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Messages - Bong53

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Ole Talk / Re: The Versus Thread
« on: August 15, 2005, 08:12:22 PM »
OK I didn't read through all of the posts, but I have to post this one...I'm surprised it wasn't the first one.

Ninjas VS Pirates

I say Ninjas

I've heard of this happening already. It hasn't killed any networks but I heard it's annoying. I have no first hand experience though. I use bit torrents. Long live Braham!

Cisco makes a pretty cool lan simulation software, one for free to those in their classes, and another for $100 US, dunno what that translates to in TT money...

hmmm, I doubt wireless will be taking over the wired network in any near future...wires...even copper can currently get up to 40 Gbps, that's not mentioning the stuff of the future like nano tube crap and other things I don't fully understand, but hey, I love wireless...fact is I just had a neighbor get wireless...heheheheh Muahahahahaha....we're gonna play. LOL.

thought i'd post something on it since I didn't see it here and Morrowind GOTY for pc is my new addiction. :ph34r:

Sounds alot like a WINE ripoff to me

Hey...hey you...I can help....*whispers*

Ok, here's the deal...I don't know how this will work on DSL, but it should be the same...A friend of mine used this to surpass Cox Cables maximum calculated bandwidth (this was more than they thought was possible, even after breaking the cap) I believe he got 10 Mbps on Cox Cable in the US. Anyhow, alot of time is spent waiting for a dns server to translate your dns for have to wait for other if you set up your own dns server on your own home network you will speed up your connection in certain areas. Now areas that don't require dns translation will not benifit from this, but it's worth a try. This man did so well with this that Cox gave him a phone call and they were quite mad because they thought he was doing something illegal...he showed them what he did and now they have a higher maximum calculated bandwidth. (Keep in mind this is all effective bandwidth, you gain no true bandwidth, but rather cut down on unnecessary waiting on the server to resolve hostnames to ip addresses)
Oh and by the way, I have a speedstream 5100 and the ip address is, by default it has the ssh port open. I'm still working on accessing the command line on this dang thing. That kind of hack may also reward you with extra bandwidth, i.e. changing connection settings, etc. Routers are fun toys to play with.


Hardware, Tweaking & Networking / Networkin help
« on: November 23, 2004, 09:11:36 PM »
What you are calling 10/100/1000 is probably cat6. This has more twists, and a broader frequency range, 250 Mhz I believe (could be wrong on the frequency, but it is a different frequency)
What you are calling 10/100 is probably cat 5 or 5e, which has less twists and a lower frequency range. You may be able to get by with low end cable, and maybe even get your speed, but it can't be guaranteed. This is the purpose of the cable ratings, cat5, cat5e, cat5E, cat6, and cat7.
Do yourself and others at your LAN party a favor and if you will be using Gigabit ethernet, and need it, use the right kind of cable. (BTW to make your Gigabit Ethernet work at Gigabit speeds you will also need to hook that gigabit ethernet card to a gigabit switch or, a gigabit hub...I haven't seen many of those.)
And in honor of Forest Gump,
That's all I have to say about that.                    

I dispute that comment about the best book...the best books are the Cisco Academy series...Essentials 2 for beginners, CCNA 1 2 3 and 4 so far I'm on sem 3 and they are great...the "for dummy" books just make you think you know something and then a real problem comes and you don't know crap. No offense, but if you want real knowledge you have to put in real effort.


Mobile Phones & Gadgets / UNIX/Linux for your cell? Yes it is here.
« on: November 13, 2004, 01:46:46 AM »
I have heard alot about this topic; specialized compiles, hacking shells (hint, hint for all you phreakers) I personally don't have one since I have no connecting cable to my phone. If anyone has more info here is the place...some phones already run off of Linux. For more on that,aid,108556,00.asp NEC is one of the companies looking into embedded linux. Here is some info on installing Linux on your mobil phone/cell There's alot of info on the web...just do a google...I'm interested to see the feedback from this...I curious as to the feature set of linux on the cell. B)

Sorry that first link doesn't have anything on installing linux but it does have alot of stuff that may be of interest for any cell phone hacker. And currently Motorola is shipping their A760 to Asia with embedded Linux. One word: ebay.                      

Hardware, Tweaking & Networking / VIRTUAL HYPERTHREADING!
« on: November 26, 2004, 12:48:08 AM »
AMD is getting cheaper....and the sempron is costing more than athlon XP's that are costing less...                    

Hardware, Tweaking & Networking / VIRTUAL HYPERTHREADING!
« on: November 23, 2004, 09:38:34 PM »
I would not be surprised at this tweak being true, since if you bridge the right pins on an AMD Duron, you can turn it into an Athlon MP.

They (AMDs) are all built the same, or rather used to, before the 64 bit CPUs. This is cheaper because you have to train less people for less things and less equipment. They just disable the level 2 cache and multiprocessing capability. So I could see Intel doing something like that with their Processors. a Sun Sparc WORKSTATION is still your XEON servers' daddy! [_[
Y'all are a bunch of fanboys with your intel boxes.

AMD and Sun SPARC are my cpu's of choice...oh yeah I heard the eden is cool for embedded stuff, on a nano ITX board, no bigger than a one dollar bill.

Next time just make 1 post or use the edit feature please.

Hardware, Tweaking & Networking / Pentium 4 overclocked to 6.3GHz
« on: November 23, 2004, 08:54:59 PM »
I'm all about overclocking, I overclock my machine...but with the kind of cost of that, liquid nitrogen and stuff, I think I might just do's really easy to start out in if you use Cluster Knoppix.
Btw...what is the fastest anyone has seen an air cooled barton 2500+ ? mine is currently at 3000, I fell outta the overclocking scene for a while and don't know what's up.

THAT MAN IS AWESOME! 75% overclocking with an INTEL! Unheard of. Simply unheard of.

one more thing...AMD STILL SPANKS INTEL! WHO HAS THE BETTER 64 BIT? YER DAMN SKIPPY IT'S AMD! Sun Microsystems sells AMD machines for a reason. For some odd reason I think that part of it has to do with the crazy bus speed. Just maybe? That's what I thought.

Still though the man deserves mad props, cause I couldn't do that, or at least haven't yet.

Always AMD,
Bong :D                      

Politics & Soap Box Rants / GATT: Forward ever, backward never?
« on: September 12, 2004, 01:47:16 AM »
I'm extremely tired, so if I say anything dumb....then it's the lack of sleep. I don't know about how your place is set up but I would reccommend some good ideas/business models/marketing strategies. Drop me an e-mail with some more info on the place at
I think that you could beef up your Linux/Unix area a bit more. Or maybe add some sort of administrator area instead. Maybe some howtos....howtos are always good, on any topic, everybody likes howtos.
I may frequent this area more when I am not so tired, and my brain works a little better.                    

PC Gaming / The TT word exchange - TT words for internationals
« on: August 28, 2004, 09:34:51 PM »
I'm from the US, and currently living there and thought that it would help communications for internationals to take a gander at these TT words and their definitions. Please help us if you can TT people! I know you can....


Software, Security, Programming and Internet / Help
« on: August 28, 2004, 08:28:07 PM »
That has not a dang thing to do with it...I am almost sure...I could help more though with more details...this is like a sick person saying he is sick...that's obvious, tell us the details, and non obvious things...but firewalls have nothing to do with viewing pics on the net...nor do cookies.

Now if it is ftp you are talking could be having a whole slew of other problems. None of which I can be of real help on without more details, like the error messages you get, in what instances this error happens, etc, etc.

When you need help,
find the Bong......Bong53 that is


Oh...didn't catch the post about the IT guy telling u why the bandwidth is needed...but still my post would do you well to remember.                    

OK, just because a company has a slower internet connection doesn't mean that they have all that extra bandwidth. Most companies have a slower net connection than LAN or WAN. They may need that extra bandwidth for their LAN, realize that traffic you create is broadcasted and hits alot of places, using more than just the bandwidth for their web connection. Also as a net admin a person HAS to make sure there is room for expansion and also for things such as packet floods i.e. LSA flooding, even DoS. Redundancy is important to keeping the network up.
I think I'll continue to play this side of the case...                    

That's not stingy, that's just good management of his companies resources. As a net admin his job is to think about the company first...they don't need a bunch of people bogging down their network trying to get free net access. While I would be the first one to try to get past the cap on the bandwidth, I thought I'd just make sure that people know that the dude is just doing his job.                    

Software, Security, Programming and Internet / Programming Books
« on: August 16, 2004, 01:13:35 PM »
wow!!! I paid $60 US for my most recent programming book...a Cisco academy book mind you. Try                    

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