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Messages - UltimateJed2

Pages: [1]
Website Updates, Suggestions & Bug Reports / Re: Arena 2006 suggestions
« on: November 25, 2005, 03:21:59 PM »
Trini, your ideas are nice but not practical.  The sponsers need people to come out, having them stay at home doesn't help them out at all.

Website Updates, Suggestions & Bug Reports / Re: Arena 2006 suggestions
« on: November 23, 2005, 01:54:30 PM »
Ok seems that there were alot of "professionals" around but some actions taken by the persons present made me wonder.  I maybe a bit vexed and I need to get this off my chest before continuing my studies. Please not the Quotes on the professionals, some ppl should loose their wok for this nonsense.

Hey i'm just a yr1 elec student, but I can tell you that you don't need a trained electrician present to do a load test and to examine the breaker box before plugging in PCs.  Daisy chaining strip connectors? and OMG different versions games, want suggestions? get ORGANIZED, use a calendar mark of events possible calamities etc.  I tried to help but lets just say the person driving the car was using cuss words to describe his feelings.

Summary Less hands more brains.

The Archive / Re: CS: SOURCE CHALLENGE...
« on: November 23, 2005, 01:31:15 PM »
waw I take a peak and I see source action.  I play online tweety, i'll link up with you!!! Sad to say these guys here don't seem to play much WCG PC type games cept that aweful 40,000 game :(

Hardware, Tweaking & Networking / Re: Green Dot problems
« on: June 17, 2005, 02:10:05 PM »
Trini would you say that you are content with the service?
Would you have been more content with tstt DSL?

Hardware, Tweaking & Networking / Re: Green Dot problems
« on: June 17, 2005, 12:08:15 PM »
I have been off/on, on these forums and this thread caught my eye as I predicted the service would be poor.  There is more to setting up an ISP than having the hardware.  Forgive me if this offends you  but I clearly remember Baego marketing greendot and trying to get persons contracted to the greendot service. 

Baego as a site admin you should have taken more care in investigating this company and not be taken in by marketing.  I of recent got word that you are the leader of this institution and hold a nice job at a prominant company, your influence amongst this community is great, it is your duty to guide them to success and not to peril.  With high positions come high responsibility, it is your burden.   The idea of a Gaming WAN is a good idea but the greendot infrastructure is NOT the answer.

Hey I am all for dis assembling the TSTT monopoly, but I am not going to leave the TSTT dsl service for something thats not as good, heck GD is closer to TSTT dialup than dsl.  I have a friend who has the service, I warned him about GD, I told him it would be better to get TSTT DSL, he argued that he was getting it free, so 'no scene'.  I now feel this guys pain, while he can check mail surf sites and get a slightly above average(dialup) download speeds the downtime, its just not worth it in comparison to TSTT.

"Lucas boy, this thing is shit, the net down again"

A valid point was made, 'When rain falls, tv doesnt go out', while this sounds good, have you ever seen your speeds diminish as a result of downpours?  I have witnessed such with GD!  I dont have reasoning for it, but it happens.  Not to mention the latency also takes a beating as a result of rain.

While everything looks good on paper, things dont always come out the way we would like it.


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