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Messages - Ultimate_Death_God

Pages: [1]
Anime 101 / Ah looking.
« on: July 20, 2006, 05:14:51 PM »
Ah lookin for de Macross series always thought it woulda be a cool series but never found the episodes. Help ah man out andone know where i could get downloads.....or even if someone have the episodes and give me a copy of them or something. Also i looking for the Medabots series(i kno it kinda lame but i like it) so if anyone could hook me up with that that would be nice. Thanks in advance.

Anime 101 / Re: First Anime You ever saw?
« on: July 20, 2006, 05:09:09 PM »
For me hmmmm......i think either majic boy(if thats the name) or vampire hunter d. Then Samurai pizza cats then kenshin and technoman.......good days...........

Pages: [1]

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