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The Archive / Re: Tekken tournament
« on: July 17, 2006, 04:19:26 AM »
Buh whas dis boy?!

Like i hadda win a tournament to get on dat roster :S  As Chaotic wants it - Lets try and get a small one at the end of July (Sat 30th) or the following week, so i'll get some comp before back to Ja.

Baego, recognise a lil bit of effort nah... >:)

The Archive / Re: (Global) Tekken 5 Tournament (PS2)
« on: July 11, 2006, 12:53:10 AM »
Hey hey Andrew!!

Big up man.. Julia was my letdown from the semis because of her linear gameplay. baek made small work ss around everthing.

oh, and congratulations to exodus on the win.

Baego, are u postin the vids or wha?

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