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Messages - Gunblade Master

Pages: [1]
Mobile Phones & Gadgets / Re: DO u think T$TT GSM sucks?
« on: May 26, 2005, 02:07:27 AM »
Does TSTT GSM suck???

Let's extrapolate from the question...does TSTT suck???

Answer that, and you have your answer to the initial question :).
G ood
S hit
M an

That about sums up my opinion, but you DO know that TDMA is on it's way out by the next couple of months right ?


I believe that any series of games has to have some similarities for it to be considered a series (and not just the name) but come on, of course they are unique.

We all have 2 eyes, 2 ears, eat to survive, marry, have kids etc...but with all that similarity don't you still consider yourelf unique ?

I think that the same would apply with FF.....just my $0.02.....

Do any of you  know of a software that allows the creation of overtures ?

(Overtures are the un-skipable parts on DVDs like company's logos and warning messages etc.)

I know of "DVD X-Maker" but since the company got shot down it's kinda hard to find (even illegally  :rolleyes:)

Software, Security, Programming and Internet / Yahoo Messenger 7
« on: May 23, 2005, 03:29:47 PM »
I read that Yahoo has put out a beta version of Yahoo Messenger 7 (sounds really cool actually with some nice features), has anyone downloaded it ? If yes, is it plagued with glitches or is is glitch-free enough to be effectfully used ???

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