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Messages - Solan

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The Archive / Re: WAR
« on: May 14, 2007, 12:38:57 PM »
Alrite. I'm here to give a summary of what happened in the first ever 'CHAOS LEGEON vs SOUTH DEEP' team battle.
   Anyways it was agreed to be a 4 v 4 battle with each team putting up 4 cards(ultra and up) as the ante(Legeon put up a pile of excrement by the way). So Legeon started with Rio Charles and South with Machel Payne. Rio was running a typical zombie/monarch build while Payne was running a monarch/ratbox and battle commenced. Needless to say Machel a.k.a '40' got a cutass from a frustrated looking Rio(I heard he lost his travelling in an illconceived betting extavaganza). So in jumps Matthew Gittens with his Demise OTK trying to pull one back for South. Things started well as he won the first duel but things went all downhill from there and Rio closed out his second win over the best team in the country. But South Deep were not done yet. While many people had already decided that 'Legeon wins again'(haha!!!) South brought out its secret weapon, the man codenamed 'Kryptonite' Brandon LeeQui. It was a pivotal moment and Legeon finally understood their weakness, Krytonite. In a series of astonishing duels, Rio,Akil Jones and Sean Alexander a.k.a Balki a.k.a chaotic all went done, the latter with his tail between his legs. It was truly something to behold. Legeon were stunned and in came Jerimiah John a.k.a 'The Saviour'  to try and salvage the situation running his Monarch/Control deck. Brandon won the first duel his monarchs going to work on Jerimiah but after a serious misplay in game 2 by Brandon, Jerimiah pulled one back and then proceeded to take the match and set up a 'finals' with another South star duelist Aaron Byron. Aaron running a Bazoo/Return deck had earlier lost to Jerimiah in the tournament(Joe won by the way, beating Balki in the finals) but Aaron was a man on a mission. He took game 1 in style, a well timed 'return from the different dimension' sealing the deal. Game 2 was much closer and just as Aaron thought he had the win Jerimiah wabokued and then topdecked a Mobius with treeborn returning for the win. And so it went to game 3 with cards and reputation on the line. And the Gods obviously were in favor of South Deep because Jerimiah drew the worst possible hand for Aaron and South Deep to take home the win.

And a big big bigup to Akil for his commentary during the battle and also for that tournament match(damn mind crush)

Tournament wins since Setember 1 2006

Chaos Legeon - 5
South Deep     - 5

The battle continues...

The Archive / Gone to the Dogs!!!
« on: March 02, 2007, 11:05:06 PM »
    Ahhhh. The Duelist Section of Gatt. Once considered the hotbed of Yugioh associated discussions,
 it has now denigrated to random postings (like this one) and it is unquestionably a dying section,
 thanks in the main to the same duelists whom it was created for.
    There was a time when this section was rife with  healthy doses of discussion ( trades, card and deck discussions) and also alot of controversy with one group in particular coming to the forfront in that aspect.
    But alas, it seems that no one really cares about that aspect of the game anymore, and I can assure anyone that reads this 'CONTROVERSY IS GOOD FOR THE GAME'. Think about it. I can't think of anyone who isn't fired up when someone else claims that they are either better or are the best in this game. A real duelist constantly challenges him\herself to become better and it is here that the exceptional players separate themselves from the good players. But as in all games being exceptional also means becoming arrogant (And to all the good players out there don't even try to refute this statement, we're all arrogant to a certain aspect, it usually varies) and it is this aspect of human nature that tends to breed the most controversy as no one tends to believe someone else is better than they are.
   Anyways getting back to tha point, duelists need to come out and show that they care about the game and if in doing so we ruffle a few feathers so be it because soon not only will the Duelist Section be dead but overall the game on a whole in this country will follow soon after.

  P.S. any disagreements with any of my points should post and kudos to them!!! 

The Archive / Re: The Ultimate Challenge
« on: January 15, 2007, 09:48:13 PM »
Computerman if you were playing competetively at the moment I might take your opinion seriously. But you aint so don't go stating who made the correct choice on a topic youprobably confused about.

The Archive / Re: The Ultimate Challenge
« on: January 11, 2007, 08:58:07 PM »
Nah. I think that Rio's a better candidate for Duelist of the Year actually.
And I doh care what Uwi-Oh thinks, dueling Chaotic is a walk in de park compared to Rio( Chaotic's a better duelist but Rio's much luckier). And is not Legeon or Uwi-Oh that will take de next Duelist Kingdom but me and my incredible poison frog deck( I'm dead serious by de way so doh laugh).

The Archive / Re: The Ultimate Challenge
« on: January 10, 2007, 08:27:26 PM »
I wanna play... ^_^. I mean I jes apply to UWI so that technically(highy doubtful but I'm hoping) makes me a part of UWIoh, rite? Pleaseeeee let me... wait,wait I cyah be serious(Solan's mind - 'Legeon > UWIOH'). Shit I wanna be on de winning side, Legeon give me holla if allyuh want more a next teamate! lol.

The Archive / Re: Another day, another ban list....
« on: March 27, 2006, 08:35:26 PM »
I agree with Chaotic, running one decree is pointless, two is optimum. DW sheesh I'm scared going into this banlist and I ain't even duel with it yet. Oh yeah, Kajun, you an evil bastard and after seeing you run DW on Sunday I'd say that's the next cookiecutter deck or a variant of it. I mean Kajun's win had nothing to do with skill, it was just the deck and luck(wait this is Kajun I talking about  :rolleyes: yep pure luck). Doh worry this Chaos Legeon win streak going and end soon, South reassembling the forces(been chillin' and smoking weed for de past couple of months) and this time we going allout to dominate this game been pussyfooting to much in de past. I think its about time this war started eh Chaotic.LOL.

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