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Messages - bushman100

Pages: [1]
Benchmarks / Re: meh new babies
« on: March 12, 2006, 09:46:42 PM »
*****. atleast i deal with facts.  ATI once upon a time used to have driver problems. thats is nilonger the case.a nd if u wanna talk abotu **** ups wat about the fx series from nvidia? i could go on and on about problems nvidia has as well as ATI. or i should say problems they had. both companies have come a long way that those little things are not determining factors any longer. wat is however the determining factor is bang for your buck. and since the 9800 ATI  has held the crown. they slipped alittle with the x1800xt series a bit but where still competitive.

o btw only 239 more hotmails to go crixx

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