more so by Azaels fantastic victory on the centerfield. The Necromaster laughed abandoning his own centerfield and left wing and then with his victorious right wing he did the unthinkable. Suddenly manbreaker was pitted against all 3 fronts. General sky thinking this a bluff took the challenge, but there lied the mistake. In the prior game she had not given time to any of the enemy front to regenerate. Yet this time around they had forgotten about the very experienced adept :armorbreaker thinking him beaten, and as the battle to stop the manbreaker ensued, a regenerated and enraged armorbreaker stormed back into the fray and turned the tables in the Necromaster’s favor. Sensing defeat the General focused her efforts on keeping the Necromaster himself down in hopes that without him his minions would lose autonomy but alas even that was for naught, the strongest sentinels were the strongest because even the Necromaster feared their abilities, a possibility the General never thought of. Victory to C4 GGWP.

May 20th
29th Flow National eSports Post-Article

ChenChen vs CoolerNoob Episode 3: Revenge of the Gunsmith. Chen grabbed a tide to combat CoolerNoob's bloodthirsting to begin the chaos. Dire sadly took a man down losing a teammate due to technical difficulties however coolernoob seemed  intent on taking down the enemy by herself if necessary. Her teammates added to the beef with some time manipulation and rock and roll under the astral stars but this meat had the radiant salivating. Cr7boss Reverse Polarized all enemies into the pot where Shizz, Protoman and OrochiNick seasoned, spiced, and seared the meat to present to the bloodthirsty CoolerNoob, finally content. Radiant Victory.

Game 1
As the varsity game started Hydred decided to change things up and try a Pugna instead of his usuals. Protoman jumped on this train as well picking up a skywrath over his usual carry preference; this left Hunty and Shotta to handle carry while Crim stuck to his main role, support. Cr7Boss seeing no strength heroes on radiant opted a pudge to use a beefy advantage which worked well in combination with Steve on his usual priestess and Magi handling his usual support. Xaeno seemed to wana change things up and try out enigma for a change as a counter to the enemy team while a Phantom Daemon silently farmed his way to a silveredge before proceeding to roam and eviscerate the enemy team handedly and take the victory aided by some game winning blackholes.

Game 2
On radiant, Xaeno grabbed up his alternative: Ogre, in an attempt to ignite his teams spirit for a second win. This seemed effective for Hydred, still upset over game1, opting for one of his favorite heroes to enact vengeance. King opted fire maiden with a railgun as Duckman broke into the fray on Hushyourmouth. This made things simple for a Dragonic Daemon to farm an early silver edge and start a reign of fire. Over on Dire Cr7Boss, Hunty and M combined forces to take on the midgame, heavily assisted by Proto on his thundergod, but alas a radiance rushing clockwerk left them with 0 initiation and lacking numbers in every fight. The dragon smiled seeing the small robot’s shining radiant sword, and revealed his own, then with his free hand the dragon unsheathed Divine Judgement. Radiant victory.

Game 3

On dire, Xaeno hungry for a hat trick grabbed the Blackhole man again. King feeling similar jumped back over to his priestess, while Arch opted a very rare Invoker. M and takeahguess jumped on the train as well picking up 2 very agile and hard to kill carries: slark and clinkz. Meanwhile on radiant Daemon was also hungry for a hat trick picking up the female Robinhood, to compliment an equally serious minded Hydred opting once again to play the Commander. Duckman, feelings warmed up on silencer picked it up again to help DisguisedToast support. This left hunty on a farming mage with the hope of his team stacking up on his shoulders as the midgame got worse and worse leaving the antimage to force jungle. However Xaeno was having none of this late game Mage comeback nonsense and made sure to have a few portals to oblivion ready to deal with that and ensure the victory. GGWP

May 13th
28th Flow National Esports Post-Article


ChenChen vs CoolerNoob Episode 2: Attack of the Grills; This time ChenChen spinning out of control on the gank tank while CoolerNoob put down a nice support performance with some help from Xaeno. 'Itsmymidas' decided to track some bounties with assist from Xaeno and ChenChen to give Slayer time to grab a shadowblade and start eradicating his opponents with a little lightning fast response from STAR. Boxman was at it on his spider assassin favorite, ripping and tearing while FKACN_TT took his time to farm up a battlefury/aghanims to ensure a brutal omnislash. Magi and dust_off helped to play control for radiant during the midgame and whilst the carrys on their team seemed to be struggling it seemed as if dust_off might even transition into carry himsel until Slayer became simply unstoppable and took the win. With this latest performance Slayer is certain to ascend out of the BootCamp games.

Game 1

Sky and Daemon combined forces grabbing some heavy nuke and slow but then Jettybird picked a healing/non-disabling support while dust_off opted a devourer which didn’t really mesh well with the lineup. Luckily the team had a solid disable in FKACN_TT shackleshot, FKA himself putting down a decent performance with daemon but with all ranges facing a side with Alch, Antimage and Omni, radiant agreed that if the game started going south at any time it was over. Alas with some good arrows from King of Pirates and a few nice ice blasts from STAR, Dredd and Scout were able to grab some farm, kills, and momentum. Supported even more by a repelling/healing shotta and after a disastrous team fight 25 minutes in, a carryless radiant let go of hope and conceded.

Game 2

Xaeno and PG found themselves struggling early to find farm and levels against a very aggressive dire lineup. M_illusionist, Slayer, Magi and Hunty a star aligned shuffle, grouped together for domination with guest star TriniXjin as "Look at me never die" held true from Slayers Wyvern. Azael and Hydred did their best to secure farm and kill with Xaeno and Boxman struggling to support and control the teamfights while axe had to jungle long for a late blink. Hunty then found himself with an early battlefury and opted to roam and gank with his early game team and let the Wraith King farm, this strategy paid off perfectly and led to the victory. EZ

Game 3

Hydred played a rare support this time letting Azael take full control with his Invoker with King of Pirates tossing a torrent of support arrows all over. Hunty played a down and dirty carry to full effect totally countering Xaeno's Magi and using his high life and low armor to pump his agil at the start of fights. Suzieboy had an easy time jungling with Azael and Hunty handling scenes and came out when appropriate to make life hard for Slayer and Dredd. M_illusionist tried his best with the skeletal hawkeye while Xjin pulled off his usual strong showing after a good jungle with his Reincarnator. The deciding factor came down to the carries and slark was able to build himself off the enemies squishies while Azael performed some epic crowd control leading to their victory.

Game 4

As Azael Stepped aside for the final game the stars aligned a second time putting M_illusionist, hunty, magi, and slayer together again this time guest starring Hydred on a destructive and highly effective roaming ganking beastmaster. It was a long and hard fought games with epic black holes from Xaeno with a few vacuum assists from King of Pirates. Dredd had his Sonic wave ready for every Blackhole and Xjin And Suzieboy slowly and steadily farmed themselves into not tanks but CASTLES, Suzie struggling for kills but assisting with stuns like no tomorrow.
As the game neared the hour mark Magi and Slayer slowly became less impactful, with lone carry Hunty unable to stop the double Castle power of Xjin and Suzieboy ensuring their victory.


May 6th
27th Flow National Esports Post-Article


ChenChen vs CoolerNoob: Episode One, The Phantom Lancer; ChenChen invoked the thundergod for a nice performance to match  Cooler Noob's non blinking Ravages while Xaeno and Magi played some excellent support, also taking advantage of said ravages to help Slayer and King of Pirates eliminate men left right and center from start to finish.  Boxman tried some decrepify combos with chen chen but it just wasn’t enough. Meantime Saxito and OrochiNick did their best to support a struggling Joestar(Scout) who managed to pick up his battlefury and bkb intime but alas it seemed the combined onslaught of King of Pirates and Slayer was too much to handle and dire took the win.


Once again M_illusionist was back at his tricks, putting down a monstrous performance with a stalking Shotta, blink-calling PG, and glimpsing Slayer to keep a solid hold on the midgame. Ensuring Dredd could get some decent farm and make a beastly cleanup himself. Joestar(Scout) attempted to split push while a blinking reincarnation Archvile and Daemon tried to fight off the tides while Boxman provided omnipresent and thunderous assistance where necessary. This let Vladimir farm well enough to get 4 slotted with some good stuff to equal Dredds 4 slot but the xp difference held true from bad teamfights and Dire took the win.


Things started slowly for radiant with 3 jungling heroes struggling to find momentum with FakeMango and Azael. Azael still handled mid perfectly while Slayer picked up his blink&forcestaff to start grabbing heroes out. This plan went awry however when Duckman was there to ravage and stop them during key fights. This made it easy for the reincarnating Dredd to grab a midas early and farm his way to 6 slotted fury. A vengeful Daemon assumed thundergod form raining deadly thunder throughout the mid game while Boxman kept them hot and heavy throughout with a roaming carry. Xaeno tried changing things up to comeback from the looming threat of M_illusionist by grabbing a linkens early but sadly this couldnt save the whole team from losing fight after fight and eventually the game.

Game 3

Xaeno came back strong for game 3 becoming a dominating presence in the midgame with some clutch BlackHoles opting for an early blink this time, this was the result of some nice glimpse setups by Scout and quite a few nasty hookshots from FakeMango. This made farming easy for Duckman and M_illusionist: Duckman opting to play a carry abaddon, yet it was M who put down a truly 'chaotic performance. Alas, Azael went over 9000 again in the late stages of the game and put down some intense and spectacular Invoker plays while Boxman and Daemon seemed intent on suicide bombing whoever was willing to accept with some swap help from Slayer. Dredd also put down a beastly carry but was far overshadowed by M_illusionist, and had it not been for Azael’s massive plays in the end the Radiant may have won but the Invoker was too strong and took victory.


April 29th
26th Flow National MonthEnd TeamBattle Post-Article

SemiFinals Game1

Team PressR
M_Illusionist - DK Mid
 Hunty - Lina Support
King_of_Pirates - Diruptor Support
Shotta Sven Carry
Girthious_Maximus Clockwerk Offlane


Daemon Alchemist Carry
Haans_Sinanan Queen of Pain Mid
ChristheDuckman Silencer Support
 Cocolooks Lion Support
 Shenju_Mudo SpiritBreaker Offlane

After a weird draft and a tough start Kobotown began pressing their early game radiant advantage while PressR scrambled to find BKB's for DK and Sven. As the roaming began Clockwerk was considerably more effective than SpiritBreaker in isolating the supports for pickoffs via some sexy hook shots. Yet, Queen of Pain was doing very well and Alchemist was farming away but this offered neither of them security both full aware of their poor Breaker, the Sven and DK loomed disastrous. A few team fights later the BKB's came online and suddenly Dragonknight became unkillable and Sven became a nightmare. An ultra farmed Alchemist had no answer for the Sven in his arsenal and got picked off time and again.

SemiFinals Game2
Team NoChill
Dredd – Mirana Offlane
 And33zy – Lich Support
Ducky – Medusa Carry
Jova – Jakiro Support
2EZ – Batrider Mid


Team Adm

After grabbing AM to counter Medusa, team ADM knew building the AM would be essential to their win so they began a 4 protect 1 strat from early, choosing to protect am rather than roam. This led to some hard times for ADMs supports, Axe trying his best with an early game blink while Beastmaster chose a splitpush build without blink. No Chill were showing no signs of coping with the enemy, with Medusa opting for an early drums it was 5 man doto for Nochill from early and this helped their Mirana to secure some superbly done roaming kills which led to some nice chances for batrider to grab and pick off AM. With the support waning far behind antimage the teamfights just kept going in Nochills favour and they took the victory.


Team NoChill
Dredd – Invoker Mid
And33zy - Lion
 Jova – Jakiro Support
Ducky – Ursa Carry
2EZ – BeastMaster Offlane


Team PressR
M_Illusionist - DragonKnight Mid
KingOfPirates – Disruptor Support
Shotta – Omniknight Support
Hunty – Slark Carry
EL_PWNY – Axe Offlane

After a tough draft, being forced to grab 2 Squishy supports to help disable Slark and DK, No chill found themselves disadvantaged and pressured. Their Ursa tried to combat this during the midgame, grabbing up a few kills with Beastmaster and sunstrike but alas theHunty slark had already come out to dominate. After an easy start Hunty began roaming with the beginnings of his S&Y aided by some immaculate Shotta support. Through a snowball of teamfight in the early game a blink got picked up on slark soon and on DK as well choosing to rush blink over bkb to great effect. Meantime the midas invoker attempts to cc his way towards the late game but with his supports getting picked off like paper this wasn’t realistic. Their only hope left was strapping multiples aegis shield to ursa’s back but with axe and disruptor even this seemed impossible. With no answer to PressR's counters NoChill slowly but surely abdicated. GGWP

April 22nd
25th Flow National Esports Post-Article

Bootcamp Game
What happens when two Vaders attempt to frolick with ewoks: despair. It was a similar situation on the radiant team in the bootcamp game when Archvile aka "Gengis Khan  the Warlord”, picked Troll  while Journey attempted to go over 9000 with Invoker.  This made life easy for their allies: SaxitoPau on Huskar,  LeNoob on "OgreMagi" and ChenChen on a first time Veno.  The victims for this game, the dire, consisted of Coolernoob on Tidehunter and Mez on an Enigma which may have succeeded but sadly the lineup didn’t have a carry. Protoman was lighting up the map with Zeus while Boodram attempted to keep the team grounded with "Earth Spirit". The closest thing they had to a carry was “King Of Pirates” on Tuskar whom soon realized even "Serious Punches" would not be enough.  Game to Radiant.


Jumping from camp, the first game was heavy with the traditional Xaeno Enigma coming into the fray followed by Hydred’s token Juggernaut to handle the scene for Dire, alongside Hunty playing a Windranger mid and a safe lane Rogue Morphling. Over on the radiant we had Criminal on “Shadow Shaman” and Hero on “Ancient Apparition” who struggled to live and be effective whilst Lenoob on a “Wraith King” and “King of Pirates” on his classic Mirana handled stories for the radiant. Azael would go on to farm up a storm and absolutely massacre the dire with “Outworld Devourer” ending 25-3-10 in victory.


On the other side of the ramparts Daemon on “Bane Elemental” and Archvile on Phoenix were literally sapping brains and setting spirits ablaze. The rest of the dire: Suzieboy’s “Chaos Knight”, Dredd’s Lifestealer and Chiggerboy’s “Ember Spirit” each put on a good performance yet it seemed their ultra supports would steal the show. Over on the radiant Kyat struggled with a “Queen of Pain” but managed a 9-3-12 in a losing game while Viren on clockwerk and shotta  with batrider struggled to get proper initiations going. This resulted in some bad team fights and with Luna and Windranger wrapping up the mix it was no wonder that great support would trump no support.

Game 3

Hydred lashed out again with Juggernaut to great success this time with some heavy help from Azael’s “Queen of Pain” and Hunty’s Enchantress; Criminal on Vengeful Spirit and Lenoob on Spectre coasted to an easy victory. Xaeno seemed to be falling on dire straits again this time with Ogre Magi despite having a farmed lvl 25 Medusa by Rogue on his team and a beastly Weaver by Protoman. Hero and “King of Pirates” were there Hero stalked the enemy jungle saying “here wabbit wabbit wabbit” in search of Enchantress, whom he found with great regularity, creating space and cash with bounty gold that allowed Protoman to equip himself with the necessary weapons to carry the team. Winner, Dire

Final Game

As the night came to a close, spirits fading, eyes burning, heroes clashed again for one more attempt at victory. The radiant comprised of 4 struggling heroes including Criminal’s “Witch Doctor”, Duckman’s Zeus, Daemon’s Nyx and Hunty’s Drow. One here would stand tall, Dredd’s weaver. The dire featured the fixtures of Xaeno’s Enigma, “King of Pirates” on Mirana, Rogue’s Pudge, Protoman’s “Ogre Magi” (showing xaeno the true magi), and a monstrous Azael on “Ember Spirit” who drove his team  to the “w’ with a strong 10-1-12 performance, ensuring the enemy’s destruction and a GGWP.

April 15th
24th Flow National Esports Post-Article


We were privy to some rare girl on girl action last week as 20%coolernoob  on Vengeful Spirit went up against the sniper of Dae'sGyal. It was to be a circus of a game with PG tanking it up for dire effectively on axe diving into the fray repeatedly only to be eaten up by Saxito's Windranger and Devious's “Phantom Assassin”. Zeus from Dire played by King_of_Pirates attempted to shield his friend Axe with magic and might using other teammate Morphling played by Antillean to douse the enemy for some added shock effect. Alas the snowball duo of CoolerNoob ‘s Venge  and Zubat’s Tusk gave Dae'sGyal the most deaths and on a sniper that couldn’t seem to get farmed.  Axe proved unable to hold the line and the dire’s DPS were picked off every team fight.  Victory to the Radiant.


We had a few guest appearances for game1 with Kyat appearing mid on Invoker for radiant with a Confessor on Skywrath roaming and dominating the map. Meantime shotta diligently farmed away but was picked off repeatedly by a Dire team that refused to let themselves be out-carried. This gave Dredd on clinkz more than enough time to equip a BKB and Deso to tear into the DIRE. Cole on Windranger tried to keep it together for the dire with some big assists from Shenlong’s Lich and Peter’s Darkseer but meantime Duckman on Nagasiren also was struggling to farm It seemed the game would be decided by the midgamers. Archvile sensing this on dire took his batrider into but a sneaky and self sacrificial Crystal Maiden played by “Raptor Jesus” was more than enough to hold the mid game and take victory for a dominating radiant despite having to sacrifice their main carry to win.


It seemed like such a friendly game. Laughs were had, lanes were lost, and along came Daemon. Brandishing a Zeus, Daemon having had a moderately boring start in a tri-safe lane, began to roam the map in search of the mines of Shenlong’s techies, feeling it his duty to warn others of potential threats. This made life easy for a much supported Kyat farming the safelane with Troll whilst Duckman helped to support with Venomancer, making sure to get a few kills on Shotta’s clockwork; dire's hardlaner. In the meantime Confessor on a silencer was making early game tough for Cole's Puck mid, worse yet with Dredd's Mirana from radiant throwing arrows every minute. Suddenly with a shock from the sky, it was clear Daemon was 6 and 2 men dropped instantly: this was the beginning of the end. Daemon was relentless; every engagement a kill, finishing off his teammates failed kills, stealing kills for sport, appearing in every corner devouring bodies before they knew what was occurring: the thunder god had become truly godlike. Like a raging tropical typhoon, Daemon ceaselessly tore into them, one by one until it was over with a remorseless Zeus glowering triumphant.


The final game featured a cameo from CrazyMango jumping on a Disruptor to help Dredd’s Vengeful support the Radiant. The rest of the Radiant comprised of shenlong on a hardlane clockwerk Daemon taking mid on his favorite Deathprophet and Cole trying his hand at carry in the safe lane.  The Dire on the other hand simply threw out the traditional dota playbook; Peter opting a Witchdoctor mid, while Confessor took an ArcWarden offlane to carry. This craziness opened a bit of space for dire’s safe lane Medusa played by Archvile to get some good farm under the protection of Duckman’s favorite omniknight. Despite that, it was the mid Witchdoctor who would end up turning heads through the midgame putting down a solid 19-7 performance overall but to his dismay due to some clutch hooks in from Shenlong and a few nice glimpses from Mango the radiant were able to turn the tide in the opposite direction for the last time and secure the win. GGWP

April 8th
23rd Flow National Esports Post-Article

It was an easy bootcamp for some and a hellish training for others while Girthious Maximous(Viren) seemed to be on vacation. The radiant team featured Criminal, carrying again on Antimage, putting on a stalwart performance due to some heavy early game support by Dust_offs “Crystal Maiden”, Sax's “Vengeful Spirit” and KingOfPirates's Lina. Sadly their DrowRanger mid played by Cocaine was picked apart hungrily and used as a stepping stone by Viren(Girthious) on “Queen of Pain” who then began his nonchalant genocide of the radiant, ending in a monstrous 22-0-6. This made times easy for 20%CoolerNoob on Omniknight dropping repel after repel on Viren while a PG Axe took on the front assault of the enemy supports. Meanwhile their jungler, Mez darted in and out of the bushes with his Enigma for some devastating Blackholes but was heavily picked on by the Radiant for his transgressions, it seemed as if the only enemy in the Radiant’s mind was the enigma, and with that kind of space, AlluAckbar’s carry Medusa was cleared for “all game free farm” and ensured the win.

Dire had a rocky start with ParentalGuidance on a roaming Pudge and KOP on a roaming Mirana being unable to make a success gank in the earlies, leaving Shotta to suffer alone on a safe lane Sven. Luckily, his teammate Hero on enchantress would soon come to his rescue and end up being the driving force of the dire while Firas dominated the mid lane on Tinker. On the other side of mid river Daemon on his Puck struggled on, doing their best to avoid rockets, hooks, and arrows, and was quite successful save 1 well placed arrow by KOP in the early-mid game. Unknown to the Dire, simple survival was the plan for the radiant throughout the early game as Hydred's Juggernaut picked up solo kill after solo kill till the game reached the mid stages. In the meantime, other unsuspecting heroes were victim to the ganking trio of hunty on Venge, Viren on Lina, and Arch on Tusk smoking and ganking all throughout the early-midgame, destroying the momentum gained by Firas over Daemon in the early laning phase and dismantling the great advantage that Hero had achieved with his enchantress. Nobody stops the juggernaut (19-1-5), victory to the Radiant.

The second skirmish between seething soldiers was simply short and silly: Spirit Breaker on steroids. Firas came back mid again on dire looking for some revenge with Invoker, while Xaeno and his blue bomber helped out Rogue's Spectre and Hunty's Visage safe lane, leaving Hydred to suffer all alone in the hard lane, once again picking Juggernaut. Sadly not even Xaeno's big black holes of despair could make a difference against the rapid and unyeilding initiations from the radiant stars: Daemons SpiritBreakers and Shottas Clockwerk, roaming around with Cole's Windranger to literally shut down the entire Dire, occasionally assisted by teammate CR7Boss on Magnus for an impromptu Reverse Polarity, this made farming more than a breeze for their carry Antimage played by Dredd, who took his sweet time getting itemized before joining the fray for some secondary annihilation. After 25 minutes of rapid fire initiations the dire conceded as the violence became to agonizing to endure further.

Game  3
After such a depraved beat down Xaeno would not be given a chance to redeem himself as his teammate (and padawan) Mez  stole Enigma, leaving him to settle for a support OgreMagi. The rest of the Dire was Breezyfish on a hard lane Magnus, Dredd on a mid “Outworld Devourer” and ArchvileX on a safe lane Doom.
Once again we would see a roaming Pudge by cr7Boss and roaming Mirana by Cole over on the Radiant while Shotta handled the hard lane with clockwerk, Hydred took to the safe lane with “Phantom Assasin”, and Daemon went mid with “Death Prophet”.
It would be a tough game for Daemon however with Dredd's “Outworld Devourer” dominating the laning phase but thankfully due to some well-placed arrows by Cole, the “Death Prophet” was able to grab a much needed early kill on the OD and transition smoothly into the midgame. It was around then disaster struck as the radiant realized shotta had begun his own solo crusade to annihilate the enemy, opting to rush radiance while the team fought tirelessly without him time and time again. Eventually a frustrated Cole decided to also opt for a sacred relic, leaving the team even more starved for initiations and support, this led to a chance to turn to tables when radiant attempted to take the tier3 mid tower and was woeful and filled with regret as dire threw down the wombo combo: black hole, Reverse polarity, sanity eclipse, doom, fireblast, dead. Soon after another wipe took place in the bot lane when dire once again decided to initiate with their ultimates , eradicating the radiant a second time. Unable to stop both the RP and the BH, they found themselves with no answer to the impending disaster and defeat was soundly dealt.

April 1st
22nd Flow National eSports Post-Article


It was a good night for ranged heroes in the bootcamp game with a bombastic NightStalker played by Rogue being the only melee hero in the mix. Despite this Rogue did his best with teammate Nightwish on Huskar to keep the radiant team afloat with some effective early game rotations assisted by KOP’S Mirana and LeNoob’s VengefulSpirit while Criminal did his best to secure late game with Luna. However the strong dire team of Clinkz played by Viren(Girthious) combined while the monstrous triple support combo of Slayer's Jakiro, Mez's Enigma and Sax's Lina was not to be trifled with and made good use of smoke rotations to decimate the radiant with little resistance; All the while a patiently farming Medusa played by dust_off skipping merrily up the blood strewn rear. Despite some great ults from Criminal, Rogue's early roaming and many attempts to keep the supports down (like the constant targeting of Mez’s Enigma) the game eventually reached a stalemate that seemed unbreakable until; Dire, in a stroke of split second brilliance, managed to lockdown 2  straying radiant members during a smoke vs smoke  roaming encounter that went wrong for a slightly split up radiant team, leading to a disheartening defeat.

Game 1

Twelve was the winning number of this game, 12 kills and 12 assists to be precise. It was the score attained by 3 members of the winning radiant team: a Hero rikimaru, A hunty Slark, and a CR7Boss Pudge, not forgetting KOP's 6-12 on Lina. Xaeno's Enigma was the only teammate that refused to include himself in the power of the 12, a power that proceed to dominate the Dire into submission. A Tm1 Ursa tried his best over on Dire, soloing Roshan a few times to help out his team. Choosing to also not engage in many early game battles and leaving a pretty squishy dire team to be ripped apart by Pudge in the meantime. It was at this point Sub decided to incite 'Holy War' on Radiant and threw his body mercilessly until he had achieved a staggering 16 deaths, staggering considering the entire radiant team had 14 deaths after 40 minutes. GGWP

Game 2

Hoping for another win, the Xaeno Enigma reappeared, but was savagely denied by an enraged Hunty on Windranger ripping and tearing through enemy forces like a man with a plan, also making life super easy for teammate Viren on what became a very farmed Spectre. Xaeno tried his best with some assists from a wily Daemon Tuskar and a struggling Rogue “Templar Assasin”, but alas Hunty refused to let them gain momentum with Slayer's Rubick and Kop's Mirana heavily supporting the unkillable titan as he swiftly ensured victory for his team.


This time Xaeno's Enigma would have its revenge and so would Daemon, grabbing a clockwork to go handle the Radiant hard lane. Meantime it would be a Devious Medusa supported by Lenoob's Earthshaker in the safelane whilst Crackers took to the mid for them on Alchemist. Things looked very rocky for the Radiant at the start though with KOP back at it again on a roaming Lina with Cocaine playing backup support as Vengful on the dire. These 2 roamers successfully made space for a SGTRager Ember mid, a Rogue “Phantom Assassin” and Hunty’s “Outworld Devourer” to win all their lanes and give a very hard time to Xaeno and Daemon on the Radiant, almost pushing them over the brink of defeat when suddenly, Crackerjack finding his farm somewhere magically, began turning things around heavily as the Alchemist suddenly came online and began to rip through the enemy nuke barrage and help the Radiant finally take back a few team fights. This gave Medusa the space to grab her gear, join the fray and with now two devastating late game carries, finish off the Dire, GGWP.

March 25th
21st Flow National eSports MonthEnd TeamBattle Post-Article


The Month End was upon us, tensions peaked, knuckles cracked, the remnants of previous battles cleared: the battalions had been formed, a rainbow of seething violent shades of red; Now the war began.
After a bloody array of merciless vehemence called the preliminaries, “Asami Warriors”, after suffering consecutive defeats at the hands of “DestinedToulouse” and “NoChill”, were the first to go. They were followed soon after by “Miscellaneous Headhunters” whom found themselves similarly disheartened after 2 defeats by “NPJS” and “Friendship”.

Soon after when more blood had been spilled and more tears had been shed “NoChill” took their 2nd defeat to NPJS due to an over farmed RAD on Sven whom literally cleaved them in two. “Frienship” as well conceded their second game to “Dunhill” after a sorrowful loss to “TEAM NP” in round 1 and Dunhill also dropped from the lower bracket to leave 4 ravenous battalions to face off, “NoChill” and “Frienship” both finishing their battles at 1-2.


With 4 teams left remaining the war preceded, both NPJS and “Dunhill” had 1 defeat each, another would ensure extinction and a drop from the lower bracket. The draft ensued and the battle began, NPJS on dire opted to put Rad on a silencer mid, Kyat on a darkseer hardlane and Smurf on an Antimage top supported by Daemon on his favorite WitchDoctor and Wolves on Earthshaker. With a lack of lockdown and initiation to work with NPJD knew the timing of vacuum and fissure would be vital. The radiant opted for a hard jungler instead picking up LegionCommander for Sin and putting Geks on a solo support lion to their Gyrocopter carry played by Nerdz, while Peter handled mid with a Batrider and Ibeatmykids took a BeastMAster hardlane. The overwhelming amount of initiation and lockdown from radiant via net, call, duel and lion, had the dire at a massive disadvantage as soon as the game reached the team fight stage and the vacuum fissure combo was a far cry from enough to give them any hope of a comeback. The victory easily went to team “Dunhill”, rebounding off their loss to “Toulouse”. NPJS sadly became the 5th to go finishing at 2-2.

Meantime “Destination Toulouse” was facing “Team NP”, giddy from their recent win against Dunhill they made a massive effort to take down the favorites but were soundly defeated by some epic Nasco plays, and some usual Azeem trickery. With 1 defeat, “Toulouse” came up against “Dunhill” in the losers bracket having been put them there themselves in round2 in what would be a brutal revenge match. Sadly, 2 key members of the Toulouse squad including Journey were absent for this game and despite having some great standins like Xaeno's Enigma and Mez's Naix, along with a fantastic performance by Shelong on Mirana, the “Dunhill” team came prepared and more. With a draft of Nerdz on Sniper, Peter on his favorite: Pudge and Sin on the dreaded Outworld Destroyer supported by a wild and active AOG VengefulSpirit, “Toulouse” found themselves another hard fought defeat as “Dunhill” moved onto the finals.


As the final battalions faced off, it would be “Team Np” vs “DunHill” and clearly this would take more than 1 battle to decide a clear victory. Game1 was a short 17 minute tryst of murderous intensity: the battle was decided early in the mid between Peter's Puck and Azeem’s ShadowFiend, Azeem winning the exchange and capitalizing heavily to put himself on an early 5-0 Megakill whilst a 0-3 Peter struggled to get his team moving. Nasco and Cole made things even more brutal with a great Clinkz performance from Nasco to snag another 4 kills assisted by Cole's Beastmaster. With a failed Puck and Nerdz also struggling on a 0-4 Sven whilst a supporting AOD on abbadon grabbed “Dunhill's” 1 and only kill, “Dunhill” lost hope and conceded early to a snowball score of 1-16.

Game 2 would be more of a spectacle and “Dunhill” insisted on going down fighting. Nerdz opted for a Medusa this time, putting Peter on a much more nuke intensive Zeus and Sin on a roaming Tusk while Ibeatmykids took Tidehunter to hardlane, with Shun playing a solo support VengefulSpirit.  Azeem countered by opting for a Terrorblade himself, putting Firas mid this time on Invoker and Cole on hardlane again, this time as Void while Nasco surprisingly took to a roaming Earth spirit solo supported by Vendetta's Lion. Zeus had a tough early game mid vs a magnificent Firas Invoker and was forced to combine with Vengeful, Tide and Tusk to make some room for Medusa to farm. Azeem was having none of this, opting not to play a 4v5 by inserting himself into the fray repeatedly while Firas continued what seemed like an immaculate Invoker performance assisted heavily by some beastly bouldering by Nasco. Soon Firas had attained a 10-0 Godlike Streak whilst a 15-1 Azeem sat at the head of the skull pile, an overly farmed and overly Terrifying Terrorblade pitilessly took victory, and the tournament. Congratulations “Team NP”. GG no RE

March 18th
20th Flow Nationals eSports Post-Article

Bootcamp Game

It would be a tough night for Viren(Girthious _Maximous) on his token Lina supported by a struggling Criminal Necrophos, only managing to scrape together a few personal side kills while he and his team were decimated by a trio of BreezyFish, Rogue and NightWish. BreezyFish took to the mid against Lina with a Magnus and despite a tricky start managed to come back strong in the midgame with some devastating reverse polarities, this gave Rogue on Phantom Assasin plenty time to get beefy and put down a demonic 13-2-7 performance, meanwhile NightWish made hell for the enemy carry by diving for kills on the hardlane, ggwp.

Game 1

Calamity and woe was all that could be said for a  heavily struggling Mez on Enigma and Sub on Tuskar, despite a very surprsing effort from Saxito on Lina putting down a commendable 9-11-8 in a game he was destined to lose. It would the the desvastiting support of Xaeno on OgreMAgi and Criminal on Tidehunter making all the space and plays for Xjin on Wraith King to jungle his way to an easy 12-1-13, but he was mere bacterium, the true plague being Pipboy on Emberspirit using the space provided by Xaeno to commit genocidal acts ending in a victorious 31-6-18.


On the other side of the coin, tension rose as Daemon took his Death Prophet mid to face a Journey ShadowFiend and an epic battle began. Archvile did his best to handle the offlane for his team with a Timbersaw that made waves through the midgame with many assists by Rogue on a very agressive pheonix and Breezyfish on a counter-defensive Lion. However, despite their fortuitous efforts Daemon slowly pushed his way to victory assisted heavily by Shotta on his long time token ShadowShaman and Hunty on a brutal ObsidianDestroyer; Adding to their deadly pushing trio, Viren took to his Queen of Pain and KingofPirates opted a position5 Mirana to make sure that Journey could not reach over 9000 and ensure victory.


It would be a tiresome uphill battle for the dire in game3 as Pipboy opted for Invoker mid while MovingTarget took Magnus offlane with some support from OrochiNick on VengefulSpirit. Over on the dire a vengful Mez came out on DragonKnight, grabbed a blink and was relentless in his initiation assault. This made life easy for mates Hunty on Slark and Journey on TemplarAssassin to secure an early game advantage and lord over the midgame. Over on radiant Pip could do nothing but struggle despire some effective charges from Daemons Spirit Breaker and some free Roshes from Virens carry Ursa, at that point Journey and Hunty were already too big to be stopped and the victory was soon theirs.GGWP

19th Flow National Esports Post-Article


Its was a crazy bootcamp game to start off the night with a vicious Zeus newcomer Jonny ripping and tearing up everyone despite having two 0-10+ supports making things tricky for him and ally Juggernaut played by other newcomer Fnatic.Mushigod. Meanwhile on dire, Girthious_Maximous tried his best to carry the team with a monstrous 6 slotted Lina helped heavily by a roaming Britty on Mirana, but sadly this would not be enough with Zeus and ally Bounty Hunter played by Rogue countering Mirana ultimate at every turn, add that to the squishyness of the entire Dire team, save a determined Ogre Magi played by Xaeno, and it became like shooting fish in a barrel for the lightning god.


With the bootcamp over the coaches jumped into the fray for game 2 and Sub began reaping on Pudge ripping up the enemy with some good assists by a traditional Xaeno Enigma and a Sven played by Girthious. MushiGod tried his best on the opposing team with a meticulous Necrolyte assisted by oldtime player Mez trying his best to get something going with VengefulSpirit but the swaps weren't enough to stop Sven and Pudge whom made more than enough space for ally Spectre played by Crixtachi to cement victory.


Sub would not be deterred for game 2 and this time picked up a Clinkz to give former Xaeno some hell on the traditional Enigma.yet despite Mez picking up his old favorite Medusa for star performance, the Clinkz was simply too much too handle. Sub successfully disrupted the enemy plans time and time again until allies Hunty on ObsidianDestroyer and Rogue on Legion were more than ready to seal the victory.


Over on the other side of things Daemon picked up his DeathProphet while Peter randomed a Tidehunter and went mid, this would somehow prove to be a winning combination as Radiant was unable to take highground despite good efforts from an Xjin farmed Phantom Assasin and Duckman Omniknight, but Daemon remembering the horrors of the past opted an early diffusal to ensure the base could not be breached. Meanwhile a Harakiri LoneDruid was becoming more worry-some for Dire than the Pa, as the bear picked up radiance and racks began to fall. However Daemon and company would not be deterred, newcomer CrazyMango meticulously planted sentinel all over the map slowly with Treant until the dire had full map control in a defensive position, fights began to go in the dire's favor late into the game, and victory was soon sealed by the DP tide combo.


Daemon swapped with Peter and once again picked up his rising star DeathProphet and with the help of Archvile on Elder Titan and Xjin on a roaming WraithKing, he was easily able to stop the plans of Journey playing Antimage and Duckman playing Lion. It was a snowball once antimage the only carry for radiant began to get picked off and lose heart. With the Antimage dying repeatedly and no carry to fall back on it was soon over.


The final game was a whole new ballgame with Daemon and Peter finally facing off, Daemon on dire picking up a Legion while Peter opted a Lifestealer but surprisingly it was newcomer CrazyMango on dire taking a Zeus mid who dominated the game for his team. The space made it easy for surprise latecomer GenuineHybrid to invoke the true Ursa and dominate and stop the Lifestealer's plans despite a awkwardly monstrous pudge out of nowhere played by none other than Duckman. Yet with a farmed LegionCommander backing the raging Zeus and Ursa, victory was assured and taken. GGWP

18th Flow National Esports Post-Article

It began with a ram-packed Bootcamp game featuring multiple coaches for each team and a large viewing section. The mayhem began with a radiant team of Criminal on a mid-lane DrowRanger, Hunty taking a Slardar safelane supported by a King of Pirates' VengefulSpirit, and Duckmans's Pheonix trying combos with Itachinko's Pudge in the hardlane. Hunty and KOP easily dominated the safelane vs a solo Slark with their double stun combo before quickly transitioning into midgame, teaming with Pudge to deliver some quick assasinations.  Meanwhile, Criminal and surprisingly Duckman farmed desperately, Duckman feeling strongly about the teams desperate need for a radiance, but this decision would put the radiant at a big disadvantage to the overwhelming numbers of 5 bloodthirsty dire heroes look to farm off hero kills during the midgame and soon the tide turned against them; meanwhile on dire an enthusiastic Girthious Maximous(Viren) took to the mid with Kunkka  seeing Drow as an easy target, in the safelane Shotta was pumping a Sven supported by LeNoob's Earthshaker and WinterWolf's Crystal Maiden while a lonely Rogue took to the hardlane on Slark. As the game progressed it seemed some legionnaires had accidentally mixed themselves in with the squires feeling it a mercenary battle. Shotta began to make assault after assault on the radiant team making full use of his GodStrength/StormBolt combo, with CrystalMaiden, Earthshaker and Kunkka  laying down enough disable to keep a flock of enemies latched, chained, and waiting for Sven to deliver punishment, and with no answer for an eventual 13-6-11 Sven it was easy for Rogue to make a midgame comeback on his Slark and become another beast for  the radiant to worry about. With two rampaging carrys and no answers from Radiant the outcome was clear: our legionnaires revealed.  Duckman, Shotta, Hunty and WinterWolf has proven each is worthy to move on, and now bids forever farewell to a smoldering Bootcamp.

Then everyone entered the fray.

In Game 1a
Daemon opted a safelane Ursa while Hydred took LegionCommander mid and Archvile oddly opting for Void took to the hardlane, an odd trio to say the least: accompanied by a NightWish Earthshaker, and a LeNoob Lina. Unfortunately by midgame it was clear to Daemon and friends that their heroes were severly lacking in any sort of synergy. Void was simply unable to effectively help anyone but Lina and Earthshaker being alongside 2 other melee cores which he time and again sadly impeded during teamfights. Daemon's Ursa struggled  on and tried to clean up a few kills having only fissure and duel to rely on but it was a losing battle. On the  other side of things Duckman had taken up an Abaddon to support Rogue on Slardar safelane, while the TM1 trademark Phantom Assassin and a Wintry Dark Seer took the hard lane leaving Shiny Zubat to uncharacteristically handle mid with Invoker. Sadly with the lack of spell synergy on dire the Duckman was able to abandon support and go for a full carry Abaddon build, netting  himself a fantastic 8-1-8. The setups came from Wintry, doing his best to vac people into Slardar while a suddenly intensified version of Shiny Zubat invoking the spirit of 'Journey' to reach his final form, unleashed a furious torrent of crowd control that had Daemon and company spinning like panicked ants. With the midgame easily in hand and a Phantom Assassin farming happily all the while, Ursa and Legion found themselves hard pressed to get any momentum going and eventually lost the battle.

Over in Game 1b

King of Pirates took to mid on Radiant with Invoker, while Hunty grabbed Slark, and King grabbed Rikimaru to be supported by GMViren on a Lina and  SaxitoPau on a uncharacteristic ShadowShaman. Over on dire Xaeno grabbed his trademark Enigma, while OrochiNick pilfered Sax's favorite WitchDoctor, to support a safelane Shotta  once again on Sven; meanwhile, Xjin took a WraithKing to the jungle and WinterWolf took SpiritBreaker hardlane. Suddenly as midgame hit, radiant realized that with no real tank on their team and 3 solid tanks on dire backed by a Witchdoctor heal + Enigma's presence they were being completely overwhelmed. Slark and Rikimaru struggled valiantly to assasinate anyone lapsing, yet Rikimaru sadly had to pay a death for every netted kill ending up 10-11-10 whilst a steadily and silently farming Wraith King began to jump in and out the jungle to net an easy 11-2-15. With no  way to 'tame the beef' victory belonged to the  dire.

As the night came to a close for Game2a
A determined Xaeno Enigma returned for a second chance at glory, assisted by Wintry on Lion and Duckman on Omniknight while Shinsoo opted for carrying on Rikimaru and ShinyZubat once again took to the mid against a determined Daemon's Death Prophet. Over on daemon's side, TM1 once again picked up his trademark Phantom Assassin this time for safelane, supported by OrochiNick's OgreMagi and NightWish's Rubick, while WinterWolf once again took Spiritbreaker to hardlane. The midgame was a viscous relay, and in an excellent showing from Daemon and Tm1 the dire succeeded in taking an maintaining an advantage all through the midgame into the lategame forcing radiant down to a measly 2 racks. Yet this would be the beginning of Radiant's miraculous comeback story,  ShinyZubat once again unleashing his final form: Journey Mode upon them and increasing his Winranger skills over 9000 to net a monstrous 19-8-19 while a desperate Duckman rushed aganims and refresher on Omniknight refusing to let his final 2 racks fall to multiple dire onslaughts and pushes. With SpiritBreaker and Death Prophet losing their effectiveness as cores and as the game trudged on and on past an hour, Phantom Assasin soon become the only thing stopping Radiant from a swift push and victory via midlane. Their chance came late in the game when a frustrated SpiritBreaker and PhantomAssassin died without buyback during a hail mary push and the remaining three were unable to stop Radiant from a quick comeback victory mid, GGWP.

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